A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 962: Treat the stars as ants!

Taking the cultivation of the star-falling emperor as an example, its judgment on the ascension of the spirit fairy is naturally rare, and in fact it is true that the mask girl... did not knock out the ninth.

It’s not that she didn’t want to, and even she used the secret method, but the ninth round is different from the sixth round. The little fat man can strike six times under the secret round, but she can’t beat the ninth round under the secret round.

The gap between nine and six is ​​an insurmountable ravine.

Although regrettable, the mask's mentality is very good. In the end, she chose a purple star among the three special stars, which merged with it and disappeared into the eyes of everyone. When it appeared... it was already there. Among the stars she chose.

Next, it will be fusion and breakthrough, and the breakthrough here is safe, and this is the last step of each trial of the Starfall.

Afterwards, everyone knocked one after another, high and low. Among them, Brother Gao knocked down to the seventh and got a special star of the seventh grade. The other two people who did not have too many intersections with Wang Baole also stopped at six or seven. Although the degree is lower, the special stars are obtained, but the quality is inferior.

All of this, Wang Baole paid attention to the whole process, and compared with himself, he also learned more about the way and experience of hitting the sky.

At the same time, the remaining quaint monks, young men in black, bell girls and little girls, each of them's performances, highly valued Wang Baole.

Among them, the little girl is the most weird. She obviously knocked out the eighth sound under extreme circumstances, leading to the special stars of the second grade, but she finally gave up all, and actually did not choose any star as her own planet.

In this scene, even the Emperor of the Starfall showed deep thoughts, and looked at her several times.

Wang Baole is also very surprised. If he changes other times, he will definitely think carefully, but now is not the time to think, because the following three performances, their amazing degree, not only shocked him, but also made the whole All of the existence of the Starfall Empire shook their hearts.

The Confucian monk from the first sect of Zuo Dao, he is the first of these people to knock out the ninth sound of drumming. Although this is already his limit, he cannot knock out the tenth, but he With the spare power, although he is weak, he can still stand there, looking up at the stars in the sky, there are a large number of second-grade special stars and three...the brightness is more than all the more brilliant stars!

Even if you look closely, you can see that the three most brilliant stars seem to be faintly transformed into strange beasts, as if they are no longer pure stars, but have a preliminary life!

"There are only thirty-seven special stars in the land of the star fall, this one can lead to three of them, it is not simple!" The star of the star fall is appreciated, and when slowly opening, Wang Baole's eyes are also caught by the sky. The special stars are attracted to, but... no matter how bright these three special stars are, at this instant, they can't enter the eyes of the quaint monks!

He stood staring at the sky, not looking at the three top grades, but looking for the one... he felt that he was destined to Dao Xing!

"Dao Xing, why hasn't it appeared..." The Confucian monk was short of breath, he knew very well that he could choose one of those three first-class stars at this moment, if he changed, he would have chosen before, but now... ...He only has Daoxing in his eyes!

Amidst this anxiety, the quaint monk revealed a madness in his eyes. When he lifted his right hand, he did not know what magical power he had unfolded, which made his seven tricks to bleed. a bit!

In the roar, the tenth sound... came out suddenly, the sky was shocked, and it seemed to be flipped. After more stars were turned into magic moments, just as the tenth sound came out, the drumsticks in the hands of Confucian monks collapsed, He seemed to have lost all his strength and landed directly on the ground, struggling to get up. He looked crimson and looked at the stars in the sky. After madly searching for Daoxing unsuccessful, he smirked and shouted with fists.

"I only need Dao Xing and Yu Xingxing to be ants!"

As soon as his words came out, the starry sky shone violently, and all the stars that appeared appeared to be dimmed in this instantaneous light, gradually disappearing, including the three first-rate stars, as well. A ray of starlight directly fell from the sky, and suddenly gathered on the elegant monk.

In the sky, at the moment there was a... brilliant, bright stars like the sun, like a king, revealing the figure, but it did not appear completely, just a vague shadow, and the falling starlight was not to pull, More like... mark it as an alternative!

Although it is only an option, it still makes the quaint priests tremble and breath abruptly. It also makes all the monks of the Xingmei Empire at this moment, all of them trembling with their hearts and souls, and worshiping the Dao stars in the sky toward the sky!

Even the Emperor of Starfall fell slightly to show respect. As for Wang Baole, at the moment, his heart was turbulent and his eyes showed a strong desire. This Daoxing is his biggest dream in this starfall. !

It's just that this star is too proud, so proud that it seems to have become accustomed to the eyes that all living beings worship and desire. Even if the elegant monk tried his best and hit the tenth sound that is rare in ancient times, it just appeared a vague phantom Just give a mark.

As for Wang Baole, it seems that it didn't take a look. Instead, it was the young man in black and the bell girl who was swept by her starlight, causing the two people's hearts to shake, almost rushing out, heading straight into the sky, in no particular order. The goal is on both sides of the Baizhang drum, obviously to strike at the same time!

It seems to be competing and acting, and wants to attract the attention of Dao Xing, and wants this Dao Xing to choose himself!

Although this does not conform to the rules, under the magic of Daoxing in the sky, even the Emperor of the Starfall has no opening, and others seem to have forgotten the rules. The only bright illusory Dao star in the starry sky at the moment.

Seeing this, Wang Baole also flashed his eyes, he felt that Daoxing seemed to ignore him here, but he thought that this might just be an illusion. Now when he sees the bell girl and the black man knocking at the same time, he is cruel Clenched his teeth, his body jumped violently, and flew directly from the main hall, straight to the sky drum!

The anxious Wang Baole didn't notice the Emperor Xingmei behind him, his unsuccessful behavior and the helplessness and regrets that appeared in his eyes, and he naturally could not hear the red thread paper man, murmured at the moment.

"It won't choose you..."

At this moment, Wang Baole, who was eager, accelerated suddenly, and flew half a square in an instant. He almost arrived at the same time with the bell girl and the young man in black. At the moment when the latter wanted to strike, Wang Baole's drumsticks in his hands became magical. Knock to the middle of the Tongtian drum as well!

In the first sound, the sky and earth changed color. After looking down on the living beings, the proud Dao star disappeared into the sky again. It seemed that the three people who beat the drums would have the qualification to show themselves again!

Secondly, starlight reappeared in the dim starry sky, but these starlights are not only few in number, but also dim in light, even if they are personified, they seem to be in a low mood.

The third sound, the ripples in the starry sky, the stars are more, but it is still low, until the fourth sound of the three people striking at the same time, after the fifth sound, they seem to have some vitality, while turning the galaxy, Fanxing and Lingxing , Xianxing appeared one after another!

Then there is the sixth sound, the seventh sound until the eighth sound!

The sky roared, countless stars were illusioned, and the entire starry sky was filled. At the same time, special stars were also struck by three people, unprecedented eruptions, countless inferior products, a large number of middle products, and hundreds of top three and two Goods.

Make the starry sky magnificent, words are indescribable!

For the young man in black and the bell girl, it is not difficult to knock at a stretch, but the pressure and overdraft that accompany them still make them breathy, and their faces are pale, as is Wang Baole. He finally felt the same before himself. The difficulty of those people striking.

Because every knock is a storm on the body and the soul. The feeling seems to be not striking with drumsticks, but striking with your own life!

Especially in the eighth, it shook the soul, making Wang Baole a little vague in front of him. Although he recovered quickly, he could feel that for the ninth, for himself, although not impossible, he must bear the cost .

"This is nothing. Lao Tzu has to knock ten times!" Wang Baole gritted his teeth fiercely, his expression revealing a spicy meaning, without any hesitation, waving his drumstick in his hand, and the young man in black who burst out of his body with anger. The fierce bell girl, at the same time... knocked out the ninth time!

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