A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 963: Dao Xing's disregard!

At this moment, the starry sky stormed, and countless stars gleamed, making the world and the five special stars of the first grade instantaneous. They seemed to be disregarded even by the Confucian monks. Let yourself shine!

The earth was illuminated by the stars, and countless paper hearts shook their hearts, just... This sky filled with starlight storms, although five special first-grade stars appeared, but the Dao stars... did not show up again!

And as the drum beat of the ninth hit, in the sky starlight diffusion, the counterattack from the ninth hit also exploded at this moment, the first one who could not bear it was the young man in black who was full of grief, he The whole body shuddered and blood spewed out of the mouth. At this moment, the body seemed to wither, and the spirit and spirit were too dim for a moment. Even when the body was shaking, it seemed to fall from the drum.

But he still insisted, and took a black stone from his arms between his teeth. This thing didn't know what kind of artificial thing it was. After he squeezed it and melted it instantly, he formed the seven tricks for the black gas to penetrate into this young man. The person's complexion flushed directly, and his bleak vitality skyrocketed.

But anyone can see that this stone is most likely a tiger wolf medicine, and its effect is too strong. Once swallowed, although it can improve vitality, the maintenance time must not be long, and the loss on itself after that must also be Not small.

And now, the young man in black no longer cares. He only has Daoxing in his eyes. Now after knocking out the ninth time, he suddenly looked up to find out. After he was sure that he did not see Daoxing, he breathed heavily. At this moment, the same madness and obsession as before the quaint priests were revealed.

"Knock out the tenth sound!"

There is the bell girl, too. This ninth strike has reached the limit of life and cultivation for her as well. At this moment, all her internal organs and organs are about to collapse. She shakes the bells of her life on the wrist as the spirit shakes Shaking, at the cost of three cracks on it, suffered most of the backlash on her behalf, which was barely stable.

In a sharp gasp, after looking for Dao Xing as unsuccessfully as the youth in black, she also showed madness in her eyes.

"Knock out the tenth sound!!"

The same crazy, naturally also has Wang Baole, he tried to adjust the breath, his body trembles, the ninth blow of the backlash made him seem to collapse, but the deep foundation and beyond the spirit of others, so that he still did not reach the limit at this moment, also There is spare.

"I'm ok!"

The words of the three people came out almost at the same time, echoing the square, the earth, and the sky, when the three of them exploded again, waving the drumsticks in their hands, and knocked out the tenth time towards the Tongtian drum!

The roar shook the sky. At this moment, it suddenly spread throughout the land of the stars. The color of the stars changed, the wind and clouds rolled up, the sky seemed to tilt, the earth was violently fluctuating, the whole sky was suddenly transformed from the starlight diffused in the next instant, all stars Dull until the whole sky is dark!

According to the experience of the quaint priests before, this is a sign that Daoxing is about to manifest. At this moment, countless stars falling into the empire, all holding their breaths and looking up.

It's just that the youth in black can't bear it anymore. In the involuntary blood spurt, the hair became gray in most of this instant. When the body crashed to the ground, the drumstick in his hand lost its support and shattered. Dissolve into a little crystal awn.

The bell girl also spewed blood, and her face was pale to the extreme. Her body seemed to be bombarded vigorously. Although she did not fall, she also retreated. The bells on her wrists directly filled countless cracks at this moment, slamming all of them. The collapse exploded, and the drumsticks in his hands seemed to be unbearable, and they must be as broken as the youth in black.

But I don’t know what magical power she has unfolded. With her left hand struggling to pinch the trick, in this star-falling city instantly, there are dozens of other arrogances who didn’t get the final qualifications that came with them. , Withered instantly, seemed to be taken away from life.

Even mere vitality seems to be insufficient. At the next instant, these dozen people screamed abruptly, and they disappeared directly, and everything in the body was invisiblely deprived. , But the drumstick in his hand did not collapse!

It's just that the cracks on it are diffused, and obviously it can no longer be knocked. It is just maintained at this moment, but compared with the young men in black and the elegant monks, this is a high sentence!

"After all..." Bell Girl panted hard and was excited, but when she turned to look at where Wang Baole was, her excitement instantly solidified, because...the same drumstick did not collapse, there was Wang Baole, and its drum Not only did the hammer fail to collapse, it didn’t even have the cracks!

"Thanks to the mainland!!" Bell's female eyes shrank and the killing was strong. In her opinion, the other party was her only Daoxing competitor at the moment.

The tenth time, for Wang Baole, in fact, it is the same as the limit. Its body directly diffuses into fog in the counterattack of the tenth time, but in the next instant, when the potential of Wang Baole all erupts, add the armor of God. Forcibly condensed, so that his diffuse body immediately reunited, and the drumstick in his hand never collapsed.

However, the feeling that the lamp was dry and the withering of the lamp was particularly strong at this moment, so that although Wang Baole could still stand beside the Tongtian drum, his body was crumbling and exhausted to the extreme, but he was unfocused because he still had a hole card Not out, that is the power of the star Yuanying talent.

"In addition... if the body is here and merged with the avatar, then even without using the talents of the star Yuanying, you can knock out the eleventh time that has never been seen before and now!" In the bottom of my heart, Wang Bao felt that the bell came from the bell The woman's vicious eyes grinned and looked provocatively.

"You..." The bell's female breath was stagnation, just about to speak, but at this moment, there was a thunderous noise suddenly in the dark sky. Between the thundering thunder and thunder, a flash of lightning turned into magic and seemed to separate the sky. , And even in the diffuse of countless lightning, a star like an emperor appeared suddenly in this high sky!

It is still not completely revealed, it is still only a vague phantom, but the kind of arrogance that overlooks the people from above, still allows all the existence that is seen, and all bow its head.

This star is Dao Xing!

It was disillusioned at the tenth sound, now on the sky, as if looking at the ants, as its starlight spread out, it looked like the gaze of the earth, condensed on the black man and the bell girl, and seemed to be examining .

Stared at by his gaze, the youth in black burst into madness and perseverance, struggling to stand up to the Dao star in the sky, and roaring with all his strength.

"Merge with me and become my planet. I will take you to the starry sky to kill the Dao, and never fall in the name of Dao!"

As soon as the words came out, the only Dao star on the sky had a sharper intensity, and it had solidified a lot from the illusory state. It seemed to have some longing for the words of the youth in black.

But at this moment, the bell **** the side, she actually bowed to the sky star Dao Xing directly! !

During this kneeling, her head was raised high, with piety, worshipping to the star.

"If it merges with me, I would like to be the second, focusing on you, assisting you all the way to glory, and promoting the name of Daoxing!"

As soon as the bell girl's words came out, the light of the stars on the sky rose unprecedentedly, and the light directly enveloped the entire world. Although it was still not fully revealed, it was still an illusory state, and its deliberate fluctuations are now obvious to all!

This scene changed the face of the young man in black, and his eyes revealed unbelievable. Even the silent and elegant monk on the side suddenly turned his head to look at the bell girl.

Even the paper monks around the square changed their looks at this moment, looking at the Bell Girl, including the Emperor Xingmei, at this moment.

"My monks, no matter what tribe, must have a bottom line and principles. The practice of melting stars must be secondary to the stars. I am the main, even Dao stars, they will not go backwards, why should this be?" The Emperor of Starfall shook his head If the person who spoke this was the person of his star-falling empire, then he must be severely punished, but since he was an outlander, he was too lazy to ignore it, and the sharpness in his eyes also turned into contempt.

"Then look at this overly proud Taoist star, how to choose it."

Dao Xing's choice seems to have no more suspense. At this moment, the brilliance of the light is rapidly skyrocketing at the speed visible to the naked eye, and even the starlight falls, even the starlight that originally fell on the priests and young men in black. Dissipated, it seems to be gathered to the bell girl.

As for Wang Baole, it seems to be a passerby in its eyes. Even now, it seems that it still chooses to ignore it.

This kind of feeling may not be felt by outsiders, but it is not the first time Wang Baole has had this experience on this star, and his complexion can't help but look, so he looked down at the drumstick in his hand, and Wang Baole suddenly grinned and raised his head. Shi Shi no longer insists, but reveals a hint of delicacy.

"Hey, I haven't finished it yet!"

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