A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 976: Ancestor came!

Wang Baole raised his head arrogantly, with a sense of sternness in his eyes, and looked at the Quartet with a gaze-down gaze, which gave people a feeling as if they were looking at ants.

As if after his words were spoken, he lifted all the hidden things to reveal his true identity, and in a gesture like a prince, he looked at these beings who tried to provoke himself.

There is even more yellow flames. After he said this, he moved inside the body and burst out into the surroundings. In a blink of an eye, he spread the entire star-falling boat, and spread it to the outside world, making him look from a distance here. A flower of flame blooms in an instant.

The brilliance shines and the earth is shaking!

At the same time, his remarks contained the power of the early planets, and when it came out, it was based on the rule of Dao stars, so that it was only a slight opening, but it was like a sky thunder, and it exploded directly in the starry sky. Open, and even formed ripples like ripples, constantly spreading around.

Not only is the star of the Zijin civilization on both sides of him the first to bear the brunt, but also the nine planets have been affected. As for the monks who surround this place from the Zijin civilization farther away, when the words of Wang Baole fell in his ears, he repaired his body. Tremble.

The power of Daoxing suddenly formed coercive pressure at this instant, making the planet below, and all were terrified. Wang Baole's suppression of them in the realm was stronger than other planets, even if these people were not planets. So I didn't master the rules, but I also had magical powers.

And these magical powers... Although there are many kinds of things, many of them are included in Wang Baole's nine rules, so the repression formed by his words is naturally more intense.

They even made these people not only tremor, but their minds buzzed involuntarily. Their eyes seemed to be blurred. If there were no stars or planets, this so-called dilemma looks more like a joke.

Even the nine planets, including the ancestors of the heavens, are now changing their looks. Five of them are early planets, two middle planets, and two late planets, but at this moment, the early five planets The same body trembling, although much better than those monks below the planet, but the vibration of the planets in the body makes them have to admit...

Once fighting against Wang Baole, under the suppression of these rules and rules, they are not opponents at all!

Even the mid-planet period is only slightly better than the initial period. Even the palm ancestor of the later period of the planet and the head of the Celestial Sect were shaken with a sense of depression.

And they are very clear that the repression of the rules and laws represented by this scene represents the dragon Nanzi in front of him... has a world difference with the previous!

The same change in face, there are two star powers, but it is not the law fluctuations caused by their Dao stars that cause their hearts to set off big waves, but... the name mentioned in their words!

"Flame Patriarch?!"

There was a buzz in the hearts of the two, the instinct that appeared in their hearts could not be concealed and revealed through their eyes, but more still did not believe it, really... The name of Patriarch Patriarch means too much.

That is the power of the star field, which is beyond the countless existence of stars. Even in the entire Zuodao sanctuary, such characters are regarded as rare. Any one is famous, and once angry, it will cause countless galaxy catastrophes.

And their Zijin civilization seems to be tough, it seems that their ancestors are only half a step away from the star field, and they are already standing at the pinnacle of the stars, but they are very clear...The difficulty of crossing this half step is almost unimaginable It is also good to describe it as Yu Yue Longmen.

It can even be said that if there is no external force to help, then only the flame ancestor alone can make them Zijin civilization disappear from then on.

Although Zijin Civilization also has an attached force behind it, there is also a Starfield ancestor in that force, but after all they are attached, not the ancestor of the ancestor, so if they provoke the flaming ancestor, the consequences are no matter what. It is quite detrimental to their Zijin civilization.

Especially in the rumors, the flaming ancestor was not in harmony with the Weiyang tribe. At the same time, he was not only powerful, but also extremely short-sighted. In the flaming galaxy where he was located, the approach of outsiders would cause his displeasure, let alone bully his disciples.

This made the two feel very shocked, but the more they were shocked, the more they felt that this was impossible, because the logic is very simple, if Wang Baole is really a disciple of the ancestors of the flames, then the previous series Why don't you cover up your behavior, and those who care about it obviously are placed outside.

In addition, there is a strong sense of unwillingness, which makes them unable and unable to give up all plans just because of Wang Baole's sentence, after all the efforts are scattered, after all... this is the key bargaining chip for their Zijin civilization to the next step It is also the ultimate ancestor of the stellar star of Zijin Civilization, in exchange for a unique opportunity to break through the opportunity!

So at the next moment, the star power in front of Wang Baole, with a chill in his eyes, laughed.

"Ancestral Flames and his elders are your masters? It's ridiculous. Why don't you say that Wei Yang is your master? It's just nonsense!"

Wang Baole stood on the boat and looked coldly at this apparently intense inner heart, but he pretended to be a stellar power with obvious killing power. The Dark Emperor was not my master, but the dusty child who had killed the Emperor was himself. Brother.

However, these are not important, and Wang Baole does not intend to reveal all the cards here, so almost at the same time that the star is able to speak, he lifted his right hand and flipped it out, and directly took out a jade slip.

The jade jade contains the power of curse, which was donated by the ancestor of the flames, and once told him that if he considers ending and wants to worship the teacher, he will use this jade jade to inform.

I was about to squeeze, but at this moment... the star was sneering and spoke again.

"Long Nanzi, stop saying those useless words, since you insist on becoming a joke, then don't blame this seat!" As he said, the star was able to raise his right hand with a wave, and suddenly the nine planets behind him were in sight The killing was strong, and the tricks were pinched in the moment, the next moment... the bubbles of the seal Zhao Yameng, the little donkey and Xiaowu suddenly shone.

There was a burst of black gas inside, directly surrounding them, and what they passed made Zhao Yameng, Xiaomao, and Xiaowu. In this coma, there were signs of being corroded, even the coma, but the look Pain was also revealed on it.

This scene made Wang Baole's heart attack suddenly burst out, so that he didn't notice that the small five in the bubble seemed to move his fingers slightly, but he could hold back instantly...

Wang Baole, who had not noticed this scene, burst into a rage during this violent outburst of murder, and did not hesitate to smash the jade jade in his hand, his voice bursting into the starry sky.

"Disciple Wang Baole, please ask Master to help me save people and suppress these two ignorant stars!"

Almost at the moment when Wang Baole's words came out, the jade jade crumbling moment seemed to have waited for a long time, and contained the old laughter of anticipation and excitement. , Making the god-eye civilization roar and tremble, making the stars dim, so that the seal formed by the water chip outside it also appeared cracks in an instant.

Even all the monks here, all their minds roared instantly, and even the power of the two stars could not be spared. The look completely changed in an instant like never before.


"Flame Patriarch!!"

The two stars were able to retreat quickly at the moment of this horrible scream. Even if they escaped in front of the star power, it was a joke, but at this time they were driven by instinct.

But in the moment they retreated, Wang Baole was in front of the boat, and the starry sky was suddenly silent, and a huge vortex appeared directly. There was a violent explosion in the vortex, which appeared like a volcano and did not spread. It was in the spread of the coercion that shook the starry sky that two whips of flames were formed, whistling away towards the two escaped stars before and after Wang Baole!

In an instant... these two whip of flames, with the coercion of the star field, with infinite power, fell directly on the bodies of the two stars and whip...the flesh of the two of them, blink... …collapse! !

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