A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 977: overbearing!

For stellar power, it is as easy to kill a planet!

As for the power of the star field, they belittle the stars...to describe them as easy as a palm, they are regarded as stars, although the stars are powerful, but the deeper the cultivation, the greater the gap between their realms.

If the comparison of planets and stars is a thousand times to describe, then the star field and the star are at least ten thousand times the bottom, so that for the ancestor of flame, his body does not need to appear, just God The flames that radiate out are enough to destroy the two stars of Zijin civilization.

As for its body... Even if it stood there and let two stars fight, even if it collapsed, the ancestor of flames was unscathed, because the damage suffered was far less than his own recovery.

This...is the gap!

So at this moment, the flame whip of the flame ancestor's consciousness has decided this so-called dilemma. Indeed, it is a downright joke.

In an instant... these two are within the Zijin civilization, which can be said to be the power of a star under one person, even the screams cannot be heard, the body collapses directly at that instant, and the flesh and blood become fly ash in that flame. , As well as the soul of the soul... They are not qualified to escape, and both form and spirit are destroyed!

It's just that due to the rules of Heavenly Dao in Weiyang Daoyu, although they are all destroyed, they still leave a mark in Heavenly Dao. In the future, there is no possibility of resurrection, but this premise...Wang Baole did not shoot!

He was already violent in his heart for these two stars, and for those who threatened himself, Wang Baole, who was already fierce, would not be soft-hearted. In addition to the existence of the flaming ancestor here, he did not need to worry about the exposure of secrets. .

After all... the ancestor of flames can see his relationship with Chen Qingzi, and once used a word, he didn’t need to cover up too much, so he almost shot at the ancestor of flames, the moment when the two stars were all destroyed At the blink of Wang Baole's eyes, the right hand lifted the pinch, and immediately a huge black nightmare appeared immediately behind it!

This black nightmare is not the same as the spirit fairy. Although there is only one pupil in that eye, there are ten full circles in it, which makes this nightmare look fascinating. Even if the planet looks at a glance, it will be tempted. Strongly shocked.

"Swallow!" At the moment the black nightmare appeared, Wang Baole spoke openly, and suddenly the black eyes behind him radiated a strange awn, and there was an imperceptible dark fire shining inside, and the two were all in a blink of an eye. The invisible mark of the extinct star's power is drawn and erased directly!

And Wang Baole itself expanded rapidly, and a large amount of the power of the gods and souls from those two stars was passed through the nightmare crazy, so that their cultivation practices were slowly rising between the fluctuations of this moment.

The starry sky vibrated, it seemed that there was a thunder, and the ancestor of flames witnessed this scene, but he did not say much, but more sea of ​​fire spread out from the vortex, blocking the entire Godeye galaxy, and also returning Zhao Yameng and the little donkey. There is a bubble surrounded by Xiaowu, forming protection, while its sound is in the starry sky, and the nine planets around it tremble, and the monks of countless monks reverberate in all directions.

"Tuer, do you need to help you clear everything here for the teacher?"

In this sentence, the Flame Patriarch shouted very proudly. When he fell in Wang Baole's ears, he could not help but feel more grateful. After all, this time the Flame Patriarch's shot was of great significance to Wang Baole.

This not only relieved him of this crisis, but also embraced him with the Dao star. This kind of kindness, Wang Baole was very moved, and the bottom of his heart really decided that this apprenticeship... no matter what the future is. , I will go on forever!

So he did not make a courtesy with Master, but bowed his fists and respectfully spoke.

"The disciples are filled with murderous intentions. If they don't vent, it will make no sense, so the disciples can handle the rest of the matter themselves, and ask Master to help me deter all directions and keep my hometown safe!"

"But!" Blazing Flame ancestor laughed, and Shen Nian's thoughts followed, and disappeared!

Although the ancestors of the flames laughed away from the laughter, the flames here still exist. While blocking all directions, they also completely sealed this place, which made the hundreds of thousands of monks and the nine planets around them all tremble. Staring desperately at Wang Baole, especially Zhang Tian Pao and others, madness was revealed in despair.

They saw it and heard it. It was clear that Wang Baole did not use the power of flames to wipe out everything, in order to personally suppress and destroy everything.

But in their view, they are too arrogant!

After all, there are nine of them, especially the ancestors of the Celestial Patriarch and the Celestial Sect, and they are in the later stages of the planet. Although the coercion of the ancestors of the flames here, they cannot fully display their 10% combat power, but the nine people join forces... Fighting a newly promoted planet, even if the opponent is a fusion of Dao stars, they still have a chance to win.

It's just... Such an obvious thing, they don't think Wang Baole doesn't understand, so there must be other secrets inside, so everyone is anxious, and when the ancestor of the palm is about to speak, Wang Baole has already stepped out of the boat Go!

"Unconsciously, I have been here for many years..." Wang Baole spoke lightly as he walked.

"There are people I know and people I am not familiar with, and now everything is about to end... In return for what you did, Wang felt... I still want to let you know one thing." Wang Baole said that he had walked out of the star Meteorological boat, standing in the starry sky, he looked at the palm of heaven and other people whose face changed.

"I standing in front of you is just a avatar!" When this sentence fell in the ears of Zhang Tian nine people, like a thunder, he didn't wait for their heart to rise, Wang Baole's right hand was already raised, toward The direction of the main star of the god's eyes pointed and calmly spoke.

"The deity, come back!"

As soon as this remark came out, the star of the **** eyes roared tremendously, and the drama suddenly changed!

At the same time, in the starry sky where the strongest ancestor of Zijin civilization is located outside the solar system, which is far away from the Shenmu civilization.

The strongest ancestor of Zijin civilization was originally meditating with closed eyes. The purpose of his coming here is to deter Wang Baole and surrender Dao Xing from this place. Now he is waiting for news from Shenmu civilization, but this news has not Waiting, but waiting is a burst of palpitations.

Even at the moment when the breath of the flame ancestors came, his face changed suddenly, his eyes suddenly opened in a short breath, and he suddenly looked at the starry sky in the front. Soon he saw the starry sky in front of him, and a piece of silence appeared silently. The vast sea of ​​fire, which is so large that it has almost no boundaries, surpasses a galaxy.

Even when it appeared, the flames inside it directly formed a huge head. At the same time as this head was endless, its hair fluttered, like a galaxy, in front of the strongest ancestor of the Zijin civilization. Look at him coldly.

Between the two, it looks like heaven and earth. Compared with that head, this strongest ancestor of Zijin civilization seems to be not even a ants.

Just looking, let the stars under Zijin Civilization, the strongest ancestor, instantly wither and become fly ash as soon as they were burned, and he himself was shaking under this eyes, his pale body shivering and his heart set off. The waves were terrible and I had to kneel down.

"The younger Tian Yunzong Dao Xinzi honored his famous disciple Cassia, see... Patriarch Blaze!" The strongest star of the Zijin civilization, with a trembling voice and a strong sense of depression, gave him a sense of enlightenment, and the other party needed only one Thought, I am afraid that it will destroy everything.

Because... what appears here is the real body of a star power, not God's consciousness, so this transcendence-like scene is formed.

And he is more aware that it can make a star domain come to the body of the body, which means that the purpose of the other party to come here must be extremely large, especially obviously bad. This makes his heart even more extreme, so he spoke Instead of meaninglessly mentioning the Zijin civilization, he revealed his other identity.

Tian Yunzong is the first case of the Zuodao Sanctuary, and the sect gate where the Confucian monk is located in the land of the stars, and the Daoxinzi in it is also one of its nine major star fields!

It's just that for the ancestor of the flame, he dare to provoke even the Weiyang tribe, and naturally he doesn't care about his heart. At this moment, he just spoke coldly and said three words as instructed.

"Wang Baole, is a personal disciple!"

"Give you a month to send you a gift!"

"Now, get out!"

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