A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 990: Coming to Tao Palace again!

Not all the federal people can see this scene in the starry sky through the projection of the solar array method. Everything after the stellar boy appears, the solar array method loses its role.

Not to mention that the picture of the arrival of Wang Baole's deity is also unseen, so everyone including Li Xingwen is unaware that in this short period of time, Wang Baole's avatar has merged with the coming deity.

It wasn't until the stellar boy left that under the restraint of Wang Baole's Daoxing prestige, the power of the solar system was re-covered here, and the screen projected on the Federation reappeared.

So... what was seen by the federal people and the monks was the picture of Wang Baole engulfing De Yunzi, cutting off the body of Brother De Yunzi and carrying his head!

In this scene, almost everyone who watched took a breath, Li Xingwen's eyes widened, even if he saw the power of Wang Baole before, but now looking at it, he found that it seemed like two people compared with the previous one.

"That's two planets..." Li Xingwen murmured, and his eyes gradually showed a stronger sense of excitement. At the same time, he also paid attention to the Martian domain master, the big tree, and Li Wan'er, who is the council leader. Father, there will be the Sovereign of the Galaxy Sect!

These, and Lin You, are the strongest in the Li Xingwen family in the Federation today. Their hearts are now making waves, especially the big trees... and their eyes are almost broken. I am fortunate that I and Wang Baole have already done a good job, and at the same time, I can't help but show the picture of the other party's escape in his own hands.

Similar to the complexity of Dashu here, he is the master of the Xinghe Sunset Sect. He is also endlessly emotional at the moment, but the other two on Mars...maybe because of some other emotions, so the thoughts are completely different from them.

Like the owner of Mars, it looks weird. Looking at Wang Baole in the picture, she thinks of her daughter...

There is also a member of the Parliament, who also has the figure of her daughter Li Waner in mind, but in the end, as the daughter's figure emerged, his face became more wrinkled and his eyes dimmed.

In addition to these people, there were also Wang Baole's original companions such as Lin Tianhao, Liu Daobin, Du Min, etc. At this moment, after witnessing all this with their own eyes, watching Wang Baole carrying his head straight to the back of the bronze ancient sword, his heart was also sighing. stand up.

Some of these people also participated in the Dark Swallow Project but failed to return for other reasons. Although they once had a gap with Wang Baole, they were deep in their hearts and did not think that this gap could not be surpassed until now. , Looking at Wang Baole, who was rushing towards the ancient bronze sword, in their eyes, it seemed that he was no longer a person, but a **** who walked farther and farther!

A slight sigh came from Du Min's mouth. The voice was very weak. Only Lin Tianhao beside her heard it. After looking at Du Min sideways, Lin Tianhao took Du Min's hand and smiled gently, pulling on them. You can see a pair of wedding rings...

At the same time, there was a girl in the home of Wang Baole’s parents on Mars, who was holding Wang Baole’s mother’s hand, accompanied the two old men to gaze at the live projection transmitted by the solar system, and looked at Wang Baole, who was farther away, The girl also had some gloom in her eyes, but it was quickly replaced by calmness.

She is Zhou Xiaoya.

In other areas, there are Li Wuchen, Jin Duoming, and others who have already returned from the Dark Swallows Plan for various reasons and relying on special methods. These familiar figures of Wang Baole are staring at the moment.

Wang Baole knew that at this moment in the Federation, he was being stared at by countless people. He did not want to conceal his cultivation practices, nor did he want to conceal the pictures of his shots, because he knew very well that the Federation...needs to build self-confidence, needs to build confidence!

What he can do is to use his own figure to give everyone the greatest degree of support, and at the same time make a buffer for the soaring of the level of life brought by the fusion of the gods and civilization stars.

After all, under the rule of the Fifth Celestial Clan in recent years, the people of the Federation have been enslaved and lost their former spirit spirits. At this time, the fusion of the gods and civilizations is like eating Dabu pills. It is not a good thing to make such a rush.

So this buffer, like a seed, becomes extremely critical.

Therefore, Wang Baole did not stop the spread of the solar system, but he was very clear that as he approached the ancient bronze sword, in front of this vast army of soldiers, the solar system was impossible to spread, and it would also make all concerned people look no longer. Clear everything inside.

But these are not important anymore, the previous seeds are enough, so Wang Baole's figure is getting faster and faster, and gradually the whole person becomes a rainbow, as if it can tear the starry sky, and is directly close to the stars of the solar system!

Compared with the gods of the gods and civilizations, the stars of the solar system are similar in size, and they are full of vitality. Although the penetration of the ancient bronze sword has caused some impact on it, this effect has been affected by the seemingly growing sun. Words, acceptable.

Staring at the sun, Wang Baole also had a strange feeling in his heart. After he reached the planet, he knew that all the monks in this Weiyang Dao region actually had a root. This root...is the star of his hometown.

This is part of the law of the starry sky. The stronger the star of the civilization, the higher the level of life of the civilization. At the same time, as the star continues to rise, it will also give all the lives that are born under its light.

On the contrary... Once the star is enslaved or destroyed, the civilization will also lose its vitality. Although it will not let everyone be repaired instantly, it will have no roots and become a wandering civilization. It needs to find a star again. Rather than establish the connection implied by this law of starry sky.

Therefore, after some civilizations have developed to a certain level, the strongest in them will choose to integrate the stars of their civilizations and become true guardians, and pass on from generation to generation.

This matter is beneficial, but it also has disadvantages. How to choose is a difficult direction for civilization in many developments.

Wang Baole shook his head gently, withdrew his gaze to the sun, pressed down his thoughts, and continued to walk toward the ancient bronze sword. As he approached, the ancient bronze sword gradually spread strong coercion.

This coercion seemed to be traction control, slow but heavy, permeating towards Wang Baole, seems to be turned into an obstacle to prevent his arrival.

However, those who dragged the ancient sword's coercion obviously did not know that it is not just itself that can affect this bronze ancient sword. Wang Baole can do the same here!

As he approached, Wang Baole lifted his right hand, and a jade slip appeared in his hand!

This jade jade is precisely the mark and identity recognition of the elder of the vast Taoist palace!

With the emergence of the jade jade, the coercion that immediately radiated from the bronze ancient sword immediately showed signs of dissipation. This scene obviously shocked the person who pulled the ancient sword, and I wondered what means was launched to make Wang Baole's hands. The jade brand seems to be cut off from contact, and it seems to be erased from its identity, making the power of the ancient sword come again.

"Is it interesting?" Wang Baole raised his eyebrows and flashed his eyes in his eyes for a long time. In the Shenmu civilization, there was no natal scabbard flying out of his deity... At this moment, in his body There was a sharp shock.

Along with the shock, an imperceptible meaning was connected to the ancient bronze sword, making this huge bronze ancient sword, the sword body slightly shocked, only this shock immediately affected all the coercion, even there was a faint The sense of attraction and joy spread out from the ancient sword, making the invisible coercion in front of Wang Baole spread like a separated road to the two sides, so that his figure immediately stepped on the ancient sword in the next instant!

It descended on the sword handle area, that is, the vast Taoist palace of the year. With the emergence, the Taoist monks in the Taoist palace, who were imprisoned by the seal and unable to go out, trembling, led by Feng Qiuran, all bowed down to Wang Baole.

"Meet the elder Taishang!" Although they could not go out, they obviously had a way to know and see what was happening outside. At this moment, when they looked at Wang Baole, they were all nervous. Only Feng Qiuran had a bleak look and more guilt.

Staring at the Dao Palace, Wang Baole was silent for a few moments and spoke lightly.

"Elder Qiu Ran, please, the alliance between the Federation and Dao Palace remains unchanged!" After that, Wang Baole did not look at the vast Dao Palace any more, but walked toward the sword body area. As he moved forward, the pressure on him increased. The stronger he came, the more the sea of ​​fire beneath his feet roared and rolled, and the sky above him also changed drastically. In addition to the nine ancient star phantoms and the Dao star in the middle, he also fainted behind and transformed a huge It seems that the ghost of the scabbard contained in the entire bronze ancient sword has replaced the sky!

With such momentum, like pressing, as Wang Baole walked all the way to the sword point area, he gradually suppressed!

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