A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 991: Sleeping place!

It looks like walking, but the speed is fast, even if this ancient bronze sword has a wide range, but in the eyes of Wang Baole who has reached the planetary realm, it is not the original.

So in just a few breathing hours, he has moved from the hilt area to the boundary between the ancient sword and the sun. Looking at this place, his mind emerged from the huge warship that the Weiyang tribe parked there.

After looking away from the open space, Wang Baole looked as usual, and stepped directly into the land of the ancient sword body with one step. As soon as he entered, there was a wind of flame coming suddenly, and the earth was in ruins at the same time. There is a sense of confusion, a large number of forbidden formations, and tumbling magma.

All this, for Wang Baole at the beginning, can be said to be a step by step crisis, but for him now, he can see everything at a glance, and the reason why he did not choose to step directly from the position of the sword tip on the other end of the ancient sword , There is a reason.

If you go directly from there, it is because the external force is broken. He must bear the prohibition force from the tip of the sword. At the same time, if the opponent is ready, he can fight back there. If he passes from the hilt, , Then everything is OK because this is a normal road.

So after the eyes were swept at this moment, Wang Baole didn't pause at all, carrying the head in his hand, directly across a range, ignoring all the banned fires, and sometimes not looking here, but breathing out, but trembling and shaking down, the flame creatures and some spirits Body, whistling past.

At that time, these existences would have troubled him, but now, in the moment when he felt his breath, these existences could only tremble, and they dared not resist the slightest, allowing Wang Baole to enter the hinterland of the sword during this roar.

Soon, he arrived at the blood lake where he obtained the token of the elder, and saw the huge corpse and the swaying hairs on the corpse again.

Just swept his eyes in the air, and suddenly all the hairs were shaking, even bending down, and even the sea of ​​blood was rolling at this moment. At that time, the huge dragonfly-like creature slowly exposed half of its head, eyes. With surprise in his eyes, he looked at Wang Baole with unprecedented vigilance. From his trembling body, he could see the horror at the moment.

"It's between Tongshen and Lingxian." Wang Baole shook his head, his eyes moved away from the creatures in the blood sea, his pace didn't stop, he continued to gallop, so he galloped all the way, saw many familiar scenes, and He flew through many places that he hadn't been to before, and even he saw the eye of Wan Fa once again.

The memories that once appeared in Wang Baole's mind caused him to pause for a moment over the eyes of Wan Fa, looking down at this land-like landform on the earth, and his eyes slowly revealed strange awns.

Here is the only place where he walked all the way, looking at the current cultivation, and still can't see through, but he understands that this is not the time to explore again, so he just walked away after glancing at his eyes, and then experienced again There were a few areas that he could not see through, and in front of him, a long ice and snow boundary appeared. The moment he stepped across, appeared in front of him was the familiar ice and snow place he had seen.

In the distance in front of them, there are three huge palaces hundreds of feet high!

In these three palaces, there is both a fortune and a place for the sleeping and healing of some older monks in the vast Taoist palace.

At that time, Wang Baole was the most, that is, he came here, but now in his eyes, his eyes shine, and the world in front of him is different.

Behind these three palaces, the original open space was shrouded in a fog. This fog may affect the sight and perception of too many people, but it does not include Wang Baole, who merged Dao stars. He just glanced at it and saw it faintly. There are three altars in the mist!

These three altars are trapezoidal, and the bottom one has seven figures meditating cross-legged. These seven people are not corpses and all have vitality. Although they are not very full, from their breath, they are all planetary!

And from the position of their meditation and the shape of the circle, it is obvious that there were not seven people before, but nine people sitting in a circle. Two people are missing at this moment!

The one who rarely goes is naturally Deyunzi and his brothers. Wang Baole is very sure, because he has been to the three palaces in front of the mist, even if there is a monk to heal in the spiritual pool in the last palace. But to recall Wang Baole's current cultivation practice, those people may not be planets, or they used to be, but cultivation practice obviously fell because of serious injuries.

In addition, there was also a figure meditating cross-legged on the second altar, and there was only one, even if the fog covered it, but Wang Baole could still see clearly. This cross-legged meditator was the one who split himself before and came in his own deity The boy who fled after the first time!

At this moment, the boy was not closing his eyes, but kept his eyes open and said nothing, but stared at Wang Baole outside the mist, and at the moment of looking away from Wang Baole, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Your Excellency has beheaded my disciples who made mistakes, and the old man has also avoided war. Why do you chase down to this point, could you really think that my vast Taoist palace is so weak that a planet can come here to wreak havoc!" There was a forbearance in the voice, and even more cold killings seemed to explode. As the news came out, the fog suddenly rolled strongly, and even the outside temperature dropped a lot at this moment.

Wang Baole looked the same as usual. Although he heard the young man's words, he glanced over it and looked behind him...the third altar!

This altar is what makes him stunned, because there... he saw a figure meditating cross-legged. This figure is blurred all over, and at the same time, the body is full of vitality and death, as if the whole person is in Yin and Yang In between, Wang Baole just glanced, and his eyes couldn't help stinging. If the star inside the body turned rapidly at this moment to resolve, I was afraid that after a glance, his mind would be hurt.

"Star field..." Wang Baole murmured in his heart. There was no accident about the power of the star field in the vast Dao Palace. In fact, it is true. The boy is indeed the only star, but it does not mean that there is no star above the Dao Palace. There is power.

Obviously, the reason why this teenager fled back to this place, and meditated on his knees to wait for Wang Baole to come, and then said those words, naturally relied on the existence of the star power to deter Wang Baole.

If you change other planets, you might really be shocked, but Wang Baole’s eyes tingled back, but the cold cold broke out at the bottom of his heart, no longer caring about the younger sister, his right hand was suddenly raised, in front of the young star Face, don't care about the scream of the head in his hands, hard, and grab it in an instant.

With a loud bang, the scream came to an abrupt halt and was cut off by Wang Baole. The brother of De Yunzi who had only his head collapsed instantly, and his form and spirit were destroyed!

"You!!!" In the face of his own, the other party beheaded his disciple. This scene changed the face of the stellar boy, but the words almost just came out, and Wang Baole had already jumped up and went straight to the mist. !

The speed is fast, the fog breaks open in a flash, the nine ancient stars roar behind him, and the Dao star turns into magic, and his body is madly running, the emperor armor is also covered with it, and there is a ray of sword in the vibration of the natal scabbard in his body. Qi, drawn by Wang Baole from within this scabbard, went straight to his right index finger along his body, making his whole person, like a sharp sword out of the sheath, invincible, and a moment of tearing the mist appeared in front of the young star !

"You... continue to sleep for thousands of years!" Wang Baole's voice was cold, and at the moment of his outgoing, his right hand crashed down.

After all, the boy was a star, and now he is at his own home. At the moment, his face looks ugly, ignoring his own injury, his hands are raised up and he swings violently, and suddenly there is a stellar moment in his body. The whole person is here For a moment, Ru turned into a round of the sun and came to suppress Wang Baole.

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