.Done .

.He made another look of intoxication .

.Feng Rong frowned upon hearing this .

.This guy is here again , and he always looks so advanced in the United States , which makes a more traditional person like her a little disgusted .

.She wanted to speak for Qin Ye , but sometimes she just wanted to stick to her own style .

.But this time .

.Qin Ye, who had never defended himself, spoke up :

.” Teacher Changfeng , I want to correct you two points . ”

.” You said . ” Shen Changfeng smiled .

.” First of all , I’m not the public knowledge in your mouth , and I don’t like the name of the public knowledge very much . ”

.The scene was silent at first , and then there was an uproar !

.It is known that this ranking originated in the last century .

.It was officially recognized in 7 years , when the country’s authoritative magazine selected “People who Influence China’s Public Intellectuals” .

.Many public figures are proud of this , but in recent years this ranking seems to have deteriorated .

.Many so-called public intellectuals advocate Western culture and systems , depreciate the country to nothing , and speak irresponsibly .

.Of course , this thing can’t be killed with one shot .

.Most of these so-called [ public officials ] are jumping clowns under this banner , and in some ways , they have also ruined this ranking .

.The audience knew that Qin Ye probably saw this , so he said this .

.But boss .

.The person you are talking to is a public known , and it is the most famous group , and the status of the rivers and lakes is also very high .

.Saying these words face to face is undoubtedly hitting Shen Changfeng in the face .

.Sure enough .

.Shen Changfeng’s expression became displeased . He has always advertised that he is knowledgeable and knows all about ancient and modern Eastern and Western cultures .

.But he was angry not because of the name known to him , but because Qin Ye did not accept the identity of the known .

.It ‘s like what a shameful title [ Kongzhi ] is !

.” Why aren’t you known ?”

.He looked at the two companions beside him and said with a smile : ” Public figures , and intellectuals , isn’t this the public knowledge ?”

.The other two producers just smiled , but didn’t answer .

.Qin Ye’s expression was flat , and Shen Changfeng said he could accept anything .

.Only this [ public knowledge ] hat can never be put on his head .

.Although , [ public knowledge ] has mixed praise and criticism in this world , and there are also admirers .

.But .

.In Qin Ye’s mind , Gongzhi was a liar in the name of an intellectual .

.Shen Changfeng still belongs to the [ public knowledge ] with real materials .

.But Qin Ye didn’t want to accept this title .

.He smiled and said :

.” First of all, in this day and age , the standard of [ public knowledge ] seems to have changed . As long as there is a little bit of fame , people who say something are called public knowledge . Do you agree , teacher ?”

.Shen Changfeng nodded and said , ” I agree with this . ”

.” Secondly , the vast majority of [ public officials ] don’t make even the slightest contribution to society , and they occupy a lot of public resources . ”

.” But I didn’t do anything practical . I lived on theory all day long , and I always made a fuss about the differences between the East and the West . I felt that the moon abroad was relatively round !”

.”I can’t lift the waist of China , I can’t be the backbone of the nation , I just advocate the poem and the distance , but I can’t face the stubbornness in front of me , let alone tell you how to get to the poem and the distance . It ‘s extremely innocent . ”

.” Virtue does not match , behavior does not match , there is no academic theory , but it is crazy to export foreign culture . ”

.” I, Qin Ye, asked myself that I couldn’t afford the title of public official !”

.Boom boom boom !

.Qin Ye’s words exploded in everyone’s ears like thunder !

.Some hot-blooded young people even feel a surge of blood and inspiration !

.fried !

.The place totally exploded !

.” Fuck ! Qin Ye is awesome , a few words made my blood boil !”

.” This sentence really blows up , I’m so excited !”

.” Brilliant , Wori , really strong , is this the power of reading ? Language is so contagious !”

.” Really , a few words can ignite blood , I only obey Qin Ye , it’s so good , go to such a poem and a distant place !”

.” The current public knowledge is really what Teacher Qin said. It hits the nail on the head , and the person who hooks the sun is that the moon abroad is relatively round , and the air in the United States is fragrant . ”

.The place boiled over immediately .

.Su Lingyun was also shocked when she heard Qin Ye’s words . She didn’t have much ambition and felt a burst of blood .

.The look in Qin Ye’s eyes became gentler .

.The same is true for the mentors , directors, and staff .

.They didn’t expect this Qin Ye to say it so boldly !

.But it is so righteous and awe-inspiring that people have to believe it !

.” Is this a genius ?”

.Countless people asked themselves in a low voice .

Chapter 34 _ A fight of words ! Shen Changfeng’s counterattack ! ? Sixth more ?

.After everyone experienced a brief boil , they calmed down .

.Only then did the atmosphere become subtle .

.Although Shen Changfeng has real talents and practical learning , he also has those [ public knowledge ] shortcomings that Qin Ye said .

.that year .

.He became famous after studying abroad in the United States , so he has touted the United States a lot in public over the years .

.He did the same thing just now , and he didn’t feel anything .

.In other words , even if it is discovered, I don’t think there is anything wrong , and I still go my own way !

.Now .

.With Qin Ye being so little , how the situation will unfold has exceeded everyone’s expectations .

.One is a fledgling , famous new-age talent .

.One is a talented senior with deep experience and brilliant creations .

.These two seem to be on the hook now .

.” Fight , the harder you fight, the better . It’s better to drive Qin Ye out of this show . ”

.Wang Linhan began to gloat over the misfortune .

.On the contrary , several other musicians were worried for Qin Ye .

.Although they are not used to Shen Changfeng’s behavior , others do have seniors with strength and status !

.Now , Qin Ye is fighting against him , and he will undoubtedly fall for it .

.”I didn’t expect you to have such a side , and I don’t know if it’s good or bad for you . ”

.Feng Rong sighed .

.She always felt that Qin Ye was the kind of scholar , gentle and elegant !

.Unexpectedly , there is still such a rigid side , and it is terrible .

.Qin Ye’s expression remained calm .

.If it is an ordinary student , due to the identity of the other party , it is estimated that it will regress .

.But who is he ?

.He is Qin Ye !

.As a human being in two lifetimes , why should he back down when faced with such a principled question .


.After a brief pause at the scene .

.Shen Changfeng frowned and said :

.” If you say it like this , is it right that we have to return to the state of seclusion and arrogance in the previous dynasty ?”

.Hearing this , Qin Ye smiled lightly and said , ” Of course I’m not advocating feudalism . ”

.Hearing this , Shen Changfeng shook the folding fan again :

.” You have to know that we are still far behind the western countries in many aspects. Many of China’s rise in these years has been crossing the river by feeling the United States . This is a fact that you cannot refute . ”

.” Let ‘s not talk about it , we will talk about two things . The same is the case of Western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine that has been very noisy this year . ”

.This year , because of the relevant regulations without a medical qualification certificate , you cannot treat others , even your own relatives .

.However, the content of the assessment is mainly based on Western medical theories. How can Chinese medicine pass the examination ?

.It has also led to the unemployment of many civil servants , and some people who advocate traditional Chinese medicine are suffering from injustice on the Internet .

.There has also been a debate about who is better between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine .

.” I don’t think this means anything !” Qin Ye said calmly .

.Shen Changfeng smiled lightly and said :

.” How can it not represent anything ? It shows that the times have progressed , and some things need to be replaced by more advanced things . ”

.” When you go to those traditional Chinese medicine hospitals now , how many doctors still use the traditional method of seeing, hearing, asking, and cutting ? They are all machine inspections , which are more scientific and accurate . Isn’t this a sign of the progress of the times ?”

.” And this is also the result of China’s learning from the West . ”

.Qin Ye sighed inwardly .

.For this , he really can’t justify anything .

.Nowadays, many Chinese medicines are indeed Western medicines wrapped in Chinese medicine skins , and some traditional Chinese medicines are rare .

.Even after seeing it , most of the once brilliant medical skills have also been lost . Coupled with the advancement of science and technology , it is a general trend that Western medicine overpowers Chinese medicine .

.Seeing that Qin Ye didn’t refute , Shen Changfeng smiled even more and said :

.” We are a music program , let’s talk about music . In fact , there is a category in music that has never been popular , and it is impossible to become popular . ”

.Everyone was stunned when they heard this .

.The two players in the backcourt were embarrassed .

.” This guy must be talking about us . ”

.” Who calls us the most representative !”

.Both sighed .

.They represent another musical element of the show – rap , which originated in the United States and affects the world , but has never been popular in China .

.” I believe everyone knows what I’m talking about , that is rap . This type of music is actually the most representative , because you can understand the huge gap between Chinese and Western countries’ music from the middle . ”

.Shen Changfeng said another indisputable fact .

.Qin Ye frowned .

.Shen Changfeng’s target was a bit obvious .

.If it is said that Huaxia music has thoroughly learned from the West , it must be rap .

.In stark contrast to his ancient music , the two musical forms represent the difference between Eastern and Western music .

.” Mr. Changfeng , do you think there are rappers in China that can compare to Qin Ye ?”

.Xu Xiaoyun couldn’t help but said .

.The two rappers in the back blushed .

.Huaxia’s rap , there is really no singer who can take a shot .

.The audience also responded .

.” That’s right , looking at the history , no rapper can become like Qin Ye . ”

.” This shows that there is not much to learn from the West . ”

.” Anti-style wins rap, thank you !”

.Shen Changfeng didn’t care about these noisy voices .

.” Of course I don’t think there are rappers who can compare with Qin Ye , but what I want to compare is not Qin Ye and rappers , nor ancient style and rap . ”

.” It’s the rapper . ”

.Everyone was stunned again , not knowing what medicine this guy was selling in the gourd .

.” You can go to some music platforms to see . Although the overall rap is sluggish , there are still differences . For some popular raps , Oita is in English. Does n’t this explain the problem ?”

.good guy !

.It turns out that everyone is waiting here , and some people who can’t stand Shen Changfeng despise him .

.” It’s not actually Chinese rappers who are to blame , but Chinese itself pays attention to the correctness of the words. Both rhyme and flow are very rigid , and the most important thing in rap is these two points . ”

.”On the other hand, English is much more flexible in this regard , which is why even in China , English rap is stronger than Chinese rap . ”

.” From this aspect , some problems can also be seen . ”

.Xu Xiaoyun was speechless for a while .

.Although what others say is harsh , it is an objective fact .

Chapter 3 _ No ! You don’t think I’m just old fashioned, do you? ? Seventh more ?

.site .

.The host saw that Shen Changfeng had the upper hand , and hurriedly rounded up :

.” Mr. Changfeng , I think diversity should be emphasized in this era. We need Western medicine , and Chinese medicine is also indispensable . ”

.”You need Chinese songs , and you also need English songs . This is a healthy society, isn’t it ?”

.” There is no distinction between high and low , right ?”

.Shen Changfeng wanted to refute two sentences , but he felt that it was enough , and nodded .

.Just when everyone thought this was over , Qin Ye said :

.” Can I have one last word ?”

.The host looked at Qin Ye , then at Shen Changfeng , saw the other party nodded , and smiled :

.” Of course you can . ”

.Everyone looked at him curiously .

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