.As Chinese people , of course they supported Qin Ye .

.But to Shen Changfeng’s words , they could n’t refute other than wanting to spray him .

.Qin Ye took a deep breath and said :

.” In some respects, what Teacher Changfeng said is quite right . We do have to learn from the West , but you are also partial . ”

.” We have to learn advanced western science , advanced technology and advanced theory , just like you said western medicine should learn the scientific diagnosis of Chinese medicine . ”

.” But diagnosis is not the same as treatment . Some incurable diseases cannot be cured by western medicine , but Chinese medicine has a solution . Are you right ?”

.Hearing this , Shen Changfeng froze for a moment , then nodded .

.” So , what we need to learn is the good things of the West and make up for our own shortcomings , rather than just advocating the West . ”

.” I agree . ” Shen Changfeng said .

.” And the same is true of rap you said . English rap is indeed easier than Chinese rap , but what we need to do is to improve , not give up . ”

.” Is it unfair to deny the Chinese characters that have been passed down for thousands of years just because of a rap ?”

.In a word , Shen Changfeng was speechless .

.He had indeed drilled a hole in the text just now .

.What to say now ?

.Is it really on the opposite side of the people , he is not that stupid .

.And Qin Ye’s answer made some people pause , followed by bursts of applause .

.” Mr. Qin said it well . ”

.” How can rap and Chinese be equal ?”

.”I was almost fooled by Shen Changfeng . ”

.” Clearly organized , neither humble nor arrogant , worthy of being my idol , worthy of being a genius , just thoughtful and deep , you deserve to be so popular !”

.Some in the audience roared .

.This made Shen Changfeng, who was still a little proud, embarrassed .

.I wanted to argue , but others affirmed his words first , and then expressed their own opinions .

.What does he object to ?

.For a time , Rao was also a little bit at a loss for words .

.Fortunately , the host once again rounded up :

.” Teacher Changfeng , I think the theoretical battle between the two is a draw . Our show has to continue !”

.Qin Ye nodded with a smile .

.Seeing this , Shen Changfeng also knew that he would lose his demeanor if he continued, so he nodded lightly .

.This point is over .

.Qin Ye’s figure in everyone’s heart became stalwart .

.” Is there anything else the mentors have to say to the two players ?”

.The host laughed .

.” I have nothing more to say , they are great , I just want to say one thing here , whether it’s antique or rap . ”

.” Although it’s still a minority , it doesn’t mean anything . Didn’t Qin Ye also achieve such achievements ? So , Qin Ye, don’t doubt yourself and don’t worry about the future . ”

.” You said something before , I like it very much . Some people have been emphasizing the so-called poetry and the distance , but they have forgotten the fuss in front of them , and they don’t tell you how to go to the poetry and the distance . ”

.” You must not be affected by these , pay attention to the right way to do things right now , and the future is still very long . ”

.Feng Rong said sternly .

.Some viewers have their mouths wide open !

.good guy !

.It’s still Teacher Feng Rong !

.This was obvious , and he refuted Shen Changfeng again for Qin Ye .

.Shen Changfeng’s previous comment on Qin Ye was to stand on the commanding heights and point the country .

.What will happen if Qin Ye’s audience is tired in the future ? But he didn’t tell Qin Ye what to do !

.What’s the difference between selling anxiety .

.Some people looked at Shen Changfeng again , and found that the other party was smiling and calm .

.Qin Ye nodded and said with a smile :

.” Thank you, teacher , but teacher, don’t you really think that I can only be old-fashioned ?”

.hmm ?

.Everyone felt the confidence in Qin Ye’s words .

.” Haha , of course , how can a genius who can create such beautiful music only be old – fashioned ?”

.Feng Rong spoke up .

.The two of them sang in harmony , completely ignoring Shen Changfeng .

.When it was the turn of the remaining three people to comment , they just said a little bit along with the previous comments .

.The host took over the process and said loudly :

.Now we announce the votes of the two contestants , please see the big screen .

.After saying that, the big screen in the back lights up , and the result is released .

.24 to 2!

.Qin Ye advanced !

.There were bursts of applause at the scene . Although Su Lingyun was eliminated , Qin Ye was able to make the cut .

.After Qin Ye saw the results , he turned his head to look at Su Lingyun , who was looking at him with a smile .

.” Congratulations , classmate Qin Ye . ”

.Hearing this gentle voice , Qin Ye didn’t know what to say for a while .

.He just opened his arms and hugged her under the girl’s stunned gaze .


.The place is boiling !

.Su Lingyun Kazilan slashed this guy with big eyes !

.” Next is the time for Qin Ye to choose a mentor . The four mentors, if you want to win over Qin Ye , have the last chance to speak . ” The host laughed .

.Originally, everyone thought that several of them would break their heads because of Qin Ye .

.Unexpectedly , the four are quite harmonious .

.At this time , Li Zhe said :

.” Since everyone is so humble , let me speak first . ”

.” Qin Ye , although I know that you would prefer to choose mentor Feng Rong , I still want to fight for it . I hope you can join my team . ”

.Some people just realized this .

.Qin Ye did have a close relationship with Feng Rong .

.Xu Xiaoyun and Wang Linhan also said something symbolic , but Feng Rong said calmly :

.” Let Qin Ye choose for himself , I’ve said enough . ”

.Under everyone’s expectation , Qin Ye picked up the microphone :

.” Thank you for the kindness of several mentors , I choose mentor Feng Rong !”

.Feng Rong clenched her fists and walked up to hug Qin Ye :

.” Good boy , I read you right , we will fight side by side in the future . ”

.Qin Ye nodded with a smile , and then exited the stage to look at Su Lingyun, who was slim and graceful on the stage .

.Shouldn’t it be eliminated ?

.” It’s a pity that Su Lingyun has to leave this stage …”

.Before he finished speaking , the scene screamed !

.I see .

.The four mentors on the stage showed their resurrection cards in unison !

.” Hey , Mr. Feng Rong , you already got Qin Ye . Can you leave some suspense for this show ? ”

.” That’s right , this is going to be taken by you , are we still playing ?”

.The other three mentors began to complain .

.Feng Rong couldn’t help laughing bitterly , but what they said also made sense . If the two strongest were obtained by herself , then the show would be meaningless .

.” Okay , I give up !”

.Feng Rong smiled .

.Different from Qin Ye before , this time the three mentors talked for a long time in order to win over Su Lingyun !

.In particular, Wang Linhan was even more eager and made a lot of promises !

.” Thank you , I choose Xu Xiaoyun as mentor !”

.Su Lingyun also made her own choice .

.At this point , some fans of Goddess Su were relieved .

Chapter 3 _ Hot all over the net ! ? Eighth more ?

.Qin Ye and Su Lingyun returned to the backcourt .

.” Ding ! Congratulations to the host for completing the task !”

.” Ding ! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the god-level rap skills !”

.Qin Ye was overjoyed to receive the system reward .

.Who said I can only be old fashioned ?

.He turned to look at Su Lingyun and said :

.” If you want to PK like this next time, don’t look for me , there will be no resurrection card in the future . ”

.Su Lingyun raised her eyebrows and said unconvinced :

.” Hmph , do you think you’ve got me ?”

.Qin Ye pretended to be profound and said meaningfully :

.” Yeah , I’m going to eat you !”

.” You …”

.Just as Su Lingyun was about to refute Qin Ye , she suddenly thought of another meaning of his words .

.With a shy face , she snorted and walked to the side .

.” Hmph , what a great genius , he’s just an apprentice who likes to bully little girls !”

.she whispered .

.The heart is sweet and very complicated !

.Qin Ye laughed and walked to the other side .

.The two are in different teams , and they can’t get tired of being together as before .

.When they arrived at the special area belonging to Feng Rong’s mentor , the two singers who were selected first hurriedly stood up to say hello .

.Just kidding .

.This grandfather is now the existence of a senior in the music world , and it is not something that these little players can provoke .

.Qin Ye already knew that these two were A – level players .

.The boy’s name is Wang Jiangang , and he is one of the only two rappers among the four contestants .

.The girl’s name is Lu Shengnan . Although her name is a bit masculine , her appearance is clearly a rather delicate girl .

.From the literal meaning, you can probably know why her parents named her this name .

.Soon .

.Feng Rong came here after the recording of the frontcourt ended .

.” From now on, everyone will be on the same boat. When the final team is determined in the next phase , we will get together again . ” Feng Rong said with a smile .

.All three nodded .

.” Qin Ye , I will appoint you as the captain of our team now , and bring two more team members in the future . ”

.” No problem . ”

.Qin Ye agreed without being too modest .

.In some ways , he qualifies as a mentor to both .

.Feng Rong arranged things , and after another prestige, let them go back .

.Qin Ye didn’t leave .

.” Captain , aren’t you leaving yet ?” Wang Jiangang wondered .

.” You go first , I’ll wait for someone . ”

.” That’s good , I’ll bother you to give more pointers in the future , haha . ”

.Wang Jiangang left as soon as he finished speaking .

.Soon .

.Qin Ye put down his phone , walked out , and met Su Lingyun at the TV station entrance .

.Just now this Goddess Su said she wanted to invite him to dinner .

.I want to thank him for writing such a song !

.Qin Ye was a little funny , he was eliminated by himself and thanked himself , this girl also has such a cute side !

.” What do you want me to eat ?” Qin Ye smiled .

.Su Lingyun thought about it and said seriously :

.” You decide , but don’t be too expensive , I’m not as rich as you are . ”

.” Okay , I know that there is a crayfish that is particularly delicious , let’s go . ”

.” Hmm . ”

.The two waited for the bus side by side by the side of the road .

.” It looks like I’m going to buy a car these days , otherwise it would be too inconvenient . ”

.Qin Ye thought to himself .

.far away .

.Wang Linhan, who had just come out and was going to take the team members to have a good time, looked at the two of them and his face sank .

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