.Feng Rong, the oldest and highest-ranking female tutor , smiled and became interested in Qin Ye .

.” Young man , you are not the first to create an original song in the audition , but the previous ones were not lucky . ”

.Listening to Feng Rong’s words , some people recalled the so-called original singers in the past !

.That’s a horrible sight !

.It is not an exaggeration to describe the song that is sung as anti-human !

.Qin Ye nodded and said , ” I hope the instructors will like it . ”

.Feng Rong looked at his confident appearance , and faintly felt that it was different from the previous academy’s [ Confidence of Confusion ] .

.” Please start your singing . ”

.She is also curious how an ancient poem can be sung into a song !

.Wang Linhan gave a ghostly smile , and he was ready to stop at any time .

.on stage .

.Qin Ye nodded to the live sound engineer , indicating that he was ready .

.soon .

.Background music plays .

.But it was not the melody that everyone expected , but a deafening drum sound .

.Then came the voice of a young man !

.The young voices are intertwined , full of momentum !

.” Youth wisdom is national wisdom . ”

.” Youth rich make the country rich . ”

.”A strong youth makes a country strong . ”

.”The freedom of the youth is the freedom of the country . ”

.Everyone was shocked when they heard this tender and bloody voice !

.Instantly creepy !

.They mocked Qin Ye for showing off with an unpopular ancient text before , but now they were slapped in the face !

.Where is this so cold ?

.I believe that as long as Chinese people have heard this heart-warming words !

.And it’s the kind that goes deep into the bone marrow !

.” Fuck ! This is what the young Huaxia said ? What , who hasn’t heard of this ?”

.” This was written by Mr. Liang Qichao ? I thought it was created by modern people . ”

.” Hey , goosebumps all over the place, damn it ! damn it ! ”

.” This is so special , even Wang Linhan, who graduated from elementary school, has heard this word, right ? Those who have n’t heard of it are not worthy of being a Chinese . ”

.” What’s the matter , you’re up ! I’m going !”

.It turned out that this familiar language came out two years ago .

.Scalp numb !

.Of course , there are still some people who have just searched for ” Youth China Talk ” who don’t believe it. They haven’t seen this blood-burning quote before .

.One by one, I used Du Niang to find the article again , and started shooting at ten lines at a glance !

.However , at this time, a melodious flute sounded , combined with the drums and the chorus of the boy , which only made people feel that blood rushed to their minds !

.” Youth wisdom is national wisdom . ”

.” Youth rich make the country rich . ”

.”A strong youth makes a country strong . ”

.”The freedom of the youth is the freedom of the country . ”

.The instructor , who was still a little puzzled , was replaced by shock at this time !

.Qin Ye said before that Liang Qichao wrote the word , but he composed the song himself .

.Originally thought it was just a joke , now it seems that their previous thinking is a joke .

.Are the clowns themselves ?

.The whole arrangement , when the teenagers chorus , is matched with the shocking drum sound .

.In the middle , the flute and some classical instruments are interspersed. The mixture of passion and tenderness makes people addicted .

.It’s just a fairy tale !

.” It’s graceful and graceful like a trickle , this arrangement is great , let’s not talk about his singing skills , I already want to keep him for the first part, he ‘s a good seed . ”

.Feng Yun was shocked .

.There is no doubt that after being tortured all morning, they finally came across music that interested them .

.The live broadcast room exploded .

.In particular, some people who found the source of the song were even more excited .

.” I found it , in the last point of ” Youth China Talk ” , damn it , my scalp is numb ! This familiar word actually came from more than a hundred years ago . ”

.” Mad , the key is still so shocking , so good , my scalp has exploded before I even started . ”

.”I just heard the person in front of me sing , and I almost fell asleep . Now my blood is boiling , what should I do ?”

.” Crap , I’m looking forward to Qin Ye’s next performance . Will he sing according to the original lyrics ? Or will he change it ?”

.At this time .

.Various emotions of the people in the live broadcast room came to mind .

.There are shocks , blood , and expectations . In short, it is very complicated !

.The number of people in the live broadcast room is also increasing . Obviously, some people who pass by the live broadcast room choose to stay and watch the next performance !



Chapter Young Huaxia said ! Shocked and moved ! ? Seeking flowers for evaluation ?

.After much anticipation , Qin Ye finally picked up the microphone in his hand .

.” Come , come , it’s a god or a ghost , just look at this opening !”

.Some were staring intently at the screen .

.The singing sounded .

.”The red sun is rising , and its path is bright . ”

.”The river flows out and flows , and it pours out Wang Yang . ”

.” Dive into the abyss , scales and claws fly . ”

.”The roaring valley of the milk tiger , the beasts are frightened . ”

.Ah ah ah !

.Some audience members in front of the screen heard this song and felt their hearts melted !

.So gentle !

.That voice is as comfortable as the Buddha’s face in the breeze , full of tenderness , it is simply a kind of enjoyment !

.” Fuck ! I ‘m drunk , this gentle voice melts my hot heart . ”

.” My little brother’s voice is so good ! [ Cute ] [ Cute ] !”

.” I fell in love with this voice as a man , and the singing skills are also very good , this is a great god !”

.”The clown is actually us , f*ck , who said it was grandstanding just now , I promise not to kill him . ”

.The live broadcast room is boiling .

.At this time .

.Qin Ye narrowed his eyes slightly , and his originally gentle tone gradually rose .

.The momentum is even more like a rainbow !

.” Young people have their own juvenile madness , and their bodies are like mountains and rivers . ”

.” Dare to measure the sun and the moon again , I am the only young man at present . ”

.” Dare to ask the world to test the edge , who can stop it . ”

.”The world laughs at me for my self-improvement . ”

.” It’s not bad for being young . ”

.Everyone stared at the screen without blinking .

.The powerful singing hits their souls .

.Some people just listen to the song and feel their blood rushing up all over their body , as if they are about to burst out !

.The three mentors even looked at each other, as if they saw a piece of rough jade .

.” It ‘s so clean , this song seems to wash the soul . ”

.Xu Xiaoyun was shocked .

.She only felt that her ears , which had been polluted all morning, were transparent at this moment .

.That kind of physical and mental relaxation made her feel a kind of enjoyment .

.The singing can drive their fiery hearts , and their appeal and empathy are invincible !

.The other two also nodded seriously , and finally found one that could listen , and it was so amazing !

.Just a single round of this concert , it’s no worse than them !

.Wang Linhan, who had been looking for an opportunity to take revenge on Qin Ye, also let go .

.” I interrupt him now , and I’m going to be killed . ”

.He knew by looking at the expressions on the scene , not to mention the other three mentors , the director team and the camera team were also demented .

.He doesn’t read much , but he’s not stupid , he knows what can be done and what can’t be done !

.And this time .

.A group of people on the Internet who listened to the song while watching ” Juvenile Huaxia ” were shocked .

.Because .

.The lyrics are a bit wrong , as if the original text is not like this .

.” I’ll go , he didn’t write this paragraph himself , did he ?”

.One was shocked .

.However , he couldn’t believe it , because it was too fitting .

.If he hadn’t read the original text , he felt that ” Youth Chinese Story ” itself should be like this .

.” No , I ‘m looking for it carefully . ”

.He began to scan the content in front of ” Youth China Talk ” , thinking that Qin Ye might have reversed the order of this article .

.Just then .

.Qin Ye stopped singing , and the shocking voice sounded again .

.” Youth wisdom is the country’s wisdom , and the youth is rich, the country is rich . ”

.”A strong youth makes a country strong , and a free youth makes the country free . ”

.Everyone stared blankly at Qin Ye .

.Originally, he thought this sentence was just the beginning , but he didn’t expect it to appear again here .

.Interspersed like this …

.Simply stunning ! !

.” Very musical talent and great ideas . ”

.Li Zhe, a king-level figure , also gave high praise .

.Soon , Qin Ye’s gentle singing resumed .

.” Government’s shackles , have their own awns . ”


.”The future is like the sea , and the future is long in Japan . ”

.In front of the screen , those who were watching the lyrics widened their eyes again !

.This part is the continuation of the first part !

.So , the most powerful paragraph was really written by Qin Ye himself ?

.Otherwise, why can’t it be found in the original text ? ?

.hiss …

.Seriously terrified !

.Everyone felt a fear of being dominated by geniuses .

.” Young people have their own juvenile madness , and their bodies are like mountains and rivers . ”


.” Who can stop it ? ”

.”The world laughs at me for my self-improvement . ”

.” It’s not bad for being young . ”

.Finally appeared the missing paragraph in the original text .

.This time the momentum is stronger than before !

.As if to ignite all the passions in people’s hearts !

.Unprecedented shock !

.The lyrics that are not in the original text are even more terrifying !

[ Body like a mountain and a river with a spine ] !

[ Dare to measure the sun and the moon again ] !

.Is there a more heartwarming lyrics than this ?

.The most shocking thing is that this may be the original work of this big talent !

.That [ Live up to the youth ] is even more of a feeling of tears !

.God made ! !

.” Young people have their own juvenile madness , and their hearts are like the scorching sun . ”

.” It’s hard to stop me from going in, I’m the only young man at the moment . ”

.”The sky is high and the ocean is thousands of miles long , and the Chinese teenagers are high-spirited . ”

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