.” Furiously trying to be a pillar . ”

.” It’s not bad for being young . ”

.Wave after wave of emotional progression completely shocked the audience .

.That is, some of the staff members of the show group have O -shaped mouths !

.Listening to this melody and lyrics , some people even burst into tears .

.A song that completely controls their emotions and makes people want to stop !

.”The momentum is like a rainbow , it ‘s too awesome , is there any more shocking song in Huaxia than this ?”

.” I’m crying ! Woohoo ! Is this ” Juvenile Huaxia Talk ” ? ”

.”I have no regrets in entering China in this life, and I will be a Chinese person in the next life !!”

.” Break up , I’m going to split , fuck , I ca n’t control my impulse , I’m also a Chinese boy !”

.Netizens are completely helpless .

.I just feel that I have endless energy , and I want to let it out !

.The same is true on the spot .

.Feng Rong took off her glasses and wiped the corners of her eyes with a tissue .

.The impact of that kind of national pride brought tears to the eyes of this sensitive music senior !

.” Okay ! What a Chinese teenager with high spirits !”

.She immediately stood up and applauded .

.Seeing this , the other instructors also stood up and applauded .

.They were moved by this song !

.This has never appeared in any previous auditions !

.Although Wang Linhan was reluctant , he stood up and applauded .

.But to be honest , he was really struck by this shocking singing voice !

.It’s just that, in my heart, I still care about Qin Ye’s embarrassment !

.On the other hand, the netizens in front of the screen are already shocked !

.Is this still the previous mentor who was impetuous because of various broken voices ?

.Of course .

.At this time, a question was still echoing in their minds !

.Are the lyrics that are different from the original text of ” Youth China Talk ” really written by the handsome boy in front of you ?

.With their level of literature , it’s hard to believe this !



Chapter The founder of the future music genre ! ? Seeking flowers for evaluation ?

.Qin Ye finished singing .

.The live broadcast room has risen from more than 10,000 people to 20,000+ .

.The backstage observers were shocked !

.They didn’t buy traffic , which means that Qin Ye’s song has gained more than 100,000 popularity .

.Terrible !

.” Thank you, mentors . ”

.Qin Ye said politely .

.” It ‘s so shocking , Qin Ye , you are the only one who sang and cried for me when I participated in the audition this month . Thank you for bringing us such a touch . ”

.Feng Rong revealed her true feelings .

.Qin Ye was startled . In this life, his memory was an old man in the music world . He hurriedly said :

.” Do n’t dare , Mr. Feng Rong , the words are all written by Mr. Liang Qichao . I’m just standing on the shoulders of giants . ”

.Seeing this humble , generous and decent young man , everyone’s affection surged .

.A true reader !

.” You don’t have to belittle yourself . Without your arrangement and singing skills , singing this kind of article is just an insult to Mr. Liang Qichao’s work . ”

.Feng Rong smiled , and then she said with a little love :

.” Congratulations , you passed the audition , and when the official recording is made , I hope you can choose my group . Believe me , I will definitely make you a top singer . ”

.Before Qin Ye could answer , the two tutors next to him disagreed .

.” Mr. Feng Rong , although you are a senior , you can’t be like this . We all agreed that Qin Ye passed the audition . You can’t take care of yourself . ”

.” That’s right , Qin Ye , when the time comes, you must come to my team , and I will definitely allow you to display all your talents . ”

.” What are you doing ? I’m so old , and you’re still robbing me !”

.” Fair Play !”

.Some viewers were stunned when they saw that there was already a commotion inside .

.good guy !

.Isn’t the rule that after the audition , there are still two levels before the official recording before the time to decide the team ?

.Why start robbing people now ?

.And it looks like it’s going to fight !

.At this time .

.The director had to come out to maintain order , saying :

.” Several mentors , this is just an audition . We will discuss other things later . I also have a question for Qin Ye here . ”

.The several mentors who were arguing stopped just then .

.” Qin Ye , I’m a little ashamed . I only learned about this article from more than 100 years ago after listening to your introduction. Just now I listened to you singing to the lyrics , but I didn’t seem to find a passage . ”

.” That young man has his own juvenile madness , and his body seems to have a spine !”

.” My body is like mountains and rivers , and I dare to measure the sun and the moon again . At present, I am the only young man … I live up to my youth !”

.Qin Ye took over the conversation and read it out in standard Mandarin .

.Only then did everyone realize that even if it didn’t match the melody , the momentum was still very strong , and the blood boiled after listening to it .

.This may be the charm of words !

.” That ‘s right , that’s it , I just heard it and tears came to my eyes . I didn’t find it !”

.The director said seriously .

.Qin Ye nodded and said , ” I adapted this based on the mood of the whole poem . ”

.oh! !

.There was an uproar .

.” Fuck , I’ll just say there’s no such thing , the talent is awesome !”

.” What’s the matter , this word is too peculiar to write . If he doesn’t say it , I will definitely think that it was written by Mr. Liang Qichao . ”

.” How can I have no culture , I can only lie in the world !”

.” Compared with Qin Ye , what kind of thing is Wang Linhan ? Is he qualified to stand on the tutor’s seat ?”

.The live room exploded .

.There was warm applause at the scene !

.”To be able to write such words is indeed a talent of Binhai University , which makes us singers who write songs by themselves a little ashamed !”

.Xu Xiaoyun said with emotion .

.She found that compared with the lyrics written by Qin Ye, the lyrics she was proud of were a little smaller !

.” Teacher , Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is second . I study classical literature , and I only dabble in this area. Your professional field is different , so why think so ?”

.Qin Ye is neither humble nor arrogant .

.The words attracted applause !

.Li Zhe even stood up and applauded !

.” Good boy , gave us a good lesson today . ”

.He was indeed moved by the gentle temperament and words of this young man .

.It sounds like a spring breeze .

.The on-site director watched for more than a few minutes , and hurriedly gestured to the instructor .

.” Qin Ye , thank you for your performance today . Let’s talk about it here today and see you on the show . ” Feng Rong said .

.Qin Ye bowed slightly to the tutor , and left here under everyone’s attention .

.” It’s a good seedling , it needs to be cultivated . ” Li Zhe said sternly .

.” Furthermore , if you can sing poetry so well , if you can stick to this style , I ‘m afraid you can become the founder of a music genre . ” Feng Rong said solemnly .

.In this world , there are also singers who have sung poems , but they are all unknown singers , even net red .

.Not a single song caught fire .

.And today, Qin Ye’s ” Youth Chinese Story ” is top-notch in all aspects , and he is afraid that he will become famous .

.If Qin Ye can create a few more songs like this , it is not an exaggeration to be called the originator of the school !

.They looked at each other and saw the eagerness in each other’s eyes .

.Such potential stocks are the goals they must strive for .

.Only Wang Linhan’s face was not good-looking , and he had been made such a big face by Qin Ye , and he already had a premonition that the Internet was blackening his voice again .

.Thinking of this , he had a feeling of gnashing his teeth .

.” Qin Ye , wait for me . ”

.He didn’t believe that Qin Ye could create a lot of songs like this !

.As long as he has the opportunity , he will definitely give this guy a hard lesson !


.Qin Ye exited the room .

.The staff handed him something like an invitation letter .

.” Mr. Qin Ye , after half a month , you will hold this invitation and go to Magic Capital TV to participate in the program recording . ”

.The staff warned .

.Qin Ye nodded , thanked him , and was about to leave when a fragrant wind blew his face .

.Looking closely , a beautiful girl passed by .

.The supple black shawl , and the delicate facial features are like carvings by God .

.National color Tianxiang !

.Allure !

.It is not an exaggeration to describe this woman with gorgeous words !

.The most attractive thing is her scattered temperament , with ancient rhythm and the graceful , beautiful , and vaguely coldness of Jiangnan women , which makes people unable to linger .

.At this time , this beautiful woman with both temperament and appearance stared at herself as she walked .

.Seeing his gaze cast , the other party withdraws his gaze a little shyly .

.Qin Ye had just seen this girl when he was waiting in the players’ lounge .

.However , the other party was so beautiful that many boys at that time only dared to watch from a distance .

.Two LSPs approached each other in the past , but they were both rejected , /:./’2 ;”:’, rejected , Qin Ye didn’t care at that time .

.Unexpectedly , she will be shy and interesting .

.Qin Ye muttered to himself .


.” Did this handsome boy pass ? It took so long ?”

.Su Lingyun is a little curious .

.Previously , the staff in the lobby would shake people every three or four minutes , but when it was her turn, they waited for nearly ten minutes .

.That’s why she looked at Qin Ye curiously .

.She knocked on the door and entered the audition room .

.The four mentors’ eyes lit up when they saw her .

.” What a shy girl . ”

.Even older female singers like Feng Rong are attracted by her beauty .

.Not to mention Wang Linhan, this little fresh meat .

.Such a girl’s attraction to men is fatal , especially her graceful and cold temperament .

.It can stimulate men’s desire to conquer .

.” Hello , four tutors . My name is Su Lingyun . I am studying at the Imperial Academy of Drama . ”

.A beautiful voice like a nightingale came from Su Lingyun’s small mouth .

.The instructors are stunned !

.good guy !

.I just went to a classic literature student from Binhai University .

.Another top student of the imperial drama has come , has you stabbed a hornet’s nest today ?



Chapter 7 _ Dude , do you want a girlfriend or not ? ? Seeking flowers for evaluation ?

.Qin Ye left the audition venue and took the subway to Changning District .

.The two resumes he submitted before have already received a reply .

.Be a math tutor for a high school student .

.Because of his poor family background , his predecessor often worked as a tutor in school , and math tutoring was the most popular .

.The predecessor has often served , and is very familiar .

.More than an hour passed .

.He finally reached the target community .

.What surprised him was that on the way just now , he actually saw the Magic City Academy of Drama .

.This is also a prestigious school .

.However , like classical literature , opera has gradually withdrawn from the mainstream of the times .

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