.” Look at me grabbing a handful of Chinese medicine and taking the next one with pride . ”

.Boom !

.Another blockbuster !

.” Ah ah ah ! It’s too arrogant , too domineering , I like it very much . ”

.A fan girl with two eyes .

.He doesn’t care who is stronger in Chinese medicine or Western medicine , he just thinks that the invincible lyrics make her heart tremble .

.This kind of stimulation is the first time since she listened to the song !

.The three mentors looked at such a scene , and then looked at Feng Rong, who was calm next to her .

.She seemed to understand what she meant by that chuckle just now .

.Look at Shen Changfeng on the music critics seat .

.The complexion is no longer as indifferent as before !

.The two thick brows seemed to be wrinkling together . The last time this happened was when he was on the line with Qin Ye .

.And this time it was Qin Ye again .

.They knew who this song was for from the explosive opening they heard it !

.” These two are on the bar , hey , one player and one well-known senior . ”

.Xu Xiaoyun sighed .

.Putting it on these fledgling players and industry bosses in the past ?

.Unless he doesn’t want to mess up !

.On the stage, Qin Ye has released himself , and his actions are getting more and more arrogant !

.” I have a relaxed expression and dance around . ”

.”The movement is easy and comfortable , you can’t learn it . ”


.” Use calligraphy to call dynasties and spread the power . ”

.” Have a bold stroke of block letters , and give a punch to the dialogue . ”

.”The ending lies down and sees who is the best . ”

.Even the most unresponsive person knows who this song is for !

.Also , this is a thoroughly diss song !

.But it’s different from the diss who swear words in the rap circle today .

.Regardless of melody or literary style , they are more than one grade higher .

.They looked at each other , looked at Qin Ye on the stage , and looked at Shen Changfeng !

.” Big brother , you are too … feisty !”

.A male fan whispered .

.” What kind of pills are made , what kind of pills are kneaded . ”

.”The antler slices should not be too thin . ”

.”The old master’s method can’t be copied like this . ”

.” Guling paste Yunnan Baiyao and Cordyceps sinensis . ”


.Listen to this explosion of songs .

.Look at that [ exciting ] lyrics !

.Everyone can’t hide the shock in their hearts !

.These Chinese medicines with familiar names , but I don’t know what they look like, can actually write a song ?

.Still so emotional ?

.Everyone just feels that they are going to explode !

.”The Toad Sudilong has already crossed the rivers and lakes . ”

.” We must not lose the hard work of these ancestors . ”

.Everyone was struck by lightning !

? The hard work of our ancestors ? !

? Can’t lose ? !

.People who were still immersed in the hilarious atmosphere felt the tiger’s body shaken .

.” It turns out that words really have power . ”

.A hot-blooded youth trembled with excitement .

.He was struck by this lyric !

.The look in Qin Ye’s eyes has turned into a frenzy !

.” It’s this light , it’s this light that sings along . ”

.”( This light is this light Hey~) . ”

.” Let me adjust a home remedy to treat your coquettish injury . ”

.” Kampo , which has been rooted for thousands of years, has a power that others don’t know about . ”

.Five thunders hit the top !

.Qin Ye’s singing cast a blockbuster on the scene !

.Burned !

.fried !

.It’s boiling !

.Crazy , dragging , cool , and arrogant can be fully experienced by Qin Ye !

.Is this still the gentle and elegant genius in everyone’s heart ?

.Looking at the lyrics , it’s like … yes !

.No one but him seems to be able to write such powerful and emotionally charged lyrics !

.Wang Jiangang also stared blankly at this time .

.Adjust a home remedy to cure your foreign-loving injury , my God ! Compared to this , what are those diss songs we wrote ?

.Some time ago, the songs of several singers who diss Shen Changfeng were all swear words that jumped wildly between 44 .

.They think that’s the only way to be cruel !

.But now , Qin Ye taught him a lesson .

.Tell him that sometimes the power of words does not need to be stimulated by swear words !

.This is not .

.Facing the provocation of many people in the Chinese rap circle , Shen Changfeng, who is still calm, can no longer be indifferent .

.His brows were furrowed , his face was black , and he was extremely ugly .

.Just imagine , who can stand being provoked and ridiculed like this by a junior on stage ?

.Even if a father beats his son, it depends on the occasion, right ?

.He even had the urge to leave here immediately .

.But he knew he couldn’t leave , and he really lost when he left !

.Still sitting there with a gloomy face !

.On the stage, Qin Ye was still arrogant !

.” I danced around with a leisurely expression on my face . ”

.” You can’t learn how to move easily . ”


.”” Haoqi waved his block letters and gave a punch to the dialogue . ”

.”” Lie down at the end to see who is the best . ”

.This part again .

.Qin Ye’s provocation was almost written on his face !

.” It ‘s too ruthless , even swearing swearing , but it’s not so ruthless. How did the director team let this song pass ?”

.Li Zhe, the king of heaven , felt his heart tremble .

.In his heart , although this song does not contain a dirty word .

.But it hurts more than the diss songs that are full of swear words !

.Rao is his influence , and he doesn’t dare to openly sing such a song to Shen Changfeng !

.At this time .

.Feng Rong, who has always been calm, spoke up :

.” You only notice the arrogance and provocation of the song, but you do n’t notice the value of the song itself !”

.The three instructors were stunned .

.” What value ?” Wang Linhan asked in a small sense .

.Feng Rong did not answer .

.The other two mentors frowned .

.Just now, because of their shock , they really forgot to think so much .

.Looking back now , this rap was really different .

.Otherwise , how could Chinese rap, which has been sluggish, drive the scene like this ?

.” It turned out to be like this , what a genius , haha !”

.Li Zhe laughed as if he had noticed something .

.this moment .

.All of a sudden !

Chapter 4 _ Press people with power ! Do you dare to bet with me ? ? Fifth more ?

.” La la la la la ( la la la la la ) . ”


.” La la la la la ( la la la la la ) . ”

.Some viewers were stunned when they heard this [ La La La ] !

.How to say it !

.A little frivolous , a little arrogant , and a little bit cheap !

.” What’s wrong with me ? Why do I think Teacher Qin ‘s [ la la la ] sounds so nice . Is it true love ?”

.” You have changed , you are not the teacher Qin you know !”

.The audience laughed .

.I have to say that I feel a lot of tension at the scene when I sing here .

.Su Lingyun was in the backcourt , looking at Qin Ye with a smile .

.She also just listened to this ” Compendium of Materia Medica ” !

.After knowing the song’s content , he didn’t worry about Qin Ye .

.Although Qin Ye is about the same age as her .

.But in her heart, she is so stable , she is not afraid of anything .

.When I was with him , I felt a sense of security in my heart , as if Qin Ye had a way to face the falling sky .

.What’s more , this song can’t pick out the slightest difference at all !

.Except it will poke some people’s scars !

.She didn’t know that she was already admiring Qin Ye in her attachment !


.site .

.Qin Ye’s slightly frivolous [ la la la ] finally stopped .

.” Invincible !”

.” Great song !”

.” I would like to be called the strongest Chinese rap song !”

.” Please remove the Chinese thank you !”



.The audience is thrilled !

.” Ding ! System task cloth !”

.” Ding ! The host enters the next round and will receive system rewards !”

.good guy !

.Don’t assign tasks until you ‘ve finished singing .

.Qin Ye was a little helpless .


.The host sighed in the audience .

.He really didn’t want to be on stage at this time .

.Although there is a script , he knows that this field is likely to get out of control later !

.Take a deep breath and take the stage to face the biggest challenge of his hosting career !

.” Thank you our Qin Ye !”

.There was thunderous applause again .

.This applause seems to give Shen Changfeng another knife !

.” cough cough . ”

.The host coughed twice on the stage for the first time .

.” Let’s ask our three music critics to comment on Qin Ye’s performance !”

.The two who should have commented before Shen Changfeng looked at each other , and both saw the tangle in the other’s eyes .

.No one spoke .

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