.The scene suddenly embarrassed !

.Some of the audience looked at each other in dismay, the place was cold !

.Also !

.Whoever commented before Shen Changfeng is not a beauty !

.These two people are obviously already on the bar, and they offend people with everything they say , so don’t say it at all !

.Long silence .

.Zhou Wen still picked up the microphone and said :

.” Qin Ye’s arrangement is amazing as always , but I don’t know much about rap , nor have I participated in the production of rappers . ”

.” I don’t want to be ugly here !”

.Hahaha !

.Some in the audience couldn’t help laughing .

.Before Wang Jiangang, you didn’t express your opinion !

.Another music critic also murmured a few words and passed by.

.The only one left is Shen Changfeng !

.Faced with such a song that is very likely to be given to him , what would he say ?

.Is it the case ? Or play dumb ?

.Countless people are looking forward to it .

.” Hehe . ”

.Shen Changfeng smiled contemptuously and said :

.” I don’t know if you understand it , but I didn’t understand it anyway . ”

.here we come !

.It’s about to fight again , and the audience is a little excited !

.Do n’t understand ?

.Go cheating !

.Although Qin Ye sang very fast , it was only the lyrics of medicinal herbs .

.Those few sentences [ Chongyang is healed ], [ Take the next piece of pride ], and [ Heal your foreign-loving wounds ] are very clear .

.I don’t know if Qin Ye did it on purpose .

.Say it again .

.I don’t understand. Isn’t there a teleprompter ?

.People look weird !

.Shen Changfeng didn’t care about the audience’s reaction , and now he has nowhere to go .

.” Everyone who makes music understands . From the first time the term [ song ] appeared in China , we should know a basic standard , ha … It should be the bottom line !”

.As he spoke, he kept turning his head to the two companions beside him .

.The two producers just smiled awkwardly and did not give any substantive response .

.” That is to sing in a serious tone , otherwise what will the audience listen to ? Do you hear you screaming? Teacher Zhou Wen , is that so ?”

.Zhou Wen responded with an embarrassed yet humorous smile again !

.” We have such a big show , so many sponsors, and we make shows to sell for money. Where does the money come from ? Haha ”

.” In the end, it’s not about the consumers . Everyone here is here . As a result … even the consumers can’t understand what they are singing. Is it worthy of them ?”

.” If you can’t do the most basic things well , you can’t be called a singer ! Right !”

.He looked at the male producer again , although he said very heavy words .

.But everyone could feel his restlessness .

.Before , although he also communicated with the other two , he was obviously not as nervous as he is now , and he didn’t have so many words .

.Just when the male producer didn’t know what to say , Qin Ye spoke up .

.” I agree with Teacher Changfeng’s point of view . ”

.There was an uproar !

.good guy !

.You don’t play cards according to the routine , others are mocking you ! big brother !

.Shen Changfeng was stunned for a while, Qin Ye interrupted his train of thought , so that he couldn’t understand it .

.” So , Teacher Changfeng thinks my ” Compendium of Materia Medica ” is not good , right ?”

.Shen Changfeng paused for two seconds and said , ” Yes !”

.Qin Ye sneered and said , “What ‘s wrong with that , tell me and I’ll change it . ”

.Hahaha !

.Some in the audience laughed again .

.Without waiting for Shen Changfeng to answer , Qin Ye asked directly :

.” Is the arrangement bad ?”

.Shen Changfeng was silent . Just now Zhou Wen said that the arrangement was very good , and the other party also gave him face . Now that it’s not good, isn’t it a slap in the face of Zhou Wen ?

.” Is the word okay ?” Qin Ye asked .

.An angry expression appeared on Shen Changfeng’s face for the first time .

.His eyes widened , he looked at Qin Ye coldly , but was silent again .

.” That means I can’t sing well ?”

.Qin Ye smiled .

.” I already said it before , but I don’t even understand it, what do you think ?” Shen Changfeng sneered .

.” I understand . ”

.Qin Ye nodded and said , ” I understand what you said . Consumers are gods . ”

.” Songs are also consumer goods in this era , and consumers should have the final say on what consumer goods are . ”

.” Whether I sing something they can understand or not , as long as they think it’s good , it’s good . ”

.” In that case , Teacher Changfeng , how about I make a bet with you here ?”

.Shen Changfeng frowned .

.” How to bet ?”

.Qin Ye said confidently , ” If this song doesn’t catch on , I, Qin Ye, will quit the rest of the recording of this show !”

.” If I win , Teacher Changfeng, I just need you to admit that some of what you said in the last issue is wrong, that’s all ! ”

.After listening to Qin Ye’s words , Shen Changfeng’s face was already twisted together .

.Let him admit that what he said in the last issue is wrong ?

.Isn’t that punching yourself in the face ?

.What face does he have on this stage ?

.Although Qin Ye didn’t ask him to quit , he actually pushed him towards it .

.It’s just that this scheming is more than a grade deeper than ordinary people !

.And .

.Is it obvious that this song can be popular ? What happened to the scene just now ?

.What he said just now was just looking for an angle to degrade Qin Ye to nothing !

.What if you don’t gamble ?

.Shen Changfeng has reached a dilemma .

.Some audience members looked at Qin Ye with disbelief .

.” So awesome ! So arrogant ! So confident ! So man!”

.” It’s so cruel !”

.” It’s about killing people !”

.” Hard-hard industry boss , tsk tsk , I’m already on my knees !”

.Some people admire Qin Ye so much !

Chapter 47 _ Take off the four beeps and make a sensation in the audience ! ? First Update ?

.The audience was excited one by one under the stage .

.Isn’t this more exciting than some variety show scripts ?

.Of course they don’t think it’s a script , the contradiction between the two , or Qin Ye and the public knowledge circle are still popular on the Internet .

.Qin Ye’s song is obviously for this group of people !

.” Damn it, Teacher Changfeng doesn’t dare to gamble , this is because he believes this song will be popular !”

.” It’s weird if it’s not popular . Needless to say, Teacher Qin sings so well . If the lyrics spread out, the Internet will explode . ”

.” Shen Changfeng was so outspoken last time that he would never be able to speak Chinese rap , and now he is slapped in the face !”

.” It’s ridiculous that he doesn’t understand it . It ‘s like how many people can understand those English songs . Why doesn’t he speak English songs ? I ‘m afraid his foreign father won’t like it ?”

.” This song is too advanced , it’s not comparable to those rap songs on the market today , Qin Caizi is awesome !”

.The audience all stood on Qin Ye’s side .

.Shen Changfeng has become famous over the years , and many of the remarks he said on TV have stinged many Chinese people .

.People scold him every day on the Internet , but he doesn’t care , and he often talks about this on the show !

.Just like when I commented on Wang Jiangang just now , I said that the brothers who sprayed him were not good enough , no pain or itching !

.But now , because of a mocking song by Qin Ye, the defense is broken !

.This shows how awesome this song is !

.” It really got out of control . ”

.The host was next to him , and he felt that his forehead was sweating .

.At this time .

.The director’s voice came from his ears , which made the host relieved .

.” Student Qin , our program does not allow you to withdraw from the competition without permission , so your contract is invalid and should be voided !”

.Hahaha !

.Qin Ye spread his hands and didn’t care .

.” Okay , those people have finished commenting , and the tutor is invited to comment below . ”

.The host turned the topic around and breathed a sigh of relief .

.Li Zhe couldn’t wait .

.” Let me talk about something other than the songs . You only pay attention to the lyrics and music , but you do n’t know the rap skills created by Qin Ye . They definitely make history !!”

.Everyone was stunned .

.Isn’t this a song that satirizes foreigners ?

.What else is there to do ?

.I see .

.Li Zhe was a little excited and said , ” Qin Ye directly removed the four tones in Chinese to make the singing more varied and fit the melody change . This is the flow in rap . ”

.The audience was still stunned , but felt goosebumps begin to appear on their bodies .

.” I’ll give you an example . At the beginning of this song [ if Hua Tuo is reborn ] , there are several changes in it . ”

.” Look at it with normal sounds . If [ two tones and three tones ] Hua Tuo [ two tones ] is alive [ fourth tones ] , you should remember this normal sound . ”

.After that, he cued to the director team again .

.” Director , please cut this melody . ”

.Soon , the explosive melody sounded again .

.” Everyone sing in the normal tone and see . ”

.Some of the audience sang along !

.This time , the scalp is numb !

.” Damn it ! What is singing like this ? It doesn’t feel like Teacher Qin sings at all . ”

.” Are you sure this is what Teacher Qin sang just now ?”

.” Wori , my skin is getting goosebumps, it ‘s so scary !”

.” It’s clearly two songs ! It’s totally inaudible . If you give me the melody and lyrics , and I’ll sing it, I can only say what the hell is this !”

.Some people were shocked !

.Li Zhe took a deep breath and said :

.” Yes , as you sang , such lyrics , normal singing can’t match such a melody at all , maybe there is no melody to make this kind of words sound good . ”

.Thriller !

.It was only now that they realized that the lyrics and music of the songs that had exploded the audience before did not match at all !

.If you sing it according to the normal tone , this song will be lowered by several grades , no matter how good it sounds or how appealing it is .

.The lyrics that originally made people feel passionate , have also become bland !

.” This is Qin Ye’s genius . He removed the four tones . For example , the word [ alive ] is used for the fourth tones in all occasions , while Qin Ye uses the third and second tones !”

.A word to wake up the dreamer !

.People read [ living ] according to what Li Zhe said , and now it is [ zaishi ] !

.Communicate with people , others may not know what the hell you are talking about !

.” It ‘s amazing , I’ll go ! I can’t hear the normal sound , but it sounds so good when I sing it. The normal sound can be heard , but it’s ugly when I sing it . ”

.” That is to say , this song can only be sung in Teacher Qin’s voice , otherwise it will be an ugly song ?”

.Some people responded .

.Creepy !

.What kind of talent is this to create such a way of singing ?

.At this time .

.Feng Rong, who had not spoken for a while , spoke up and said :

.” Mr. Li Zhe is right . Qin Ye’s song has removed the four tones in Chinese . According to normal logic, the four tones are from low to high . ”

.” But when Qin Ye removes the traditional tone , there are infinite possibilities from the first tone to the fourth tone , such as …”

.The person who has been studying for a long time began to analyze the lyrics , and people realized that many tones are no longer one or two .

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