Director Huang was shocked !

” Good !

by Magic City TV after the semi-finals !

Originally .

These ” 677 ” teachers and students will all pack to participate !

This was arranged when the tutor signed the contract with the academy !

Now .

Yang Shi wants someone in person , and they have no reason not to let it go !

And on the other side .

Qin Ye and Feng Rong were rehearsing intensely in a karaoke room !

This time .

Although it is possible to ask for foreign aid , Feng Huo decided to go on his own !

And the songs she and Qin Ye are going to sing are also written by Qin Ye !

“A teardrop ~ ah ~ ah !”

Feng Rong’s sharp high-pitched voice exploded !

She is in her fifties , and her voice is definitely not as good as when she was young, but she can still sing like this , which is enough to see how good her singing skills are. On the other hand, Qin Ye is slightly more relaxed than her , but not so free !

Finally .

The two finished singing .

Only the players who stare at the dog belt are left !

One by one is the largest , and can race an egg in !

So strong ! This is simply inhuman !

Wang Jiangang exclaimed !

The two stopped .

Feng Rong took a sip !

Teacher , I think it’s almost meaningless , let’s try again !

Qin Ye thought seriously .

Feng Rong’s eyes widened instantly !

I can’t wait to swear !

Don’t come , don’t come , come to yourself , I won’t sing ! ”

Feng Rong quickly refused , /:./’2;”:’, absolutely !

Qin Ye’s face darkened , and he said helplessly, ” Isn’t this semi-final sing with the tutor ? How can I come by myself ?”

Feng Rong hurriedly waved her hand and said , don’t call me teacher , I’ll call you teacher , teacher Qin , please let me go , I’m too old to sing !

” How is that possible ? Teacher , you sang very well just now ! It’s just that we didn’t cooperate well !

Qin Ye complimented Nazhi .

Feng Rong looked resentful . Who taught you to write such anti-human songs ? I can’t sing songs for a few years. If I practice with you again , my career life will be reduced by a few years . Is this how you treat your teacher ?

She is a little speechless. She is definitely the top soprano in the entertainment industry. Even she can sing so hard . I am afraid that it is difficult for a female voice in the entertainment industry to reach this level !

I don’t know how this kid came up with it !

Isn’t this what Director Huang told me to increase the ratings ? In addition, Wang Linhan is gone , he is also very difficult , I will sing a good one . ”

Qin Ye said angrily .

Feng Rong almost rolled her eyes !

Would you mind saying that ?

Wasn’t Wang Linhan sent away by your kid ?

Otherwise , teacher , I will write a slightly lower version tomorrow and we will practice again. Feng Rong frowned upon hearing this .

Don’t change it , it’s good for you to sing this song in the semifinals too ! I don’t have the strength to accompany you to practice , but can I find someone for you ? To be honest , if you don’t sing , I don’t like other people singing !

This flattery made Feng Rong elated !

However .

She didn’t take the bait , but said : Don’t worry , I will definitely find someone who can sing for you ! Your teacher and my network are also very wide !

After finishing speaking , she began to recall which female singer in the Chinese music scene could really sing , and I believe she would not refuse , /:./’2;”:’, such a song is absolutely right .

also needs to have a better relationship with herself , otherwise it will be a waste of money for outsiders, and her heart begins to scan .

At this moment, Qin Ye’s cell phone rang , and he was a little embarrassed when he saw the number. Director Huang called him. In the past few days , the other party has been making adjustments with him .

just .

Although everyone guessed that the mastermind behind it was him , he couldn’t admit it if he was killed !

He still answered the phone .

Hello , Director Huang .

Hey , Xiao Qin ! Is it convenient to talk on the phone now ?

Qin Ye was stunned by his words . It was different from the tone he used to persuade him before. It seemed that the other party thought it was convenient .

That’s good , I want to tell you that you won’t be on our TV station for this year’s Mid-Autumn Festival Gala . Yangshi invites you to attend !

Qin Ye didn’t expect this to happen .

” Is there any problem with the TV station ?”

The TV station has agreed , everyone else is on our TV station , only you go to Yangshi !

” Okay , I agree !” That’s fine , brother, I beg you , this semi-final and finals , don’t make any more moths , brother can do it for a few more years !

Hearing that Director Huang was selling badly , Qin Ye looked strange .

Director Huang , I don’t understand what you said ! I participate in the competition in a normal way , and you can see the benefits I bring to the program team , right ?

to your sister !

First send Shen Changfeng away !

Now it’s even more ruthless , the mentor has also left , and this is a miserable one. First the players were wiped out , and now they are wiped out !

What’s even worse is that he didn’t even leave a bubble !

Don’t play tricks with me , you kid, just understand what I mean , and I will definitely play as seriously as I always do, and I won’t cause you any trouble !

Director Huang feels his liver hurts !

I won’t tell you , prepare well , it’s up to you to carry the ratings ! Bye !

was about to hang up , Qin Ye’s words shocked him. Don’t worry , Director Huang, I will make you feel that it’s all worth it !

Listening to these confident words , even Director Huang himself is looking forward to it !

hang up the phone …

Director Huang also has a headache , the previous clips can be edited !

Also had to sail !

But who are you looking for as a guest mentor in the last two games ?

Otherwise .

The three tutors are indeed a bit embarrassing !

And the other side .

Feng Rong’s eyes suddenly lit up !

” Yes , it’s her !”

” Ah ? Teacher , who are you talking about !”

Feng Cai smiled mysteriously and said ;

” She can absolutely sing this song , but do you have the courage to sing with her ?”

Qin Ye laughed heartily .

His face was very calm , and he said , ” Who is it ? It’s so mysterious !”

Feng Shao smiled and said , ” Speaking of which, you and her still have a bit of an intersection . She once sang your song “The Chiling ” !”

were shocked when they heard this !

They want to say , teacher , this kind of person comes to participate in this level of competition , isn’t it cannons to fight mosquitoes ?

Also , will others agree ?

Even if I agree , does Qin Liu, who has a smooth journey, dare to sing with her ?

They have guessed who it is !

That is a person that almost all singers in the entertainment industry don’t want to sing !

Because .

Once you sing with her , some of your shortcomings will be magnified infinitely !

She is a member of the national team – Wang Qingqing !

Her cover of “The Chi Ling ” is also recognized as the only person who can compare with the original singer Qin Ye !

even .

Some people think that her cover song is beyond the original song !

Would Qin Li dare to sing with such a contestant ?

However .

Under their shocked eyes , Qin Ye smiled and said :

‘ I can’t ask for it ! ”

He is missing such an opponent !

” Haha , she’s also my friend , I invite you , so I can practice with Shengnan at ease .

This is both an opportunity and a challenge for you. If you have such confidence, I will rest assured ! ” Qin Ye nodded !

The semi-finals of the first chapter start , are you here to fight for the second place ? ? Seeking full order ?

With the TV days, the scene of Wang Linhan was cut !

The grudge between the mentor and the players is finally settled !

It ended with Qin Ye’s crushing victory .

Although .

The matter of Wang Linhan is still under investigation .

But since the TV station did this , it must have received the wind first !

And .

According to some media reports , including Yuehua , where Wang Linhan’s own company is based, there are more than a dozen entertainment companies .

Several endorsement brands are preparing to sue each other .

This one .

It also includes Qi Rui, who pushed this matter first !

After all .

If Wang Linhan really had a problem , then his songs would definitely be taken off the shelves completely . This loss must have been borne by him and the reality is so cruel !

Now .

It is no longer a question of whether Wang Linhan is cool or not , but how cold he is !

There are media speculations .

The best result is that Wang Linhan spit out all the money he had earned over the years , and then disappeared !

This makes a lot of people sigh !

The top generation , and finally fell to a player and fell without a backhand !

At this time, Director Huang is actively preparing for the semi-finals and has not found a suitable mentor .

At this time .

assistant came in : Director Huang , each contestant has already submitted the songs and candidates for the chorus. Well , show me the documents that Director Huang took over from the assistant and found Qin Ye at the first time . He was shocked . It’s her , she ‘s so brave !

I never thought that Qin Ye would choose to sing with Wang Qingqing .

This made his eyes bright .

This is the most suitable candidate for a guest mentor , who dares to disobey him and get excited .

Subsequently .

He looked at the other people’s list again , and secretly stunned, it seemed that the other two mentors also felt the pressure brought by Qin Ye !

Among them .

Xu Xiaoyun actually invited Lin Yuyan . The first person in the younger generation, Li Zhe, invited Xiao Wu, who was also the king of heaven, and the latter was more famous than Li Zhe !

There are also a number of existences in the Chinese music scene .

In the mouths of many fans , Xiao Wuran is known as the reason why the North Song King 2 has added a North !

That’s because there is still a recognized singer in Xiangjiang .

Although the background of these two people is very big , compared to Wang Qingqing , it is not comparable , they are not one dimension at all !

thought here .

He made a phone call to Feng Rong .

” Teacher Feng Rong , this game is so big !”

That Feng Ge was a little helpless and said :

” Don’t play so big ? I have reached the stage of health preservation . This kid wrote me an anti-human song , and said that it is suitable for me . In order to sing songs for a few more years , of course I have to ask for foreign aid !”

It’s a pity on the other end of the phone .

Obviously .

If he didn’t want to maintain his career as a singer , the music senior would definitely be on his own .

But her words still surprised Director Huang !

A song that even Feng Rong finds difficult !

He can’t imagine it !

Although this senior is a little older , the foundation is there !

It seems that Qin Ye is really attentive this time !

He was also looking forward to it .

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