” Let’s get down to business first , Instructor Feng Wian , I would like to invite Teacher Wang Qingqing to be a guest tutor . You know , this time the situation is a bit special and there is one less tutor !”

Feng Rong stayed there for a while !

They are all the masterpieces of their own disciples !

At an age , it is too difficult to fill a hole for the disciples !

But she herself wants to sing with Qin Ye , does it matter ?

this little thing does n’t matter ! ”

Well , let me tell you , let’s see if she agrees !

” Okay , let’s do this first , and give me a message as soon as possible !

The two just hung up the phone .

Feng Rong heard the sound waves coming from next door !

This penetrating power !

After she waited for the sound to stop , she came to the next room and saw two people communicating with each other !

Teacher Wang , what do you think of my student ?

Wang Qingqing smiled and said , “The talent and singing skills are top-notch . Thank you this time . It’s my honor to be able to sing this song . Feng Rong smiled !

Sure enough .

No one will refuse , /:./’2;”:’, absolutely this song !

There is one more thing I want to ask you . Just now, the director team contacted and said that they want you to be a guest mentor ! You know that too .

Having said that , Feng Rong was too embarrassed to go on !

Xiao Qin teacher Wang Qingqing, who stared at the side and did not speak, was also dumbfounded , and said , ” I know , as long as the director thinks there is no problem , that’s fine !”

” Okay , I went to reply to the director team , you practice first !

Feng Rong left .

Wang Qingqing looked at Qin Ye strangely .

” Well , Mr. Wang , let’s continue practicing , time is running out, Qin Ye scratched his head .

Wang Qingqing smiled lightly and said yes , Teacher Xiao Qin !

Qin Ye is embarrassed !

That’s it .

Another day passed .

semi-finals of ” Musicians for All ” are here !

Advertisements are still being played in the live broadcast room , but the barrage has exploded for Teacher Qin , who is my idol !

?Zi?angry , blood splattered for five steps , Qin?Zi is invincible , sent away the two people I hated the most , so cool haha , me too , Mr. Qin is domineering , Shen Changfeng and Wang Linhan should not have been there . Here , especially the fall of Wang Linhan , it is really a lot of people. Teacher Qin is definitely the strongest student in history . How could a student do this before ?

” It’s really eye-opening and heart- warming , this show is finally quiet , it’s just that one tutor is missing , it’s a bit awkward !

“? Hahaha !”

This time .

Qin Ye is what the people want !

The staff were amazed when they saw this scene !

Especially this number , there are already more than 20,000 before the broadcast , so will it be worth it when it officially starts ?

And Shen Changfeng looked at some of the barrages talking about himself , and it was a little uncomfortable. Recently, he has also encountered troubles !

He had to take down Qin Ye’s songs , but he couldn’t stop the other party from taking off . Instead, the traffic on the platform was getting worse day by day .

If it goes on like this , he, the CEO , will be fired , and he has already sensed this .

Fortunately, there was Wang Linhan , and I felt a little better .

he muttered to himself .

Coastal University .

The dormitory is brightly lit !

Countless dormitories are playing ” Musicians for All ” Senior Qin Invincible !

broke the silence with a shout , ” Senior Qin is so handsome !”

” Senior Qin overall champion !

Various voices of solidarity sounded .

Li Longju smiled at each other in the dormitory .

They bought barbecue , melon seeds and peanut beer , and sat together to brag haha , no matter how famous Ye is now , according to the proportion of fans, our school has the most !

Wu Hao laughed .

You kid is not bad . Taking this opportunity, you have gained more than 10,000 fans , and you will have a bright future in the future . ” Li Longju scolded with a smile .

is Wu Hao who has always said that he has the evidence of Lin Han, ” Brother Ye gave him a mouthful of soup , haha . ”

Brother Ye is really a tiger . He is the king and hegemony on the show. No one dares to provoke him . He has also solved a life -long event . The sister-in-law is really beautiful, can you speak ? What does it mean to be king ? That is justice incarnate !

” I said something wrong , I will punish myself !

Several people chatting hot !

The person next door who is preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination is so uncomfortable !

Hearing that the whole school was shouting at Senior Qin , how could they have the heart to read books? They felt that if Qin Ye was just an ordinary singer , that would be fine !

But those songs sung by the other party , the literary style , meaning , and connotation are not comparable to me at all !

No matter how high their diplomas are , they wouldn’t dare to call them geniuses in front of Qin Ye !

Now .

I only regret that I looked down on Qin Ye and didn’t have a good relationship with him !

And in the backcourt .

Players get together .

The six contestants are on one side .

The other eliminated players are on the other side .

Here , there are two more circles .

The other three groups of students are together , and Wang Linhan’s students are alone together, not because they are incompatible .

But no one dared to play with them !

Now who doesn’t know who the boss among the players is ?

At this time .

tall and beautiful figure with a slender figure came here to see Qin Ye, his eyes lit up , and then he frowned again .

Because she saw Su Lingyun who had a hot chat with Qin Ye .

” Heng !

She walked up to Qin Ye and said generously to Qin talent . We met again , and sister Lingyun . You are so beautiful . I feel pity for you .

Su Lingyun was stunned .

She also only met Lin Yuyan in the past few days , and was invited by Xu Xiaoyun to sing for another contestant !

Hello , Miss Yuyan .

Su Lingyun smiled sweetly .

On the contrary, Qin Ye became a little embarrassed and said that you are not sitting in the front court , why are you here ? ”

Lin Yuyan heard the words , with a dissatisfied expression on her face , said what ? can’t i come ?

Qin Ye can’t help her .

Fortunately .

At this time, the director also came here and was stunned when he saw Qin Ye surrounded by two women !

It seems that the charm of our talented Qin is not small !

He walked up to the player !

” Now draw lots to decide the order of appearances !

After that, let their trip decide the order of the lottery . You don’t want to draw first, after all .

Sing the audience in the back with a deep impression .

At this time .

Qin Ye stood up and said , ” I’ll come first !

He looked weird .

number !

The players did not respond .

Isn’t that the same as not smoking ?

With him taking the lead, the other players were embarrassed to shirk the blame , and Lu Shengnan took the second place by drawing lots .

And Su Lingyun is in third place , Lin , please go to the front court to rest first ! It’s about to start !

Lin Yuyan nodded , and gave Qin Ye a meaningful look . Afterwards, the instructor had already taken the seat , and the invited guests sat beside them, only Feng Rong had no one beside them !

However, in the original position of Wang Linhan, there is a person who makes everyone feel the pressure- Wang Qingqing !

No matter how high your status in the entertainment industry is, you are only the king and queen at most !

And people like Wang Qingqing have a title singer or artist that few entertainment singers get !

The other party is still the top among such people !

Several people also chat with Wang Qingqing from time to time, and the other party’s speech is elegant and generous !

Everything is ready !

It’s finally started !

30,000 people poured into the live broadcast room in an instant !

Damn , it’s finally here ! ”

The wonderful performance is about to be staged , please show me the mentor camp , I want to take pictures and nostalgic !

It seems to feel the barrage of netizens .

The camera really moved to the mentor’s side and it was on Wang Qingqing !

This time the whole network is shocked !

crap , isn’t this Teacher Wang Qingqing ? It seems that the show team has really invested in their lives in order to survive !

Even the gods are invited , invincible , I really hope Wang Qing 77 Qing teacher will come to the stage and sing a song !

You want to eat shit . In this level of competition , Mr. Wang wants to sing instead of fried fish ?

That is , how many mentor music critics can sit still ? Not kneeling on the ground ?

Obviously .

Wang Qingqing has a very high status in the hearts of netizens, and no singer in the entertainment industry can be compared !

Hey , why didn’t mentor Feng Rong invite a singer ? Want to sing two songs by yourself?

Some netizens also noticed this .

But soon the camera cuts to the stage .

The host began to read the opening remarks and the advertisement Welcome to the speech .

We have invited our first player- Wang Mo !

And his sing-along guest Mr. Xiao Haoran was full of Ye Ran !

Sing it !

Xiao Tianwang tried his best to control his wave , but the water temperature was obviously not well controlled !

Completely suppressed Wang Mo !

But that’s all about the overall performance !

The song is still great !

It sings so nicely , what the hell , this is definitely a popular candidate for the total runner-up [ Funny ] ”

” Upstairs , I’m going to be laughed at by you !

Qin Ye : Are you here to fight for second place ? ”

National Runner Up !

Netizens laughed .

The people in charge of the live broadcast room in the backcourt are going to die of laughter !

However .

They turned in shock again !

Because .

The number of people online is constantly rising , and it is already close to 10,000 !

It directly broke the historical record !

‘s too stubborn . Although Qin Caizi has done so many things , he really brought the heat up by himself !

” That’s why he’s still alive and kicking, isn’t it ?

When it was time to comment , the music critics sighed at Xiao Tianwang. Although Wang Mo was suppressed , since he was here , he rarely pointed out the problem .

Now is the stage to support students !

it was the instructor’s turn to comment, Wang Qingqing was the first to comment .

The two of them sang very well , so I don’t need to say more about Teacher Xiao , they are very stable , but Wang Mo’s voice should be longer in that [ Difficult to Continue ] .

Everyone looks weird !

Haha , my teacher Wang is the first time to be a tutor . I don’t understand the rules of this kind of show. Please forgive me .

Mr. Wang is so cute . He really commented , and the comments were so good that he was joking . I am here, Mr. Wang , and I just want to say that everyone here, including the tutor, is my brother ! ” Netizens laughed .

The second person to appear is Lu Shengnan !

Because it was Qin Ye’s teammates !

The cheers of netizens are no less than before !

The two of them played almost perfectly !

Likewise .

Everyone else was touting .

Only the singer Wang Qingqing pointed out a little problem !

PS: There is one more chapter to wait until the song is written .

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