Seeing Zhao Ping left, Zhao Yuner dropped in and followed Zhao Ping's steps.

Zhao Ping smiled at Zhao Yun'er, "Yun'er girl is here too!"

"Huh!" Zhao Yuner responded.

"How is the kitten I gave you now? Did you feed it?" Zhao Ping was a little worried about the life and death of the kitten.

The cubs in his family are almost all dead. There is no way. The old cat has no milk without food. How can the little cubs survive?

Zhao Yun'er replied, "Well, I'm raising it well now, and I'm a lot fatter than before."

Zhao Ping was relieved and said with a smile, "That's good, that's good."

"That's right..." Zhao Ping said out the doubts in his heart, "Yun'er girl, do you know that your milk and your elder aunt have any conflicts with your second uncle? Why did your second uncle suffer so much? It hurts, but the family doesn’t care about it."

Speaking of this, Zhao Yun'er smiled and said, "Uncle Zhao, if it weren't for you, no one would care about my second uncle's life and death."

Zhao Ping was even more puzzled, "Why is this?"

Zhao Yuner told Zhao Ping about Zhao Wenshui's letting go.

Although the ugliness of the family cannot be publicized, Zhao Yuner knows that Zhao Ping's mouth is very strict, and a big man is not like those women who like to chew their tongue.

After hearing what Zhao Yuner said, Zhao Ping opened his mouth and sighed.

He just said how Feng Changxia was so hostile to Zhao Wenshui, and it is estimated that ordinary people would not wait to see Zhao Wenshui. That kind of animal stuff can be done. It turns out that this is why Li Cuiying and Zhao Wenshui are in harmony.

Zhao Ping cursed in a low voice, "So he is indeed not as beastly!"

Judging by Zhao Ping's style, he is a just and awe-inspiring person, and he does not hesitate to help when others encounter difficulties. He is really a good man.

Zhao Yuner smiled and said, "So Uncle Zhao, next time you don't care about his life or death. The so-called good is rewarded for good and evil is rewarded for evil. The fruit he ate today is the cause he planted."

Zhao Ping felt that Zhao Yun'er's words were very reasonable. No wonder that Zhao Wenshui could throw herself like this. It seemed that God had deliberately punished him.

"Hmm, Yuner girl, I know, I won't care about this in the future."

Zhao Yun'er nodded, and the two separated and went back separately.

The weather has become a lot hotter in the past few days, and it has officially entered the sweltering heat.

In order to sleep better at night, Zhao Yuner will make some ice cubes every day and put them in the house to dissipate heat. It is indeed more comfortable at night.

A lot of iced sweet soup was also made during this period. The family didn't eat much, but everyone would drink a lot of iced sweet soup.

But this one is prone to diarrhea without paying attention. Zhao Yun'er had to watch it every day, chasing after the warning, these people are a little more restrained.

Especially Liang Jinqiao, after all she was pregnant, Zhao Yuner didn't dare to let her eat these foods that were too cold.

Soon, it was the day when Zhao Tianhu got married.

The people in the big room were generous enough, and they were very solemnly organized. They rented a sedan chair to come back and spent hundreds of dollars.

The staff were all recruited from the village, and there were a dozen people in the welcoming team, and several uncles and nephews of the old Zhao family were dispatched.

Zhao Wenhua and Zhao Wentao directly acted as sedan chairmen, and they were more than enough to carry the sedan chair.

On weekdays, the burden of millet is very heavy, once one or two hundred catties, as for the golden chrysanthemum, at most one hundred catties.

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