This saves the money of the big house. If you find someone to carry the sedan chair, you will have to pay a few dozen yuan.

Afterwards, let Dafang give their two brothers a little more alcohol.

As a family, you are Zhao Tianhu's happy day again, so naturally you don't account for that much.

And Zhao Tianhu wore a bright red wedding dress, which Feng Changxia specially took Zhao Tianhu to the town to do.

Originally he was reluctant to give Zhao Tianhu this dress. Later, he got the fifteen taels of Zhao Wenshui's silver, which happened to be a little richer. Then he gritted his teeth and decided to make the marriage beautiful. It took nearly a couple of silver to do it. This suit is happy.

The so-called people rely on clothing and Buddha rely on gold clothing. On weekdays, Zhao Tianhu wore coarse cloth clothes and didn't feel too handsome. After changing into a happy dress this time, he dressed up a bit. The spirit of the whole person is completely different. He was handsome and handsome, and among the young men in the village, he was absolutely outstanding.

Zhao Yuner stared at Zhao Tianhu a few more times, showing a satisfied expression.

Zhao Tianhu was a little embarrassed when Zhao Yuner looked at him, and asked Zhao Yuner, "Sister Yuner, what are you always staring at me? What's so good about me?"

Zhao Yuner joked, "That's not it, the second cousin is so handsome today, how can you not take a few more glances? Asking me to say that the second cousin picks up the bride like this, I will definitely be fascinated by the bride when I look back."

Zhao Tianhu was originally a thin-skinned man. He was praised by Zhao Yun'er, his ears were red, and he lowered his head and said, "Sister Yun'er, you don't want to make fun of me. How can I be considered handsome, compared to my son , It’s a huge difference, it's not comparable at all."

"You don't need to compare with the old man, the second cousin will compare with the other men in the village. He is really handsome and handsome, big aunt, fourth aunt, don't you think?"

Both of them laughed and responded, "Yes, yes, of course they are."

"My Tianhu has never been so handsome. It seems that the reason is that it is not dressed up in the week. It is not bad at all to dress up."

"Yes, the looks of the children from our old Zhao family are among the best in the village."

"Mother, fourth aunt..." Zhao Tianhu was even shy and terribly shy when Feng Changxia and Qian Hongzao said so.

Feng Changxia patted Zhao Tianhu on the shoulder and said, "Okay, bridegroom officer, when you are ready, hurry up, don't miss auspicious time."

Zhao Tianhu blushed, but he was a little expectant to pick up the bride back soon.

Today he is handsome and handsome. Ju'er who wants to come to him is also beautiful today?

Hearing that the bride is the most beautiful day in a woman's life, he can't wait to see Jin Ju soon, to see what she looks like.

"Mother, then I'm going!"

Zhao Tianhu waved his hand and walked out of the house.

The others in the welcoming team walked, while Zhao Tianhu rode a horse.

This horse was negotiated before and borrowed from Mulianfeng.

When you were young, riding a horse to pick you up was something that big families would do.

And Zhao Tianhu was able to ride a horse this time, so he naturally made a lot of face.

Feng Changxia looked at the handsome and handsome figure on the horse's back, a satisfied smile on her lips.

It is estimated that after today, many people in the village will envy the big house, and Feng Chengxia's vanity has been greatly satisfied.

On the horseback, Zhao Tianhu pulled the saddle, and the horse started to move around.

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