Zhao Tianhu didn't know how to ride a horse, but for today's welcoming, he has spent the past few days hurrying to practice under the guidance of Mu Lianfeng.

Although the technology is still not that good, it is not a problem to greet relatives.

The others followed the sedan chair, and soon a group of people wandered out of the village and hurried towards the bride's village.

And the old Zhao's house did not fall, Zhao Yun'er entered the kitchen and began to prepare.

She also had to take care of the banquet. This time there were still many guests who came to the banquet. Together with Shen Pan'er's parents and Dafang's in-laws came to celebrate.

After all, it was a big event for Zhao Tianhu to get married, and this kind of happy event related to Dafang seemed too much for them to come here.

For such a remote place, the Shen family is really unwilling. After I came here, I saw the situation of the old Zhao's house, and I became more and more distressed that this son and daughter came to such a place to endure hardships.

Fortunately, Zhao Tianlong took the imperial examinations this year, and the chances of passing the examinations were high. They were also able to see the moon and the moon, and their hardships would soon end. When Shen Pan'er became an official's wife, she would naturally not suffer in remote areas in the future.

In addition to bringing gift money, the Shen family was very generous and brought a lot of good things. Of course, most of them are for their own daughters.

Since it is not good to eat in the countryside, there are more snacks that Shen Pan'er and Zhao Yangyang usually like to eat.

What kind of confectionery, beef jerky, peanuts and the like.

The carriage stopped outside the courtyard of the old Zhao's house. People in the village rarely saw the magnificent carriage and started talking.

"Lao Zhao's family, what big person is here again?"

"Who knows, the old Zhao family knows too many rich people."

"People and Shi Ziye can have a relationship, what else is so strange."

"That's... hey, the old Zhao's house today is different from before. The people in the whole house are all out of shit, and they suddenly develop."

"Didn't you say it, people are ancestral tombs well repaired, and the ancestors are blessed by the spirit of heaven, otherwise can this be done?"

As soon as he heard about repairing the ancestral grave, the Hu family who came to join in the fun became a little unhappy.

They also repaired their ancestral tombs. How come they haven't seen their house as developed as Zhao Baoshan's house.

Hu angrily pushed Zhao Baojun on the side.

Zhao Baojun staggered and almost fell to the ground.

A little displeased, he said to Hu, "I said, what do you mean by pushing me? I almost fell over by you. I planted a lot of age on the ground, and the bones could be broken by you. Aren't you afraid to kill me!"

Hu snorted, "You deserve it if you fall to death."

Zhao Baojun was a little annoyed, "I said, what the **** are you doing, this old woman? It's okay, what do you do to get angry with me? Where did I get you to offend you?"

"You provoke me, and I am angry when I look at you. I blame you for this unsatisfactory thing. It must not be liked by the ancestors. You can see that the children of the second house are all developed like this. In our room, the benefits of farts are not available, and the ancestors did not give any protection at all."

Zhao Baojun felt more and more that Hu was just looking for trouble, which was inexplicable.

"I can't blame it. My ancestors don't like me, what can I do?"

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