Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2005: Feng Changxia's in-laws

Hu's heart is very responsive, so he will take Zhao Baojun to operate, whether he is right or not, and find him a little bit more comfortable.

"Why don't you blame you? It must be that you have not been filial to good elders before, and you are not likable. When people die, they don’t think about blessing you. As a result, the people in this room haven’t got any benefits after repairing the grave. Look, what has become of your second child and one room?

Tianhu became a relative and he was a big sedan chair and a horseback rider, earning a lot of style. You said that by comparison, are our people in this room too shabby? "

Hu said angrily, even more envious of the old Zhao family.

Zhao Baojun felt a little uncomfortable.

The second room is now developed, what can he do? Even if he is jealous, what good is it?

Anyway, I can't blame him for it. Rather than admire others, it is better to think about how they should develop in this room.

"You old lady, I think it's okay to find trouble, and I have to push the responsibility on me. Our three-bedroom and four-bedroom family has not repaired the grave, nor have they seen their development! Really!" Zhao Baojun replied with dissatisfaction. One sentence.

Hu still wanted to make noise, but Zhao Baojun's words blocked her to death, "Don't make noise anymore, it was okay, but if you made trouble, others would see our jokes."

Hu looked around and saw that many people's eyes fell on her, and some were still secretly covering their mouths with joy. Hu only then closed his mouth angrily.

At this time, a few people stopped on the carriage of Zhao's house.

It is Shen Pan'er's family.

There is a middle-aged man in his forties, and a woman in his forties.

However, because of the wealth of the family, the two dressed luxuriously, which is very different from the temperament of the country people.

Especially Shen Pan'er's mother, Yang.

Compared with Feng Changxia, Yang's dress is good, clothes and jewelry are not bad, he is estimated to have rouge on his face, the whole person is very young, there are no wrinkles on his face, and some beauty is still visible.

The people in the yard saw it, especially the men, staring at the Yang, with a touch of surprise in their eyes, thinking that the rich are indeed rich, if they could dress up like this, it would be nice to go back every day. She was looking at a beautiful woman, not a yellow-faced woman.

The Yangs ignored these people and walked towards the old Zhao’s yard with Shen Pan’er’s father, Shen Wan, and Xiao Si at the back was carrying some boxes with some gifts inside.

"Sister-in-law, your in-laws are here, why don't you hurry up to entertain them?" Qian Hongzao saw it and hurriedly greeted Feng Changxia.

"Huh, my in-laws are here?" Feng Changxia, who was still busy in the kitchen, suddenly stopped her movements.

"Well, people are in the yard! Get out now!"


Feng Changxia was a little excited, hurriedly wiped her hands with a rag, and then rushed into the yard.

As soon as I saw the Shen family, there was a smile on his face, "Ah, my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, you are here! It's so troublesome to come here all the way!"

Of course Feng Changxia is just a polite, and she is expecting the Shen family to come.

Among other things, people will definitely bring something when they come, and Zhao Tianhu will also give gifts for getting married.

The Shen family is wealthy, and it is absolutely impossible to give less gift money.

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