Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2006: Young's dislike

As a result, their family would naturally make a profit. Thinking of those good things and money, Feng Changxia's smile grew even more.

The Shen family also replied politely, "Tianlong's younger brother got married. This is a happy event for your family. How can we not come as in-laws?"

Yang also responded, "Yes, your family's happy event, as in-laws, naturally you have to come and join in the fun.

We haven't seen Pan'er girl and Yangyang for a while, so you can stop by this time! "

Feng Changxia responded with a smile, "That's good, that's good, Pan'er and Yangyang are talking about in-laws all day long at home!"

"Yeah!" Yang's replied.

She snorted in her heart. With the conditions of the old Zhao family, her daughters and grandsons are suffering here, so how could they not talk about them.

Especially Yangyang, for such a small child, he needs to eat more delicious food to make up, and grow taller and fatter.

She saw the children of those who had no money, they were not so white and tender, and they were far worse than those of the rich.

Feng Changxia hurriedly greeted Shen Wan and Yang to come into the house to do it, and then poured two glasses of cold water, "Mother-in-law, you are tired on the way, come and drink a glass of water first."

"Okay!" Yang took the cup, but frowned in disgust.

The things used by this countryman are relatively old, so they look a little dirty.

Yang is also a cleanliness person on weekdays, a little bit clean, so looking at the cup that Feng Changxia handed over, I feel a little disgusted.

However, he was really thirsty at the moment, so Yang took out his handkerchief and wiped it against the mouth of the cup before reluctantly drinking the water inside.

Feng Changxia looked very embarrassed, she was not a fool, how could she not tell that Yang was disgusting her house.

But there is no way to tell, who is the big family? They are very particular about the things they use on weekdays, and they look down on what the country folks use.

After the comparison, Feng Changxia increasingly hoped that Zhao Tianlong would be able to rise above others and become a high official in the future, so that her life would be fine in the future.

"My father and my mother, then you sit down first, Pan'er Girl and Yang Yang are both in the house, I'll call them out." Feng Changxia greeted.

Yang smiled and nodded, "Okay, then I will trouble my mother."

"It's okay!" Feng Changxia hurriedly waved her hand, and then went to Shen Pan'er's room, and greeted Shen Pan'er, "Pan'er girl, your parents are here, go out and narrate."

When Shen Pan'er heard this, he responded with excitement, "Okay!"

As he said, he hugged Zhao Yangyang and hurried out of the house.

Seeing this girl and grandson, Shen Wan and Yang suddenly smiled.

The family sat together and narrated, and Feng Changxia felt a little uncomfortable looking at Zhao Yangyang being even closer to Yang than to her.

Zhao Yangyang's surname is Zhao, her grandson. It stands to reason that you should be closer to her.

After all, I only spend more time with her on weekdays. The average granddaughter and the elders of the girl’s family have come to live a little bit, but their family is a little abnormal.

Think about it because the Shen family was rich and their Zhao family was poor.

Zhao Yangyang's snacks were bought by the Shen family. The kid is a glutton. Whoever buys a lot of snacks can just talk about others, okay?

I feel that their family can be developed, and if they have money in their hands, maybe Zhao Yangyang can get closer to her.

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