Moreover, Shen Pan'er is also wearing some jewelry, wearing gold and silver, the whole person is beautiful and reveals a temperament.

She is far from reachable for the kind of things that everyone has cultivated since childhood.

Facing Shen Pan'er, Jin Ju was a little envious, and at the same time felt ashamed of being a concubine with such a person.

Country folks like to compare most, and it is estimated that many people will compare him with Shen Pan'er.

Really a comparison, it is obvious that she is not even a bit worse than Shen Pan'er.

As Feng Changxia's daughter-in-law, her mother-in-law must also prefer Shen Pan'er.

Thinking of this, Jin Ju felt bitterness in her heart.

At this time, Zhao Yangyang took Shen Pan'er's hand, and the soft and waxy voice rushed towards Shen Pan'er and said coquettishly, "Mother, Yang Yang wants to eat mung bean cake, can you get some for Yang Yang now?"

"Isn't this just eaten in the morning? Why do you want to eat it now? And it's almost time for dinner. Can you still have lunch after eating it for a while?" Shen Pan'er said softly.

However, Zhao Yangyang still took Shen Pan'er's hand and said, "Mother, Yangyang just wants to eat. Grandma brought so much here. Isn't she just wanting Yangyang to eat well?

Yangyang doesn't eat lunch, lunch is not half as delicious as mung bean cake. "

How can Shen Pan'er stand Zhao Yangyang's acting like a baby? Before Zhao Yangyang said a few words, Shen Pan'er immediately surrendered, so she nodded and responded, "Okay, good, mother, go get it to Yangyang now."

"Yeah!" A smile suddenly appeared on Zhao Yangyang's face.

Shen Pan'er got up, went into the room, and took out the pastry box, which contained the mung bean cake delivered by the Shen family.

"Come, eat!" Shen Pan'er looked at Zhao Yangyang dozingly, and handed the mung bean cake to Zhao Yangyang.

Zhao Yangyang raised a bright smile at the corner of his mouth, grabbed two pieces and stuffed it into his mouth immediately, eating very satisfied.

This is how children like to eat messy things but don't want to eat.

Of course, Shen Pan'er also knew that the food of the old Zhao family was very poor, even if they seldom eat meat on weekdays, and there is no oil in the food, compared with their Shen family, it is almost heaven and earth.

Zhao Yangyang has eaten the food of Shen's family, so he is not willing to eat at the old Zhao's house on weekdays, and likes to yell at grandpa and grandma's food all day long.

It is a pity that she, as the daughter-in-law of the old Zhao family, occasionally returns to her family's family for a while. If she stays at her family's family for a while, she will cause dissatisfaction from her family's family, and will be said by the family's relative.

After all, the married daughter threw it out. Zhao Tianlong didn't enter their Shen family. The wife should stay at her husband's house according to the rules.

Shen Pan'er himself was about to eat a few pieces. She caught a glimpse of Jinju on the side. She was a little embarrassed, so she took the pastry box and handed it to Jinju, and said to Jinju, "Second brother and sister, this is mung bean cake. You shouldn't have eaten it? Would you like to try it?

This thing is more expensive, and one box costs one or two silver, and most people are reluctant to eat it. This time, my father and mother specially brought some to Yangyang to eat. This kid is greedy, just like eating these things. "

Shen Pan'er greeted Jin Ju to eat on the surface, but the meaning in the words made people uncomfortable.

With that said, Jin Ju is so embarrassed to eat, such a precious thing, a box of one or two silver, there are not a few dollars in a box, she ate one piece at random, and she did not eat dozens of hundreds of words.

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