The money is enough to buy a chicken back.

A chicken can be eaten beautifully, but this cake can be swallowed in one bite, it is not worth thinking about it.

The rich people may not be able to understand the things they do, or they may have too much money in their hands, and they simply don't care about the few pennies.

Faced with the cakes that Shen Pan'er handed over, Jin Ju hurriedly waved his hand, and refused, "No, sister-in-law, I should leave such precious things for you and your nephew. I don't need them."

Shen Pan'er still pretended to be polite, "It's okay, second sibling, it's okay to try one piece, you can tell if it tastes good after you eat it!"

When Shen Pan'er finished speaking, Zhao Yangyang leaned in front of Shen Pan'er, pouting, and reluctantly said to Shen Pan'er, "Mother, these cakes are for Yangyang, how can you give them to others? Mother, I am not happy!"

Shen Pan'er smiled awkwardly at Zhao Yangyang, and then educate Zhao Yangyang, "Okay, Yangyang, isn't this too much? Just give you a piece for your second aunt to taste what's wrong? You can't be too selfish. of."

Zhao Yangyang's face was full of displeasure, "No, no, Yangyang wants to be alone, not for others to eat."

Shen Pan'er sighed, pretending to be helpless.

Then he said apologetically to Jin Ju, "Second sibling, I’m so sorry, we just have a grandson in our big house. We are too pampered in the daytime. We rely on him for everything, and he does not eat food alone. No one says no. move……"

Jin Ju is too embarrassed to blame, and hurriedly waved his hand, and replied, "Sister-in-law, it's okay, just let your nephew eat it. It doesn't matter if I eat or not.

"This...I'm sorry..."

Jin Ju smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, I can take your heart. It doesn't matter whether you eat or not. It's great to have a sister-in-law like you..."

Her mother-in-law treated her well, and her sister-in-law looked very good.

So Jin Ju felt very relieved.

Shen Pan'er smiled wryly, and felt a little guilty after hearing Jin Ju's words.

"If this is the case, then I won't force my younger siblings to eat..."

"Well, sister-in-law, eat it!"

Shen Pan'er twitched the corner of his mouth, took the cake and ate with Zhao Yangyang.

Seeing that the mother and son were eating sweetly, she felt embarrassed sitting by an outsider.

And she said that she would not eat, but she had some thoughts in her heart.

After all, such an expensive thing looks good and should be very delicious.

Jin Ju swallowed in his stomach, then got up and said to Feng Changxia, "Mother, why hasn't Tianhu come back?"

"I'm probably busy, I saw him in the field of your third uncle's house just when I was washing clothes."

"Mother, should I send saliva to Tianhu? He should be thirsty in this hot weather." Jin Ju suggested.

Thinking of an excuse to send water to Zhao Tianhu, I didn't have to stay in the old Zhao's yard and stare at me with my mother-in-law, making it very embarrassing.

Feng Changxia thought about it for a while, and it was really necessary to send water or not in such a hot day.

"Second daughter-in-law, you just got married, don't know how to send it? Or mother come!"

"Mother, you tell me how to leave and I will know, you are resting at home."

"Also, the road is easy to recognize. You leave the yard and go straight to the right. When you reach the river, you can see the field of your third uncle's house not far away."

"Good mother!" Jin Ju replied, then went to the kitchen and poured a glass of cold water.

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