Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2053: It's nice to have a wife

According to Feng Changxia's direction, Jin Ju saw Zhao Tianhu who was busy in the field without walking for a while, and then hurried towards Zhao Tianhu's direction.

"Msang Gong~" Jin Ju called out shyly after a short distance.

At first, Zhao Tianhu thought he had hallucinations, so he didn't pay much attention. It was not until Jin Ju called out a second time that Zhao Tianhu turned his head and looked at Jin Ju.

"Daughter-in-law, why are you here? A girl ran out of this hot day, not afraid of getting tanned.

The girl is white and tender, so you can go back and rest. "Zhao Tianhu said with a look of concern.

Listening to Zhao Tianhu's words, a touch of sweetness emerged in Jin Ju's heart.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Tianhu cared about her so much, and was afraid that she would be tanned.

She didn't think there was anything, but Zhao Tianhu hadn't considered this aspect, Jin Ju felt a little moved.

"Msang Gong, I am here to bring you water!" Jin Ju said, smiling and raising the kettle in his hand.

Zhao Tianhu was stunned, and then a sweet smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It turned out that the wife was worried that he was thirsty, so she brought him water.

It’s so good to have a daughter-in-law hurts and loves her.

Unlike before, a person is single, and there is no envious of others.

"Hehe~" Zhao Tianhu smiled naively, and he didn't know what to say, he just stood silly and cheerful.

"Tianhu, it seems that my second nephew and daughter-in-law are good to you, I feel very sorry for you!" Zhao Wentao stood aside and said jokingly.

Zhao Tianhu was originally a thin-skinned man. When Zhao Wentao said that, he lowered his head and muttered, "Uncle Si, why are you laughing at others..."

"I am laughing at you, just telling the truth. You are a foolish kid. You have come back with such a good wife."

"Four Uncle..."

"Well, what are you shy as a big man? Now it's different from before. Now that you have a wife, you have to let go and don't shy away." Zhao Wentao taught.

Zhao Tianhu was silent, and then replied, "Uncle Si, I know, I will pay attention to it later."

Jin Ju greeted several other men to come and drink water.

The sun is shining right now, and they are soaked in sweat. How can they not drink more water to replenish moisture?

Jin Ju poured a cup of water and one person passed it. The three men immediately felt refreshed and more comfortable.

"Ju'er, thank you, you are so kind!" Zhao Tianhu grinned at Jin Ju. Although he is very tired and hot now, he has a happy smile on his face.

Jin Ju replied shyly, "My husband, I'm fine anyway, I'll give you a glass of water without getting tired."

"I just don't want you to come out..." Zhao Tianhu smiled slyly and replied.


So when Zhao Yuner was busy or brought water, she saw Jinju who had already sent water.

Zhao Yun'er couldn't help but joked, "Hey, I had known that I would not make a special trip when Er Tang's wife came over."

"Yeah, girl Yun'er, you ran away for nothing, and there will be a nephew and daughter-in-law in the family. Just like you, she is a caring person." Zhao Wentao followed.

"Yeah, you don't need me anymore, hey, nothing more, then I will go back and I won't give you water anymore."

Zhao Yun'er got up and was about to leave, Zhao Tianhu said to Jin Ju, "Ju'er, you go back too, here to get some sun."

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