The reason for the eagerness to send water is to avoid the embarrassment of staying with other people in the old Zhao family.

What's the point of her coming out after going back?

When Zhao Tianhu asked her to go back, Jin Ju shook his head, "No, I still want to stay here with you."

Zhao Tianhu frowned, "But Ju'er, it's too hot here, isn't it uncomfortable in the sun?"

Jin Ju shook his head, "I don't have any exposure at home, I'm not that delicate."

"Ju'er..." Zhao Tianhu wanted to continue to persuade him, after all, staying at home would definitely be more comfortable than being outside in the sun.

For him, the hardest thing to see is his wife's hardship.

Zhao Yuner patted Zhao Tianhu on the shoulder, and taught Zhao Tianhu, "Second cousin, didn’t you see it? Second cousin just wants to stay with you. You two get married now, sticking all the time. It’s good to be together."

"Um..." Zhao Tianhu was stunned, he didn't think about it, he simply felt sorry for Jin Ju.

"Ju'er...If you want to be with me and don't be afraid of getting sunk, let's stay together!" After hesitating for a moment, Zhao Tianhu rushed to Jin Ju.

Jin Ju lowered her head and replied shyly, "Okay..."

"Then I'm leaving first!" Zhao Yuner stood up and said.

Against the scorching sun on his head, people are really uncomfortable.

Maybe she still hadn't suffered much, she was a little delicate.

After lunch at noon, Zhao Yun'er put on the back basket and called Mulan to go up the mountain.

Although the weather is terribly hot now, the woods on the mountain are very cool as soon as you walk in because of the lush trees, as if you are in an air-conditioned house in the 21st century.

If it weren't for the mosquitoes and wild animals on the mountain, it might be dangerous. Moving a bed here at night would definitely be very comfortable and cool.

As they walked, they searched for the wild mushrooms on the ground.

It is estimated that because it has not rained for a long time, there are not many wild fungi on the ground.

After a while, the two picked a half basket of wild fungi.

Even so, these wild mushrooms are enough to eat for a few days.

Zhao Yuner and Mulan decided to find something else with satisfaction. They found a lot of wild fruits on the mountain. The taste was sweet and not inferior to the fruits grown at home. If these things are brought back, it is estimated that a few children will like them the most.

The luck of the two was pretty good, and they ran into two hares again after a while, and they looked very plump. They were a few kilograms larger and could be cooked well.

There are just two, one in a family, and you can have a nice meal tonight.

"Yun'er, I think it's almost done. We both gained a lot this time, shall we go back now?"

Zhao Yun'er nodded, agreed, glanced at the contents in the basket, and smiled contentedly.

Just when the two were about to reach the foot of the mountain, Zhao Yuner felt something wrong. I always felt someone following behind me, but I didn't see anything when I turned around.

Mulan asked with concern, "Yun'er, what's wrong? Why are you suspicious? What happened?"

"It just feels like someone is following us..." Zhao Yuner muttered.

"Really?" Mulan looked around, "Nothing... I didn't see any figures..."

Zhao Yun'er twitched the corner of her mouth and replied, "Hey, maybe I'm too sensitive."

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