"Well, it must be, Yun'er don't think about it, let's get down the mountain soon." Mulan greeted.

"Good!" Zhao Yuner nodded.

Shaking his head, thinking that he might be busy and confused.

However, as Zhao Yuner and Mulan continued to descend the mountain, in a bush, a rough man in gray and another man in black said, "Boss, it seems this is the woman. We are finally waiting for her to go down the mountain. Do you want to do it now?

There is a woman next to him, who seems to be getting in the way..."

"Is this woman confirmed?" the man in black asked.

The man in gray nodded heavily, "The boss confirmed that it was her. I followed her all the way from her house. There was no chance to start. Now that we have come, we just have the opportunity. It won't be so easy if we don't wait for them to enter the village. ."

The man in black was silent and said, "Well, let's do it early, and get the remaining half of the money early. After paying such a high price, we naturally have to do our work well, and the beautiful work satisfied the employer. That's fine."

"Well, boss, let's go!"

"Good Le!"

As the two spoke, they got out of the grass together and ran towards Zhao Yuner and Mulan quickly.

These two people are professionally trained, so they are skilled, and you are also very quick and neat when you shoot.

Before Zhao Yuner and Mulan came back to their senses, the two had already flashed behind them.

Zhao Yun'er and Mulan both exclaimed, and she didn't realize that she was wrong, and someone really followed her.

Obviously these two people are not good at coming, and don't know what idea they made.

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Yuner scolded coldly.

"Catch you to a place!" The man in black said solemnly.

Zhao Yun'er wanted to resist, and before they had a fight with the two men, they had already grabbed her arm and couldn't move at all.

Mulan was pushed by the man in gray and fell heavily to the ground.

Mulan exclaimed in pain, but after seeing this situation, she got up anxiously from the ground and rushed towards the two men, "What do you want to do? Why do you want to catch Yun'er? Quickly put Yun'er away. Up."

"Have you heard of Yun'er? Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!"

However, Mulan was a weak woman, and her threat was nothing to the two men's ears, so both men ignored her.

Mulan was anxious, fearing that Zhao Yun'er might be hurt, she exclaimed, "What do you want to do, let Yun'er go quickly, and I will fight with you."

She said that Mulan rushed over, but before the two men were close, she was kicked heavily and then fell to the ground.

Mulan was so painful being kicked, feeling black in front of her eyes, and a layer of cold sweat oozing from her forehead, sitting on the ground and clutching her belly.

The gray-clothed man spit on the ground, and said with a grin, "Sick lady, don't overpower yourself."

Zhao Yuner looked at Mulan worriedly, "Sister-in-law Mulan, are you okay?"

"Yun'er, I'm fine..." Mulan gritted her teeth, because she was worried about Zhao Yun'er, she still got up from the ground.

Zhao Yuner hurriedly dissuaded her, "Sister-in-law Mulan, just leave me alone, take care of yourself first, you will be dead if you continue like this!"


"Stinky lady, you are too long-winded, shut up quickly, better be honest!"

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