The man in gray yelled impatiently.

Then he turned around and said from the man in black, "Big brother, let's go now? This person has been caught and taken home."

The man in black squinted his eyes, then nodded in response, "Well, let's go."

"You...why are you going to catch Yun'er?" Seeing the two men trying to drag Zhao Yun'er away, Mulan suddenly became anxious.

If it were in the village, it would be okay, someone would stretch his head to look at it.

It is much easier to have the help of the villagers, like Zhao Yuner.

But now it was on the mountain, she just yelled out of her voice and no one would have heard it, and naturally no one would come to rescue Zhao Yun'er.

When Mulan shouted, the black man raised his brows and looked at Mulan sharply, "This woman can't be kept, lest the two of us are exposed too, second child, quickly kill him."

Zhao Yun'er trembled, what are these people doing?

Still planning to kill Mulan?

If Mulan died, she would not be ashamed.

There are many children in Mulan's family. What if he goes to the three children?

Mulan seemed to be frightened.

But hearing that the man in black said he was going to kill her showed that the act on Zhao Yuner was also very serious, and Mulan was worried about Zhao Yun unexpectedly.

"Don't mess around. Since the person who wants to catch is me, then don't hurt the innocent. I will cooperate with you and go with you, and she will not talk nonsense, please let her go." Zhao Yuner rushed to the black man. Up.

Now that the two of them are in danger, they can save one or the other.

As long as she doesn't do anything to her now, then she has a chance to save herself.

What we have to do now is to hold the two men and prevent them from hurting Mulan.

The gray-clothed man is obviously a soft-hearted man, and he said to the black-clothed man, "Big Brother wants me to see it or forget it? Now it doesn't matter to us to knock her out, we are making money, we didn't think about killing, really If someone dies and leads to a lawsuit, there will be more trouble..."

The man in black thought for a while, and whispered, "Well, let's knock her out."

"Yes!" The gray man hurriedly nodded, then walked towards Mulan, tapped on the back of Mulan's neck, and Mulan fainted.

Zhao Yun'er was relieved, as long as these people let Mulan go.

As for her...

She will slowly figure out a solution.

In order to prevent Zhao Yun'er from breaking free, the man in gray and black took out Zhao Yun'er's hands and feet tied with hemp rope, and also took out a piece of cloth and stuffed it into Zhao Yun'er's mouth, afraid of what sound Zhao Yun'er might make.

Then Zhao Yuner was carried into the sack and walked down the mountain.

Not far from the foot of the mountain, they deliberately prepared an ox cart on which some other goods were piled up in sack, and Zhao Yuner was put in and covered up, but they couldn't see it.

The man in black said, "I'll go to Yangcheng in a while, I'll go to Shizi Mansion first, and inform Miss Murong, you take someone to the place that Miss Murong arranged, you know?"

The grey-clothed man nodded heavily, "I know the big brother, I will take care of this little thing."

"Hmm..." The black-clothed man responded.

The ox cart swayed slowly and walked in the direction of Yangcheng.

At this time, Zhao Yun'er, who was placed on the bullock cart, heard the conversation between the two men and couldn't help frowning.

Ms. Murong from Shizifu in their mouths should be Murongshuang, right?

This woman... was not reconciled, and started to deal with her again.

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