Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2057: See also Murong Shuang

Just don't know what Murong Shuang's wishful thinking is for her this time?

With Murongshuang's personality, maybe things that hurt her life will be done.

Zhao Yun'er couldn't help worrying.

She was arrested and Mulan was on the mountain again. I'm afraid no one will find it right away, let alone rush to rescue her.

Now that she is in danger at any time, it is very difficult for her to save herself.

Along the way, Zhao Yuner lay on the carriage, thinking about what to do.

They finally arrived in Yangcheng, the black man went to Shizi Mansion, and Zhao Yuner was taken to another place by the bullock cart.

When the bullock cart passed the market, Zhao Yuner felt the noise around him.

Someone has a chance.

Zhao Yun'er moved on purpose and could be tied up. The struggling was not large, and there was something else on her body. No one noticed the movement on his side.

Her mouth was not stuffed again, although she made a whimper, but in the bustling street market, the little noise she made was quickly overshadowed by the surrounding noise.

In the end, without knowing where it was, the bullock cart stopped, and Zhao Yuner was carried down from the bullock cart by the man in gray.

"Girl, don't even think about running away. There are not many who have escaped from us. I think you'd better be obedient and wait for the employer to come." The man in gray muttered a few words.

Zhao Yuner felt that the man in gray was not very aggressive, and he did not look like a bad person.

If he hadn't said a few words for help today, I was afraid that the man in black would really kill Mulan.

Zhao Yuner didn't say a word. Of course, her mouth was gagged and she couldn't respond.

Zhao Yun'er was thrown on the ground, and she didn't know how long she lay, and finally heard the footsteps of several people.

And the man in black was among them.

A familiar voice came into Zhao Yun'er's ears.

"What about people?"

It's Murong Shuang, it really is this woman.

Although she knew in advance, after hearing her voice at this moment, Zhao Yuner still felt different in her mood.

"Here, here!" The man in black hurriedly responded, and then people opened the sack, Zhao Yuner saw the light.

She was in a small ruined house at this time, boring in the sack, and she was very dazzling when she saw the light.

Zhao Yuner's eyes narrowed, and then she saw Murong Shuang who was standing in front of her clearly.

After Murong Shuang confirmed that it was Zhao Yun'er, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his sharp eyes fell on Zhao Yun'er.

It's all this woman, if it weren't for her, her cousin would not look at her, nor would he not marry her.

Only apart from this woman, she and Mulianfeng had the opportunity to be together.

No matter what she did to Zhao Yuner, it was for a reason, so Zhao Yuner could not blame her or blame her for being cruel.

"Take what's in her mouth!" Murong Shuang ordered the man in black.


The cloth stuffed in Zhao Yun'er's mouth finally came out. After a few violent coughs, Zhao Yun'er asked Murong Shuang, "What the **** are you doing by arresting me?"

Murongshuang grinned and said, "Actually, it's nothing, just want to teach you a lesson. My cousin is fascinated by you. You woman has some tricks.

Hey, since I can't drive you away, I can only do something else and let my cousin take the initiative to abandon you. Don't blame me for being cruel, blame yourself if you want to blame, the man who robbed someone is not good, but you want to rob me! "

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