Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2061: Give Mulianfeng a green hat

Just now he fought Ye Li, and both the black-clothed man and the grey-clothed man knew that Ye Li's skills were extraordinary.

If they continue to contend, they will only lose their lives.

What is the point of earning that little money if you are only for money, not for your life, not to mention that you may not be able to protect your life now?

The black-clothed man and the gray-clothed man hurriedly shirked their responsibilities and said, "Heroes, it's none of our business. Miss Murong did everything. She did everything. We just listened to her instructions and took money to do things. .

She gave this girl an aphrodisiac just now, and it is estimated that the effect of the medicine has started. But we don't have any involvement.

Heroes, you have the wrongdoer and the debtor, if you are going to be held accountable, go to this Miss Murong, let us go, please! "

Ye Li heard that Murong Shuang had given Zhao Yun'er an aphrodisiac, and arranged so many beggars to come over, wanting to defile Zhao Yun'er, and a look of hatred appeared in his eyes.

This woman is too vicious.

Other injuries are fine, but this kind of injury is estimated to be more serious than Zhao Yuner's life.

Fortunately, he found out in time and arrived in time, otherwise Zhao Yuner at this time might have been tarnished...

Ye Li felt a pain in his chest even after thinking about it, and was uncomfortably speechless.

Now that Zhao Yun'er has gotten an aphrodisiac and the effect of the drug has taken place, what should he do? What can help Zhao Yuner?

After the man in black and the man in gray had finished talking, Ye Li stared at Murong Shuang, and saw that Murong Shuang had a face that was allure, and his partiality was more vicious than a snake.

The difference between Zhao Yuner and Zhao Yuner was really a hundred thousand miles, so he still wanted to frame Zhao Yuner.

Murongshuang was frightened by Ye Li's stare, and replied weakly, "Who are you...what do you want to do?"

Murong Shuang didn't expect that a man would suddenly come to rescue Zhao Yun'er.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you'll know what I want to do later!" Ye Li replied coldly.

Then asked Zhao Yun'er softly, "Yun'er, this woman treats you like this, it's an unforgivable sin.

Tell me, how should we punish her? "

Zhao Yuner's face flushed at this time, her body was very uncomfortable, and her spiritual consciousness became a little confused.

Facing Ye Li, especially Ye Li's exquisite face, there seemed to be a voice in her heart telling her to rush over and eat this handsome man into her belly.

At the moment when she was sober, Zhao Yuner suppressed this evil desire again.

She absolutely couldn't do this to Ye Li, and more importantly, she couldn't put a green hat on Mu Lianfeng.

When Murong Shuang saw Ye Li and Zhao Yun'er doing this, Yin and Yang cursed angrily, "Zhao Yun'er, you are really cheap.

It's not enough to have a man like my cousin. You went outside to seduce other men and make eyebrows with other men.

It's really not enough to swallow the elephant, Zhao Yun'er, you don't know when my cousin will see it clearly, it's disgusting. "

Ye Li looked at Murongshuang displeasedly. For Zhao Yuner's reputation, Ye Li explained sharply, "There is nothing between Yuner and I, please don't slander her."

"You all said nothing, a couple of dogs! I must tell my cousin, Zhao Yuner, you bitch!"

"You..." Ye Li faced Murong Shuang's vixen behavior, feeling that she was really disgusting.

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