Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2062: Return the other person's body by the other person's way

In addition to this woman's vicious heart, her mouth is also very poisonous. How can people hear these words?

From this point of view, this kind of woman can't just let it go.

Although Zhao Yuner didn't answer how he should punish Murongshuang, Ye Li already had the answer in his heart.

Returning the body of the other person in the way of the other person, the so-called eye for eye and tooth for tooth, since Murong Shuang can do this kind of thing, it is not impossible for him to retaliate against Zhao Yuner with this kind of thing.

Ye Li stood up, looked at Murong Shuang condescendingly, with an indifferent arc at the corner of his mouth, and said with Murong Shuang, "Which man like you would like a woman? Can't compare to Yun'er's finger, since you To hurt Yun'er so much, you have to suffer a bit."

"You...what do you want to do?" Murong Shuang asked worriedly, feeling the danger emanating from Ye Li.

Ye Li didn't answer Murong Shuang, but a few beggars at the same side greeted him, "Do you want to survive?"

Several beggars quickly nodded and responded, "Of course I want to live, who doesn't want to live! Heroes, this matter is not our business, please let us go.

We just received a small amount of money... to help this girl with things, without really thinking of harming others. "

"Heroes, we are a group of beggars, it is miserable enough, please forgive us, we will never dare anymore."



Facing the beggar's begging for mercy, Ye Li curled up a coldness at the corners of his mouth, and ordered several beggars, "If you want me to forgive you easily, just do something for me."

Why did several beggars say, "If the hero has anything to do, we will do it if we can."

"Yes, hero, we will definitely do what you ask, as long as you can spare our lives."

Ye Li stared at Murongshuang on the ground, then said to a few beggars, "What is this woman asking you to do to Yun'er? You are now implementing the old things to her."

Several beggars were stunned, confirmed again, and asked, "Heroes...Did you let us strengthen her?"

Ye Li nodded.

A few beggars became a little worried, "Heroes...this is the lady of the high officials...we are the cheapest beggars, how dare you get involved!"

"Heroes... or change the terms, we can't do this, and we don't dare to do it, don't embarrass us..."

A few beggars are afraid of Murongshuang's identity, because Murongshuang is the lady of a high-ranking official, and the one who can't provoke him this year is an official.

Ye Li sneered, "Since you are so scared, then forget it, I won't force you. As for your lives, don't blame me for taking it."

A few beggars shuddered, Ye Li gave them no room to retreat.

If you don't do this, you will die now. What is the use of the worries they said? Life is gone, and it doesn’t make any sense to talk about other things.

"Heroes... let's do it, we will do it, and we must follow your instructions, as long as you can spare our lives."

After speaking, these beggars walked in Murong Shuang's direction numbly.

Murong Shuang's pupils tightened for a moment, she had never expected that Zhao Yun'er had been forced to be forced by someone, but it was all right and she became herself directly.

Looking at the beggar who came by, Murong Shuang showed a touch of fear and said to the beggar, "You dare to do it to me!"

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