Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2063: After listening to Ye Li's instructions

Murongshuang's voice was cold, and several beggars were also frightened by Murongshuang's momentum.

Murong Shuang said again, "Don't you know who I am? Don't you dare to come here to get involved, don't you want to kill me? If you get my body dirty today, don't try to save your life."

Murongshuang threatened, so that these beggars did not dare to step forward.

They knew that it was really not easy to offend someone like Murongshuang to save their lives.

Just when these beggars were in a dilemma, Ye Li's voice rang again, "Are you willing to die now or later? If you don't follow my instructions, then you have to die now. If you do, you still have to escape now. And the chance to escape, as long as you hide far away, the Great Zhou Kingdom is so big, even if she is powerful, it might not be easy to catch you, right?"

After Ye Li's analysis, the beggars felt that this was indeed the case.

In the future, life will be a matter for the future. It is most important to save your life now, even if you live a few more days.

"Heroes, we listen to you!"

"Yes, yes, let's listen to the instructions of the heroes. I will have a chance to live if I save my life now. It is better than our tragic death here now."

"Miss Murong, we are sorry, this is also forced to do it to you, no one wants to live these days, you are also considerate and considerate of us."

A few beggars said, no matter how much, they directly surrounded Murong Shuang.

Then the black paws of these beggars began to untie Murongshuang's clothes.

Murong Shuang screamed a few times, "Let go of me, let me go, you stinky beggars, how can you get involved with this lady?"

"Ahhhh, get out, take your dirty hands away!"

"Ouuuu, let go of me quickly!"

No matter how Murong Shuang screamed or struggled, it was useless. In the hands of these beggars, she had no power to fight back and could only let herself be stripped.

"What are you doing? Quickly let go of my lady? You stinky beggars, are you brave enough? You are dead for bullying our lady!" Murongshuang's maid also turned pale with fright, and hurriedly stopped.

Knowing that if something happens to Murong Shuang, she who is a personal maid will have to follow it.

However, he and Murong Shuang are both women. Although these beggars are very thin, they are all men. It is easy to deal with two women.

"Stinky lady, don't disturb, or we will do it with you!" A beggar and Murongshuang's maid threatened. Then with a light push, the maid fell to the ground.

A beggar stepped forward and stopped. The others did not let go of their hands. The clothes on Murong Shuang's body were stripped off for a while.

With her bald body exposed to the air, Murong Shuang's eyes flushed suddenly, and a feeling of humiliation came to her heart.

She is usually a daughter of an official family. Miss everybody, she doesn't bother to take a look at ordinary stinky men, but she did not expect to expose her body to a group of beggars.

Only his cousin can look at her in this life. What does it mean to be seen by a group of beggars?

Not to mention waiting for these beggars to defile her, even now he has no face to face Mu Lianfeng in this situation.

When the beggars saw Murong Shuang who was naked, their eyes straightened.

This woman is good-looking, she turned out to be so white and smooth, like a piece of shiny white jade.

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