Liang Jinshun and Liang Jinhui both responded with a grin. They couldn't wait to wait. They wished they could come to Zhao Yuner's house to work early, so that they could eat Zhao Yuner's food earlier.

Originally, they were not so picky about food, but since staying at Zhao Yuner’s house for a while, every day they have grown up with Zhao Yun’er’s craftsmanship. When they return home to eat their own mother-in-law’s meals, they can’t eat and feel very No taste, the whole mouth has been raised critically.

But because they couldn't eat, they were too picky and both lost a lot of weight.

Or come to Zhao Yun'er's house to eat good supplements, and I don't know when will the lean meat grow back.

At the other end of the kitchen, Qian Hongzao and the staff hired by Zhao Yun'er have helped clean up the dishes and chopsticks in the yard.

The Liang family is still the same as before. They only know that they are sitting and eating and drinking, and they have no intention of helping Zhao Yuner's house with work.

Mrs. Liang couldn't see it, so she pointed to her two daughters-in-law and two granddaughters and said, "Don't just sit there, so please go and help with this. There are still many dishes and chopsticks left unwashed. You go help wash it up and finish it up sooner."

After Mrs. Liang finished speaking, the two daughters-in-law and two granddaughters were a little unhappy.

Wu Zhenzhu directly replied, "Mother, we are here for the banquet, not here to fight.

Speaking of which we are guests, who will let the guests work? "

Guo Caixia twitched her lips and said, "Mother, isn't someone busy in the yard? How can we use it?"

Granny Liang snorted softly, "You guys are so lazy, you have so many reasons.

Everyone has come over for a banquet, so why can't they help me with some work?

Isn't the wife at your elder sister's in-law's also a guest? How do people know that they don't care about so much and say they are guests? "

The attitude of Mrs. Liang's orders made both daughters-in-law a little unhappy.

What other people love to do is other people's business, and what does it have to do with them?

What the daughter-in-law fears most is the mother-in-law's talk, so it's nothing more than taking care of them at home, but they don't even give them face outside, making them embarrassed.

"Mother, what you said seems like we are doing something wrong.

Why don't you talk about the second younger sister? Our aunt is the most important guest, and it is not our turn to help. "Wu Zhenzhu choked off Granny Liang, and didn't give Granny Liang any face.

Granny Liang was trembling with her anger.

This second daughter-in-law is getting more and more awkward, and she doesn't have a good attitude when talking to her, so she still treats her as a mother-in-law.

Liang Jinfen was afraid that Mrs. Liang would call her, and hurriedly said, "Mother, I don't want to help. I just cut my hand when cutting the rice a few days ago. The wound has not healed yet and I can't touch the water!"

Wu Zhenzhu gave Liang Jinfen a white look, "Second sister is really a good reason, can't you do a big girl like your brother? Why don't you ask her to do it?"

Liang Jinfen replied unconvincedly, "My brother didn't do much rough work when he was born. You let her do rough work. What if you get rough, calluses, and ugly?

She is a girl, hands are important!

Besides, you said my brother, why don't you talk about your Yue'er girl? Don't push things on others, just sit back and feel comfortable. "

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