Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2293: Isn't it just for the autumn wind

"My Yu'er is also delicate skin and tender meat! Mainly, our uncles and aunts are more distinguished guests than yours. Naturally you go to help the older sister's house. Anyway, our house is not suitable." Wu Zhenzhu again Continue to choke with Liang Jinfen, neither of them will be left behind for fear that they will suffer.

"Second Sister-in-law, what you said is a bit deceptive, right? We are also guests, so why is it valuable?

Since you are not going, don't push on me, it's obviously a disadvantage!

Why don't you miss our house when it's good? "Liang Jinfen didn't have a good air.

Watching your daughter-in-law and your daughter arguing with each other, all to avoid laziness, Mrs. Liang's heart couldn't help but feel cold.

Neither of them is good, what are the words one by one?

Seeing that the two people were still arguing, the old lady Liang stopped angrily, "Once you are done, don't quarrel with me. It's really annoying.

One by one, there is no peace of mind! Let you do some work and push around. Everyone comes to the big girl's house and eats more diligently. "

Mrs. Liang's face was a little ugly, and her tone was very sharp.

A gentle old lady rarely poses a face on weekdays.

This time I was so angry that I couldn't help but get angry.

Wu Zhenzhu curled her lips and wanted to say something, but she was stopped by a hint from Liang Jinhui's eyes.

After all, Mrs. Liang is a mother-in-law or an elder, and she should not be too presumptuous with Mrs. Liang.

Although Wu Zhenzhu was a little unhappy, she obeyed Liang Jinhui.

Liang Jinfen felt uncomfortable, so he directly responded to Mrs. Liang.

"Mother, what you said is like us people are here to fight the autumn wind.

Now that my eldest sister's life is so good, why don't we just come to eat? Does the eldest sister's family still care about this little money? "

Granny Liang glared at Liang Jinfen, and replied in a cold voice, "Hehe, aren't you here for the autumn wind?

Your eldest sister’s money is your eldest sister’s business, unless she actively calls you over, otherwise you take a big family like this. How often do you not eat and take it again? Doesn’t it count as a fall? "

Liang Jinfen's face flushed suddenly.

She does have some thoughts of taking advantage, but she can't be said directly to the public by Mrs. Liang, right? She was so shameless.

"Mother, do you know how to worry about some of these? The eldest sister doesn't say anything, you ran over and said, saying that it is not good to be nosy!" Liang Jinfen said with a flushed face.

Granny Liang was convinced by Liang Jinfen's cheeky and ignorance.

Since Liang Jinfen is so shameless, he doesn't have to think about so much, just let it go.

"Your eldest sister is embarrassed to say you, so you have to be conscious of it.

You are all the same! Don't think about the advantage of taking advantage in your head.

Although the big girl's family is rich, this is the money their family has earned back on their own ability.

Don't even think about taking advantage of others, and get benefits from here.

My brothers still settle accounts, how good is it to always eat for nothing? After a few more times, people will only be disgusted! "

Mrs. Liang's words were undoubtedly slapping the Liang family and Liang Jinfen, and everyone was uncomfortable.

Feeling a little embarrassing in the atmosphere, Liang Jinqiao hurriedly came forward to reconcile, "Mother, it's not as serious as you said. It's not easy to come across a happy event, it's okay for the big guys to come together and lively!"

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