She is his wife. They got married today and the bridal chamber at night, they should do what they should do now.

However, when Zhao Tianan approached Mu Xin again, he was stopped by Mu Xin again.

"Xinxin...what's the matter? Are you unwilling...

If you don't want to, I won't force you, let's sleep now! "

Although Zhao Tianan wanted it, he still respected Mu Xin. If Mu Xin disagreed, he didn't want to force her to do things she didn't like.

Mu Xin blushed and shook his head, "It's not... Tianan... There is light in the room, can you blow out the candle first..."

When Mu Xin said this, her voice was small and nervous. After saying this, her head lowered lower.

Zhao Tianan knew that it was Mu Xin's bad intentions, so he went to blow out the candle.

This time when he approached Mu Xin again, Mu Xin did not refuse.

Zhao Tianan ate the meat as he wished, and the moment of the spring evening between the two was even more precious.

After tossing all night, both of them felt sore when they woke up the next day.

When I woke up, it was already ninety o'clock in the morning. The sun had been shining in through the window, and the other people in the old Zhao family had also woke up, but the two of them had not been up for a long time.

However, Zhao Yun'er's family is very understanding and considerate. After all, during the spring night, I had to toss a bit more at night and slept too late. It is normal to get up late the next day.

Mu Xin walked in, Zhao Yuner added a member to the house, and everyone in the family was very happy.

In particular, Zhao Wenhua and Liang Jinqiao already have grandchildren, and now they hope that Mu Xin can buy a few grandchildren for their three rooms.

Mu Xin woke up in the morning and had breakfast under Zhao Yun'er's warm greeting. He looked very embarrassed.

When others marry to their parents-in-law's house, they have to get up early to serve their parents-in-law, but she is lazy on the first day and sleeps till this hour.

Mu Xin was afraid that she would leave a bad impression on Zhao Yun'er's family, but found that her worries seemed to be unnecessary. Zhao Yun'er's family was very kind and did not say anything to her, but instead asked this question and that in a thoughtful and caring manner.

Being able to marry such a family, Mu Xin felt that she had lost her blessing for eight lifetimes.

In addition, she married a man she liked, which made her think that God was taking care of her.

In the morning, Zhao Ping'er and Ma Xiaofeng went to the restaurant in the town first.

Now that Qin Yuan is in bed, the restaurant really needs someone to take care of it.

Zhao Ping'er knew that Qin Yuan didn’t have personal care for her, so she went to the restaurant this time and entrusted most of the restaurant’s affairs to Ma Xiaofeng, and asked Ma Xiaofeng to help with cooking during this time, so she didn’t have to worry about the restaurant. Dedicated to taking care of Qin Yuan's injury.

Ma Xiaofeng took over the restaurant.

In fact, Zhao Ping'er and Qin Yuan hadn't done much before. Basically, Ma Xiaofeng's idea was to manage the restaurant, and Zhao Ping'er and Qin Yuan had little effect.

If it weren't for Ma Xiaofeng's brilliant head, he would be better at calculating than Zhao Ping'er and Qin Yuan, the restaurant's business would not be as good as it is now.

Zhao Ping'er trusted Ma Xiaofeng completely, and naturally handed the restaurant to her with confidence.

After arranging the restaurant's affairs, Zhao Ping'er rushed back to Shuilan Village from Yangcheng and couldn't wait to see Qin Yuan's condition.

In order to heal Qin Yuan, Zhao Ping'er bought a lot of nourishing things from Yangcheng. After all, Qin Yuan was badly injured this time, so he had to make up his body.

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