Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2307: Qin Yuan asked about Zhao Xinhui's situation

Qin Yuan is her only hope, she only hopes that he can do well.

In this way, what she has done now is worth it.

Among the things I bought were white fungus, longan, red jujube, brown sugar, etc., all of which were tonic.

This time Qin Yuan was beaten with fifty big boards, and a lot of blood leaked from his ass.

Since yesterday, Qin Yuan's face was pale, obviously lacking in blood energy, so he should buy something to replenish blood so that Qin Yuan can get better and faster.

As soon as he returned to the third room, Zhao Ping'er went straight to Qin Yuan's room to see Qin Yuan's situation.

At this time Qin Yuan was already awake, lying on the bed not daring to move at will.

I couldn't lie down and sleep because I got hurt on my buttocks. I was lying on my stomach for so long, and there was an indescribable soreness all over my body.

If this climbs for a while, it is estimated that he will have to waste.

"Big Brother Yuan, how are you?" Zhao Ping'er asked with concern.

Qin Yuan said with a bitter face, "My body hurts and my **** hurts."

"Hey..." Zhao Ping'er sighed heavily, her face full of distress.

It would be good if she was the one who suffered at this time, but it was Qin Yuan.

It is a pity that this kind of pain cannot be transferred, even if Qin Yuan feels uncomfortable, he can only bear it on his own.

"Brother Yuan, you can bear it for a while, and it will be better slowly!" Zhao Ping'er comforted.

Qin Yuan gritted his teeth and responded, "I know!"

Can't bear it, there is no other way! Blame yourself, you have to fight with Zhao Xinhui, or you won’t be discovered, and you will suffer such suffering.

But there is no regret medicine in this world, what happens is what happens.

"Big Brother Yuan, please rest well. If you need me, just say something. I have handed over the restaurant to Xiaofeng to take care of you. Starting today, I will always be by your side to take care of you.

You must be bored alone in the house. I can not only take care of you but also talk to you and pass the time by the way. It is better than if you are alone in the house! "Zhao Ping'er pulled out a smile at the corner of her mouth, and said to Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan looked at the woman in front of him with some gratitude.

Only Zhao Ping'er stayed with her to take care of him at this time.

He was afraid that he would owe her more and more...

"Zhao Ping'er, you are a good woman! I was blind before and didn't know how to cherish you." Qin Yuan said.

He had never said anything like this, but at this time he said it from the bottom of his heart.

Zhao Ping'er was moved and pleased when she heard it, and she shook Qin Yuan’s hand and smiled, “Brother Yuan, it’s enough to have you! Let’s let the things go before, as long as we are together now and live a good life. That's it."

"Hmm!" Qin Yuan nodded heavily in response.

Then suddenly remembered Zhao Xinhui.

Compared to Zhao Ping'er, Zhao Xinhui looked much colder.

He knew that Zhao Xinhui didn't really love him!

In other words, even if Zhao Xinhui loves him, Zhao Xinhui loves herself more than him.

She also suffered a thirty slap this time. Originally, she was injured and had a bad body. I don't know if she survived this time.

Although Zhao Xinhui broke his heart, Qin Yuan couldn't help but ask about Zhao Xinhui's situation with his previous feelings for Zhao Xinhui, "Ping'er, how is your sister-in-law now?"

Zhao Ping'er was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a jealous look on her face.

Is Brother Yuan still concerned about her sister-in-law's safety at this time?

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