Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2308: Zhao Ping'er makes things difficult for Mu Xin

Her sister-in-law is such a bad woman, why does Brother Yuan never forget her?

Don't you remember what she did to him yesterday, what she said?

Still thinking about sticking it up eagerly?

It is said that men are not bad and women do not love, can it be used on women?

Women are not bad and men do not love?

Just because her sister-in-law was so bad did she seduce her far brother?

Seeing Zhao Ping'er's unhappiness and jealousy, Qin Yuan hurriedly said, "Ping'er, don't get me wrong, I just ask casually. If you don't like me, I will stop asking..."

Zhao Ping'er sighed, Qin Yuan like this made her a little uncomfortable.

After all, Qian made him accustomed to Qin Yuan, Zhao Ping'er said, "Brother Yuan, sister-in-law’s situation is much more serious than you. I heard from my grandpa last night that I still haven't woken up tonight!"

"Oh..." Qin Yuan replied.

Zhao Xinhui’s situation is indeed much more serious than him, but I don’t know if something big will happen...

Even if Zhao Xinhui treats him that way, it makes him feel a little bit chilly, but Qin Yuan knows about this matter, and it is he who is responsible for Zhao Xinhui.

After all, he first liked Zhao Xinhui and entangled Zhao Xinhui. The discovery of the field fight was also the result of his stimulating proposal.

Even if his relationship with Zhao Xinhui ends in the future, he still doesn't want Zhao Xinhui to have an accident in his heart.

Zhao Ping'er curled her lips and said to Qin Yuan, "Brother Yuan, don't worry about her. She asks for her by herself. It is the most important thing that you wave your own injury.

Brother Yuan, you are hungry now, I will give you some whole food.

I bought a lot of supplements from Yangcheng this time, now I'm going to stew some longan for you. "

Qin Yuan was still thinking about Zhao Xinhui, so when he talked to Zhao Ping'er, he nodded blankly.

Zhao Xinhui carried things and walked out of the house. When she reached the kitchen, she was a little upset when she saw Mu Xin sitting idly in the courtyard.

It seemed to Zhao Ping'er that it was because Mu Xin snatched Zhao Tianan, that Ma Xiaofeng could not be with Zhao Tianan.

Just because of Zhao Tianan's marriage, Ma Xiaofeng was so sad yesterday that she saw it all.

At this time, Zhao Ping'er couldn't help holding an injustice for Ma Xiaofeng.

Obviously Ma Xiaofeng is so much better than Mu Xin, why her stupid brother couldn't think of choosing Mu Xin instead of Ma Xiaofeng.

Probably because Mu Xinhu Meizi's methods were too powerful, Ma Xiaofeng couldn't match it, so he lost.

Mu Xin also felt the scorching eyes of Zhao Ping'er falling on him, stood up tremblingly, and called to Zhao Ping'er, "Eldest sister..."

After all, Zhao Ping'er is Zhao Tianan's eldest sister, and now she is married to Zhao Tianan, then Zhao Ping'er is her eldest sister.

Regarding Zhao Ping'er, whether she likes it or not, what kind of grievances she had in the past, in terms of Zhao Tianan's face, she must be respectful to Zhao Ping'er.

Zhao Ping'er gave Mu Xin a white look and sarcastically said, "You are idle and you are still sitting and doing nothing. Is it possible that our Zhao family marry you back and treat you as an ancestor?"

Being so scolded by Zhao Ping'er, Mu Xin lowered her head, not knowing what to say.

In fact, she also wanted to help with work, but Zhao Yuner and Liang Jinqiao rushed to do things at home. She got up late again, and she didn't have a chance to intervene in many things.

Otherwise, there is no need for Zhao Ping'er to say that she knows how to do it, after all, she wants to be a diligent daughter-in-law!

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