This man is the current emperor!

It’s not good to pee on someone but on the emperor’s body...

If it provokes the emperor's body, no one can keep this child.

Mu Lianfeng watched the emperor's reaction nervously, then coughed lightly, and said to the emperor, "The emperor...Tiantian should pee on you..."

"Huh?" The emperor was also a little shocked!


Pissing on him?

Who dared to pee on his body over the years is a disrespectful thing and has to beheaded.

I was **** by a milk doll today...

This milk doll is really brave...

However, he lowered his head and glanced at Tiantian, the child Tiantian didn't notice the slightest, but continued to giggle at the emperor.

Before the emperor thought the sweet smile was very cute, as bright as the sun.

At this moment, it suddenly felt like the child was deliberate.

Hidden knife in the smile...

Smiling at you on the face, but peeing on your back from behind.

A wry smile oozes from the corner of the emperor's mouth. If Tiantian is a child or a milk doll a few months old, he doesn't have his own thoughts and consciousness at all, otherwise he really wonders if this child did it on purpose.

Mu Lianfeng hurriedly took Tiantian from the emperor, and then apologized to the emperor, "The emperor forgive me, this child is ignorant, you don't want to care about her, just forgive her."

The emperor chuckled slightly, "Mu Aiqing, look at what you said, am I that kind of stingy person? Will I care about the same child?"

"The emperor is naturally not! It's just that Tiantian still offended the emperor, and the minister has to pray for the emperor's forgiveness on her behalf..."

The emperor waved his hand, "It's okay, it's okay... just can Mu Aiqing help me find clean clothes for my life so that I can change it."

At this time, the emperor's abdomen was soaked with urine, so he naturally had to change it.

"Well, the minister will find a set of clean clothes for the emperor, but it is the minister who wears it. I don't know if the emperor minds?"


"it is good!"

Mulianfeng turned out his own set of clothes and brought the emperor to change in the house.

After she changed her clothes, Zhao Yuner's food was also ready.

The family sat happily and ate their meal.

Early the next morning, they rode a carriage to Yangcheng together.

The emperor went to Shizi Mansion with Mu Lianfeng! The emperor wanted to talk to Mrs. Mu in person that he wanted to host the wedding of Mu Lianfeng and Zhao Yuner himself.

Mrs. Mu didn't expect that even the emperor would intervene in Mu Lianfeng's marriage, so she identified Zhao Yun'er.

She didn't agree with the emperor's marriage before that Zhao Yuner was not worthy of Mu Lianfeng. But only then did I realize that this woman is too simple.

Together with the emperor, he paid attention to it, and also personally named the madam, indicating that this woman has her own ability.

It is not easy to get praise from the emperor.

She has to believe the emperor's vision even if she has more opinions.

Therefore, Mrs. Mu did not continue to object to the marriage between Mulianfeng and Zhao Yuner.

Of course, more importantly, she did not dare to object to what to say.

At the other end, Zhao Yuner took the family to Yangcheng and strolled around.

There are a lot of people on the streets of Yangcheng, coming and going, and it is extremely lively.

Zhao Wenhua, Liang Jinqiao and Zhao Tianan would often come to Yangcheng. They liked the excitement of the streets.

Looking left and right, I think many things are novel.

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