Abandoned Peasant Woman: Farming With a Cute Baby

Chapter 2341: It turned out to be Zhao Ping

There are various shops on both sides of the street, selling everything.

Seeing a grandpa selling candied haws, Doudou rushed over and said from the grandpa, "Grandpa, how much do you cost for a bunch of candied haws?"

"A bunch of two pennies, little boy, do you want a bunch?"

Doudou nodded heavily, "Yes, I want two skewers, and my uncle has to have two skewers too!"

After talking, Doudou looked at Zhao Yuner behind him, and said to Zhao Yuner, "My mother, can Doudou want to eat candied haws?"

"Of course it can!" Zhao Yun'er stepped forward and took out change from her pocket.

"Doudou wants two skewers, Tianfu wants two skewers, parents, Tianan, Xinxin, and Yeli. Do you want to eat candied haws?"

When asked by Zhao Yun'er, Zhao Yun'er's family was taken aback.

Because candied haws are eaten by children, how can they eat candied haws one by one?

Zhao Tianan smiled shyly, "Sister, just buy Doudou and Tianfu, we don't need it. You still eat candied haws when you are so old, so you can't be laughed at?"

Zhao Yuner replied with a serious face, "Who stipulates that candied haws can only be eaten by children but not adults? I will buy a bunch to eat!

Mother, buy you a bunch too, you will definitely like to eat this sweet and sour thing when you are pregnant. "

After Zhao Yuner finished speaking, Ye Li stood on Zhao Yuner's side with great agreement, "Well, Miss Yuner is right. Candied haws are really not only children can eat. Give me a bunch!"

Zhao Yuner was amused by Ye Li, do you want to cooperate with her like this?

Mu Xin also said very shyly, "Sister Yun'er, then give me a string too!"

After that, Zhao Yuner bought a bunch of candied haws for everyone. Several people walked and ate. When they saw delicious things, Zhao Yuner would buy some stuffed for the family to eat.

It's a rare trip to the street, you have to eat and drink well.

You can take it back and continue eating if you can’t finish it.

It's not so convenient when you get to the countryside. Sometimes you may not be able to eat anything you want, even if you have money, you can't buy it.

After eating and shopping around, Zhao Yuner took the family to a clothing store and tailored a few sets of clothes for each person.

The fabrics of the clothes are very high-quality, a rare luxury.

In fact, the money that the emperor bestowed on her could not be used up at all, if it relied on her spending speed in the country.

So sometimes the place that should be extravagant has to be extravagant, not to mention that this time Mulianfeng deliberately added more money to her.

After waiting for everything to be done, Zhao Yun'er went to buy some things that should be prepared for the wedding, but unexpectedly met Li Cuiying in Yangcheng.

Early in the morning, because Li Cuiying agreed to the matchmaker, she came to Yangcheng and went to meet the so-called bachelor in the matchmaker's mouth at the agreed time and place.

Coincidentally, she knew this bachelor, it was Zhao Ping!

Li Cuiying never thought that this person would be Zhao Ping.

Zhao Ping was also surprised when he saw Li Cuiying. The two people sat across from the table and greeted with an embarrassing smile.

After seeing this, the matchmaker asked, "Yeah, do you still know each other?"

Both of them nodded.

Zhao Ping looked shy, "She used to be my sister-in-law!"

"Huh? Sister-in-law?"

"Yes! But it's not a brother, it's in the same clan."

The matchmaker's eyes turned, this is a bit difficult to handle...

If Li Cuiying married Zhao Ping, someone in the clan would definitely say.

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