"Well, even so, I'm still not at ease. If this half year is not very important to them, I won't leave you." Ji Ziqing frowned and said that he has his own ideas in this half year. These children are really important in this half year. If they are done well, it will be convenient in the future.

Yun Suran kissed Ji Ziqing's face sideways, then smiled and said, "I know, I know, but the affairs of several children are more important. Besides, don't you want to help Nangong Hui? Don't worry, I'm fine alone. I'll be back in half a year."

"If you don't come back, I'll find you myself. If you have something, let Mocha bring me a letter. Do you know?" Ji Ziqing looked at Yun Suran.

Yun Suran suddenly has a headache. It's still a month before he leaves. Why is this man so reluctant to give up? Does this make people live a good life?

After thinking about it, Yun Suran uses the simplest and quickest way to stop Ji Ziqing's mouth. The result of taking the initiative to deliver it to the door is that Yun Suran has no residue left by Ji Ziqing.

Before falling asleep, Yun Suran was repentant. What's the wrong way to send himself to this guy's mouth? That's good? There is no residue left.

Ji Ziqing looked at him with a smile, frowned, muttered and scolded Yun Suran. He was in a very good mood.

Yes, he knows he's a little hypocritical. There's still a month to go, but as long as he thinks Yun Suran wants to leave, he's very uncomfortable, so the uncomfortable result is that when Yun Suran kisses, there's no residue left for people to eat.

From the beginning, apart from meeting Ji Liangshu and helping Nan Feiyu, they never separated again. This time, they separated for half a year. Ji Ziqing was unhappy. It was too long, half a year

Ji Ziqing's face is black when he wants to be separated for half a year. How can he live this day? Should he trap people around him and not let him go?

This idea was soon denied by Ji Ziqing. Such a thing must not work. After all, Yun Suran is not a bird kept in a cage. She is an eagle flying in the sky.

He bowed his head and kissed Yun Suran's face. Then he hugged people and continued to sleep. Forget it. It doesn't matter. Half a year is not half a year. It's a big deal. He went to see her every other half a year. It's good to rest assured.

After making up his mind, Ji Ziqing finally began to sleep with satisfaction.

After Ji Ziqing got a ten-year appointment here, Nangong Hui didn't appear here for several days. Even he Lianchong went out early and returned late every day.

Until half a month later, several people were idle, but it seemed that the cooperation between them had been handled.

At this happy time, a less happy news came, that is, a large number of refugees poured into the capital, which is not a good thing for them.

Nangong Hui got the news when the refugees came to Beijing. After he went to the palace and told Nangong Shuo about it, he went outside the city, where the refugees gathered and where he was ready to stay for the refugees.

Looking at these people, nangonghui and the officials of the Ministry of household in the capital settled them briefly. After they ate, slept and rested, nangonghui began to talk to them about leaving or staying.

Nangong Hui looked at them and said, "now the king of South Hunan has been killed. South Feiyu, the son of the king of South Hunan, is in charge. Are you going to go back or stay in the capital?"

The people looked at each other. Obviously, they didn't expect it to be like this: "Your Highness, what if we want to stay?"

"Then I'll ask someone to arrange a place for you to live, and the surrounding villages can also be inhabited. We also ask people to see some good fields and wasteland. If you want to stay, each family will give you some silver as resettlement expenses. Of course, if you want to go back, we will have a caravan back to southern Hunan in a month. We can So that they can take you with them. After you go back, nanfeiyu will return some of the taxes you paid before. After all, those taxes have been used by the former king of southern Hunan. Now all they take out are nanfeiyu's own money, so it may not be too much. "Nangong Hui directly told them the final results of the two options.

The refugees' eyes brightened when they heard Nangong Hui's words. Is there really such a thing? Can they really stay?

After tossing for so long, they are tired and don't want to come back. They are really afraid of that place.

"Your Highness, we want to stay," said one of the men, holding his child.

Nangong Hui nodded, "OK, how many of you want to stay?"

More than half of the people are ready to stay, and only a small number are ready to go back.

"OK, you stay here and count how many people and families intend to stay. After the statistics are completed, you will be assigned to the surrounding villages according to your previous investigation, and another family will give six Liang silver as resettlement expenses. As for the land, see how much you can share." Nangong Hui thought about it and said.

"Yes, your highness."

Ji Ziqing and Yun Suran looked at Ji Ziqing not far away with a smile on their face. Yun Suran looked at Ji Ziqing with a smile: "how about worrying now?"

Ji Ziqing looked at Yun Suran with a smile and said, "when did I worry? I've never worried."

Looking at Ji Ziqing's duplicity, Yun Suran reluctantly shook his head. This guy really... Doesn't know what to say. Do you want to be so proud? So awkward?

Is there any difficulty in worrying about others? Still unwilling to say?

Yun Suran looked at Ji Ziqing jokingly and said with a smile: "I won't laugh at you if I'm worried about others. Are you?"

Ji Ziqing glanced at Yun Suran and said fiercely, "you even teased me?"

"I just can't bear to see that you are obviously worried, but you don't want to say anything. Don't go and have a look?" Yun Su ran pointed not far away and said with an eyebrow.

After looking at Nangong Hui, Ji Ziqing didn't blink: "no, I think he handled it very well. It doesn't matter if I'm not here."

He came just because he was worried that Nangong Hui would not handle it well, or something happened. But now it seems that he is worried too much. Isn't Nangong Hui doing a good job?

When Ji Ziqing looked white, Yun Suran said unhappily, "I think you are the heart of tofu with a knife mouth."

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