Ji Ziqing turned to look at Yun Suran and said helplessly, "Suran, don't say it even if you know it? Don't know if I'll be embarrassed?"

Looking at someone who pretended to be shy, Yun Suran twitched slightly at the corners of his mouth. Where did this guy come from? She doesn't know. Shut it back quickly.

Yun Suran looked at Ji Ziqing unhappily: "since we don't want to help, let's go back. Don't we go back to the theater here?"

If Nangong Hui knew this, he didn't know what others would think.

"OK, let's go."

When they left, Chonglou just saw it. Chonglou was slightly stunned, then looked at Nangong Hui on the side and said, "master, the young master has just left this season."

Nangong Hui looked in the direction of Chonglou. Sure enough, he saw Ji Ziqing leaving with Yun Suran in his arms. His eyebrows picked up slightly and the corners of his mouth said, "it's all right. We'll just do our own things. As for him, don't care."

Chonglou looked at Nangong Hui for a moment, and then said seriously, "master, did you say that young master Ji came here because he was not at ease?"

Nangong Hui didn't speak, but he understood the reason why Ji Ziqing came. Maybe it was the same as Chonglou. He came only because he was worried about himself. As for why he just didn't appear, maybe his performance satisfied Ji Ziqing?

This idea suddenly made Nangong Hui feel a little surprised. When did he care about Ji Ziqing's evaluation of him?

Obviously, it's just a person who is not much older than him, but when did he care about Ji Ziqing's eyes, his views and his evaluation?

Thinking so, it seems that he has been chasing Ji Ziqing's pace since he knew him. Perhaps it is because Ji Ziqing is so excellent that he has such an idea.

But think about it carefully. Every time Ji Ziqing gives him comments or guidance, he can make a great harvest. He and Ji Ziqing are indeed friends. That's right, but in his opinion, they should be both teachers and friends. For him, Ji Ziqing is also a master, but the relationship between them is like a friend.

Seeing Ji Ziqing's back when they left, Nangong Hui suddenly smiled. Maybe it's good to hear that. A friend who thinks of himself at such a moment is actually very happy.

"Chonglou suddenly feels it's good to have such a friend." there are too many people around him because interests follow him. To be honest, maybe only Nangong Yun and Ji Ziqing are really helping him, not because of his efforts. Well, not because of what they want in the future, but because they think he is this person, that's all.

Chonglou nodded and felt that Ji Ziqing was really good to nangonghui: "master Ji is really good."

Nangong Hui smiled and nodded: "you're right. He's really good, but sometimes he's in and he's a little annoying."

Chonglou looked at his master with some laughter. Didn't the master find that his face was smiling when talking about these?

"Well, let's do what we should do, and then explain it. At this time, we must not mess or have an accident." Nangong Hui said very seriously.

Chonglou nodded seriously. In order to prevent accidents, some people were placed around to prevent unnecessary accidents.

However, an accident happened that night. Someone was trying to prevent fire in this place. If it wasn't for the discovery of Chonglou, the refugees here might have an accident, which would be bad for nangonghui's reputation at that time.

People were caught. The refugees didn't know about it. Nangong Hui had already handled the matter.

Ji Ziqing walked into nangonghui's study, frowned and asked, "what's going on?"

"People from the prime minister's party want to take advantage of this opportunity to incite refugees, but they didn't expect that Chonglou would have people there to watch. There was no accident," Nangong Hui said with a frown.

Ji Ziqing frowned and looked at Nangong Hui. He was very dissatisfied and said, "there are still fish in the net? Who is it?"

Nangong Hui's expression was a little strange. After a while, he said, "it was someone who used to like the queen. He was a childhood sweetheart. Just because of his identity, he couldn't be with her. Now the queen is in the cold palace. When the Jiang family had an accident, he wanted to revenge. But he didn't expect to be caught before he started."

Ji Ziqing sneered and said sarcastically, "I'm really surprised that some people like such people."

Nangong Hui's mouth twitched slightly and looked at Ji Ziqing helplessly: "such a person is also a queen."

"Not before."

"If not, it's also the legitimate daughter of the prime minister's family. Marrying such a woman is equal to half a foot into power. Do you think it's tempting? Besides, people are childhood sweethearts. They really like the queen. They haven't married yet." Nangong Hui said with a smile.

Ji Ziqing looked at Nangong Hui strangely, and then said earnestly, "it's strange that the emperor wasn't wearing a green hat."

Nangong Hui's face turned red and looked at Ji Ziqing angrily: "did I say you had enough? You can say that?"

"I'm wrong? If I remember correctly, the emperor has alienated the queen since a few years ago? But she suddenly got pregnant four years ago. There are so coincidental things in the world?" Ji Ziqing said faintly. He didn't mean anything else, but told Nangong Hui.

After looking at Ji Ziqing unhappily, Nangong Hui glared at him and said, "this matter is not important now. Don't say it again."

Although it's strange, he can't get to the bottom of it. If it comes to his father's ears, they won't have a good life.

"Gee, I'm just talking. Why are you so nervous? Don't you think I'll talk to the emperor? Do I look so stupid?" Ji Ziqing asked, looking at Nangong Hui with an eyebrow. It's a shame for Nangong Hui to despise others so naked. Only Ji Ziqing can do such a aboveboard thing.

Ji Zi put his hand on his chin and said casually, "don't look at me like this. I know you're useless, but you don't have to abandon yourself like this."

"How much poison did you take to make your mouth like this?" Nangong Hui held it for a long time. He really couldn't help it, and then asked gnashing his teeth.

Ji Ziqing despised Nangong Hui and said casually, "poison? It's useless for me to eat this kind of thing. I'm immune to all poisons. I can't envy it." Ji Ziqing stood up and looked very bad. If it wasn't because Nangong Hui couldn't beat Ji Ziqing, I'd do it directly.

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