The armored vehicle was moving forward at a high speed...

Liu Wentao looked grim. He held the steering wheel tightly, stepped on the accelerator, and looked at the coordinates sent by the bureau from time to time.

Ten minutes ago——

Qin Yue stared at the gray sky in a trance. She leaned on the car window, stuck her head out, and felt the icy cold wind.

Liu Wentao's team was resting on the spot, preparing to go to the designated location for inspection in the afternoon.

Uncle Chen had a craving for cigarettes, and he and two local Jiuan operators got off the car to smoke a cigarette.

Tang Shiya was bored and scrolled through the messages on her phone.

"Zizizizi... Zizizi."

Suddenly, the dedicated radio station on the car issued a disconnected audio.

Liu Wentao's face changed, and he immediately adjusted the frequency and locked the message.

"Operator public channel..."

He looked at the radio equipment with some doubts.

"... Zizizi... Listen, can you hear it?"

A hoarse and panicked voice came from the radio.

"... I am a junior operator of Jiuan... Zizizi..."

"My captain is dead, the members are seriously injured, and we are trapped... Come and save us."

Noise, screams like mental pollution, panicked shouts of operators, and some groans.

"... Save me... Come and save me!"

"I don't want to die, save me... Zizizi."

The desperate shouting ended, and this short frequency quickly disappeared.


"Armed helicopter, task force operators..."

Qin Yue looked at the fast-moving flying objects in the sky outside the window, and then looked at the military vehicles that were gradually marching forward in a line...

There was a major casualty accident...

All the operators in the first vehicle group were missing, and the leader of the Shengping task force died on the spot.

The Jiu'an Measures Bureau responded immediately and dispatched patrol operators from the southern division to the blockade location.

Liu Wentao drove the military vehicle through the gathering place of residents and joined the troops from various routes amidst curious and frightened eyes.

"Check the sealing of the equipment...First-line intelligence shows that this weirdness has the characteristics of pollution, everyone pay attention to safety."

Qin Yue picked up the black armored helmet on his lower abdomen, gathered his hair, and loaded this set of three-type ability user protective suit, completely hiding his cheeks and body.

The sound of whistles... shouting... the sound of the crew moving...

Qin Yue took a deep breath, picked up the special rifle hanging on the wall of the car, checked the magazine and safety, pushed open the door, and quickly left the armored vehicle under the protection of several tall Jiu'an enhancers beside her.

Qin Yue carefully looked at the surrounding environment through the extremely clear black technology mask.

Four groups of crews and a group of helicopter support, a total of more than 30 extraordinary operators.

All the black uniformed soldiers were scattered everywhere at random, only Liu Wentao and other captains gathered quickly.

The periphery was a row of security vehicles and military vehicles, as well as some medical organizations, densely surrounded by armed personnel.

The surrounded area was like an underground shopping mall.

But it seemed a little different...

Qin Yue felt a familiar but lowly breath.

In her extraordinary perception, there was a dense red, which proved that there was more than one weirdness.

The closer to the center, the more living things there are. Qin Yue can even feel the slowly beating heart, and it is a "female".

The "female" here does not refer to the female in human thought... In Qin Yue's instinctive view, the creatures classified as "female" all have the concepts of "splitting and breeding" and "devouring evolution"... It's ridiculous that she seems to be classified as a "female".

"Supernatural perception" is evolving in the subconscious...

"Vile taste... No desire to eat at all..."

Qin Yue squinted her eyes and looked at the things in the depths. She suddenly found that her desire to eat seemed to have increased a lot. Now she realized that the "immortal kind" directly made by the "mother" is the best snack.

The danger level of this weird one seems to be quite high, because for some reason it seems impossible to judge... But the body's response is safe.

The team of extraordinary operators passed through the soldiers transporting equipment. Their black uniforms and mysterious oppression made the soldiers step back in fear. Even though there was a short man of 1.7 meters among them, the short operator who looked quite thin gave people a creepy feeling when he looked at people through the black mask.


The soldiers couldn't describe this feeling...

These special personnel secretly cultivated by the two major official organizations of Shengping and Jiuan always give people an inexplicable sense of oppression, as if humans saw more terrifying and powerful creatures.

Although they knew that there must be human faces under the masks, these soldiers always inexplicably associated them with some Shengping monsters in the confidentiality agreement... They are like those monsters, and they are completely not at the human level...

"Cheng Pengfei, an intermediate operator of our second group, died..."

A team leader said hoarsely.

"The intelligence was wrong... There is nothing we can do about it."

"What is the degree of pollution?" Liu Wentao asked.

A team leader controlled the drone and pulled up a small cage from the outside of the underground mall.

Everyone's eyes were on the things in the cage.

"So disgusting..."

"What is this thing."

The new Jiuan operators stood behind, and there was a little noise in the crowd.

There was a very ugly creature in the cage.

The pink leather, with the texture of peeled flesh, is oozing with red pus and blood.

The body is bloated and huge, shrinking as the body moves, looking like a mollusk, stuck in the cage like mud.

The long snake-like tentacles that grow randomly...

Under the stimulation of the captain, this disgusting guy turned over his body, revealing a mouth full of sharp teeth and flesh... and half of the body of a white mouse...

The experimental subject does not seem to be dead yet, and the remaining half of its body is swallowed by the mouth, and the exposed head is full of despair.

As the flesh and blood slowly expand, the mouse completely turns into a disgusting monster.

"The degree of contamination of the experimental subject is slow, and the degree of contamination is very serious... There should be some opportunity... It will not be contaminated out of thin air."

The operator turned on the drone screen.

Carefully checked the video before and after the mouse mutation.

"Contact infection..."

In the picture, the rat that was hoisted into the crack of the underground mall by the drone seemed to have touched some living flesh and blood walls that were crawling all over the wall, and his hair was stained with some... sauce.

"Operators need to pay attention to the protection of protective clothing and try not to damage it... Ask the General Administration to ask everyone to carry a blue needle."

Qin Yue squatted down and carefully looked at the monster in the cage.

From an angle that no one could see.

This twisted monster actually had an unconscious instinct to retreat and stay away.

Qin Yue's delicate face under the mask showed a smile.

"Little thing..."

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