The ground was covered with dust and the surroundings were completely covered.

"Oh my god... This is simply a devil's cave."

"How dare Cheng Pengfei lead the team down there!"

The operators looked at the hellish drawing in front of them with some shock.

At the abandoned entrance on the upper floor of the underground mall, under the illumination of a dim light...

Densely packed insect-like creatures, sticky and disgusting flesh walls crawled all over the walls within sight, and large and small bloody lumps of flesh bulged up and down like tumors.

"Uh... I hate bugs..."

Tang Shiya's mouth twitched slightly under the mask. After the stressful incident, she had a bad impression of bugs... But Qin Yue seemed to have a deep understanding of that kind of weird driver, and she has always been concerned about this loophole.

But if it involves Qin Ming... she is willing to let it go for now.

"It looks disgusting..."

Qin Yue held the rifle in her hand and carefully observed the underground floor under the gap. The big guys were not here.

"Has it grown to this point in less than half an hour?"

After a while of analysis, the captains still felt that the old team members from Shengping could not make such a mistake... This weird growth is very strong.


Qin Yue looked at Tang Shiya who was hugging her waist and asked with some confusion.

Some humans tend to approach things that they think are the safest when they are afraid, such as pillows.

Because the two were wearing black armored protective clothing and looked serious as sergeants, they looked extremely weird.

"I hate bugs... you have to protect me."

Tang Shiya said half-jokingly, but it was more of a stress-relieving remark.

Several captains have already started making plans, and everyone is obviously panicking before the war, especially when they see the walls of flesh and blood full of unknown reptiles and people losing their minds...

"Strong luck will protect you until the last moment. You are an important resource. Everyone will protect you."

Qin Yue's ethereal and crisp voice came from under the mask. The girl's pleasant voice suddenly attracted the curious eyes of others.

"Do girls have to go to the front line too?"

"Don't worry, a man will protect a girl. Look at your armor or two ability users, don't be nervous."

Tang Shiya only cares about Qin Yue's words. She muttered a little dissatisfied: "You are like a straight man."

Qin Yue didn't understand the meaning of "straight man", but just patted her shoulder, trying to ease Tang Shiya's fear of bugs.

"I will try my best to protect every friend... This is what William taught me."


Qin Yue met an old acquaintance...


When attacking the strange human tree, Qin Yue met the first operator with the ability.

This silent captain operator stood up, followed by several enhancers.

"Get ready... We need to go in."

"Tang Shiya, the forward team needs you."

Liu Wentao's gentle voice came, he looked at Tang Shiya standing behind Qin Yue, and nodded slightly.

"As the captain... We will accompany you."

Tang Shiya took a deep breath and patted Qin Yue's butt gently before leaving. This weird behavior made Qin Yue a little confused.

The team quickly split up, and all the operators adjusted the communication channel to a frequency. Liu Wentao and Tang Shiya were pulled to the top of the team because of the characteristics of their abilities... Qin Yue was not worried about Tang Shiya and the others.

Liu Wentao is an experienced and old operator who can detect the source of danger. Not to mention Tang Shiya... Just kidding, she might live until all the people are dead.

"Arson", "Flowing Wind", "Metal", the new substitute "Hawkeye", the four ability users were tightly wrapped in the center of the team, surrounded by solid and reliable enhancer operators.

"Arson" first stood above the gap, and released his ability under the protection of a group of heavy firepower operators.

His arm began to burn, and the customized operator uniform immediately began to cool the burning part.

A mysterious flame shot up into the sky...

Unlike the day when he was shrouded and weakened by the red mist, Qin Yue had seen the power of a truly destructive intermediate operator.

The insects screamed and twisted their bodies, but they could only be burned into charcoal under the erosion of this flame, and the flesh and blood wall was also stained with a burnt color, and suddenly there was thick smoke, expanding like wolf smoke... The intense light and the uniform could be inexplicably felt

The burning sensation.

Several worms with strange bodies emitting flames, passed through the gap like missiles, and rushed towards the "arson" operator with their bloody mouths wide open.

The enhancer operator on the side immediately took action with superhuman reflexes, and the huge and heavy gray armored shield smashed down fiercely, smashing the worm's head and the concrete floor to pieces.

"You can pour out the firepower! The worms inside are rushing out!"

"Shoot them!"

The three enhancers took root like tree roots, and each hand held a heavy firepower large-caliber heavy machine gun, equipped with ordinary steel core bullets, and vented the terrifying firepower as fast as Superman.

For a while, there was a fierce flame, deafening shooting sound, and sharp screams of worms.

"Oh my God... It's disgusting..."

Not only Tang Shiya, most of the heavy operators who were protecting "arson" in the front row looked uncomfortable as they looked at a large area of ​​blood and blood plasma... The heavy operators in the front row who were protecting "arson" were almost covered with this meat sauce.

"I don't want to eat meat fillings anymore. These ghost things are simply... vomit."


After half a minute of intermittent fire, "arson" obviously reached the critical value. Even though his arm had special armor and cooling mechanism, it was still burning red, and even he looked very painful.

"Almost... prepare to charge."

"Be careful, this weird flesh and blood is corrosive... but it is very mild for our armor protection. Don't expose your skin to the outside world to prevent serious pollution."

"Comrades... good luck."

Liu Wentao turned around and made a victory gesture to the 30-person team that had already lined up.

Everyone looked at each other and made this gesture to their companions around them.

"Good luck."

Qin Yue stretched out his still slender fingers under the gloves and made this gesture slowly. After a short pause, he was a beat slower than everyone else.

"... Good luck."

Everyone dived into the still burning underground floor like dumplings.

As soon as he came down, a burning sensation came from the surrounding burning flesh and blood walls.

Qin Yue followed the pace of the large group closely and moved quickly at his own position.

This emerging force group moved forward quickly, firmly crushing the worm bodies burned into carbon ash, and crossing the flesh and blood that looked like meridian spider webs.

They are the frontline fighters of mankind against the weird, noble rebels, the backing of civilization, and the special agents of the Xiaguo Measures Bureau who can resist pollution and have a firm will.

Whether it is Shengping people or Jiuan people...

They now have only one goal, to kill the harmful weird and protect the hard-won order.

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