The more you get closer to the inner layer, the more frightening it becomes.

Under the illumination of the light source on the chests of the operators, an incomprehensible demonic drawing is completely revealed.

Abandoned shelves, ceilings, floors, and places visible to the naked eye are all densely packed with flesh walls.

Some densely packed active tumors are stirring, producing some immature eyeless worms from time to time, and corrosive turbid liquid keeps falling from the ceiling.

Qin Yue is almost surrounded by the inside and outside at this moment, and the level of protection has almost reached the highest level.

As time goes by, the ability users' development of their own abilities becomes clearer and clearer.

Qin Yue stood beside the crowd, her body emitting a violent wind flow, which began to spread like a vortex...

After less than three seconds of brewing, she actually formed a strong wind field protection measure beside all the team members. She was like an eye of the storm, using herself as a diffusion point, using the strong but relatively gentle wind flow to blow away the corrosive liquid from the top of her head and some worms that pounced on her.

"Persistent and extremely strong ability to bear the cost... the derivative value of destructive ability users."

"What a terrible Jiu'an people..."

A captain sighed with some surprise. Everyone moved forward with the wind in this very safe wind flow, only the dense worms were killed and smashed by the strong wind flow on the periphery.

Qin Yue continued to release this power that was very ordinary to her. The power of the eye of the storm was not just so simple and weak.

A more powerful force is gradually forming in the body. In the near future, Qin Yue will get a leap-level "evolution"...

"Really reliable."

Liu Wentao looked at the protected Qin Yue with some joy, then turned around and carefully explored this malicious environment.

"We found the source of Cheng Pengfei's signal... He... He is in the wall... We need to recover the body, and it is best to destroy it on the spot."

A captain pointed to a bulging flesh and blood wall, where a large piece of disgusting pus-like flesh and blood was constantly producing young worms.

Liu Wentao's cheeks trembled under the mask. He nodded to several operators beside him and went to the flesh and blood wall with several enhancers.

Qin Yue's wind gently passed through his body, and Liu Wentao's face choked, and then his eyes under the mask were stained with a touch of determination.

The "arson" operator also stretched out his arm, ready to burn this meat ball like a nest egg at any time.

Liu Wentao pulled out a long blade, and with the help of the three surrounding enhancers, he quickly cut open the blood and flesh mass that produced worms.

In an instant, a strong malice surged into his heart. Liu Wentao remained calm, grabbed the operator beside him, and miraculously avoided the large number of worms that suddenly flew out of the flesh mass. The four of them quickly hid back in the team encirclement under the push of a gust of wind.




"Super Operators are extremely dangerous professions, and there is a high probability that they will not even leave a complete corpse... We not only have to face pollution, but sometimes we have to face the corpses of our former companions..."


The black uniform had long been tattered, and the dense blood and flesh devoured most of his torso like a tumor. An extremely fat and huge creature with a belly as big as a car, without eyes or mouth, quickly crawled out.

Cheng Pengfei's body is a powerful and strange seedling bed... The black helmet is pressed against the neck of the monster, and the faintly visible blood is all over the inner layer of the mask.

There are four or five cracks in the monster's stomach, and the body and the flesh wall are connected to four or five intestine-like nutrient conveyor belts, and dense worms are continuously produced in the cracks.

Cheng Pengfei's head shook, and as the worms continued to be produced, his last helmet was also continuously absorbed.


The team members were silent, and some of Jiuan's operators even felt weak in their legs and feet.

"Be careful ahead! The attack is coming!!"

Liu Wentao's voice drew everyone's attention back. The team equipped with humanoid radar like Liu Wentao has the highest survival rate and mission success rate. With him, the team is no longer blind in the dark...

(Operator Liu Wentao... has strong mental strength, rationality and endurance. To be objective, he is the most determined child I have ever seen. Therefore, I think that the experiment of connecting humans to machines is feasible. Strength cannot be used alone.

The radicals who only control the "source" and [data flow]... Only humans are the safest - Shengping confidential scientific research personnel quotes)

Based on Liu Wentao's prompts, everyone reacted in advance, and the enhancers blocked the high-corrosive juice that suddenly attacked and broke through a layer of wind flow defense line. The thick special shields were burned off a layer of skin.

This may be the reason why Cheng Pengfei's team was killed. They have the ability to break through the defense.


The dense firepower network quickly enveloped the monster's body. Under the firepower of hot weapons, this soft-bodied creature was quickly beaten into a sieve.

Half of Cheng Pengfei's head rolled down slowly with the helmet, and finally in the flame of "arson", it was burned clean together with the lingering monster...

The extraordinary is also fragile, even if they have power beyond ordinary people, even if they have the ability to transcend reality.

Because the enemy is more terrifying and difficult to understand.

Tang Shiya raised her pistol, loaded a gray special bullet, and fired it casually like a miracle, killing a flying worm that looked like an afterimage. In her previous shooting, she had almost achieved a terrifying 100% hit rate, and every shot was a fatal injury.

Even in this demon kiln full of mucus and flesh, her uniform still did not stick to a trace of flesh and blood, and even Qin Yue was stained with some fragments without knowing it... The influence of strong luck is growing visibly.

Regarding the monster that Tang Shiya accidentally killed, this is a new monster that crawled out of the cracks on the second floor of the underground... It will fly for a short time.

Everyone kept a watchful eye. After a brief mourning for Cheng Pengfei, they planned to gradually set up camp and burn this weird place.


Deep underground, a piece of incomprehensible meat slowly opened a huge eye.

It was a little scared, a little alert, a little confused, and a little confused.

It looked up and met the eyes of two vague existences in its perception.

It is not afraid of the ordinary-looking guy, but it is more afraid of the terrifying existence next to that guy.

It has no wisdom, it only knows that the terrifying existence is an existence that cannot be provoked, and is a thousand times more noble than itself.

Devour, eat her... or be eaten by her.

To survive... only eat everyone...

The solidified survival instinct is destined to make this creature expand unconsciously, but it is this unconsciousness that is the most terrifying creature. Their thinking cannot be guessed... Their roots are endless.

Liu Wentao's face was a little pale, and he slowed down the use of his abilities. Just now, a strong and pure malice made him lose consciousness for a moment.

"It wakes up... Pay for your sins."

Qin Yue's eyes under the mask showed a hint of dark red.

"It wakes up... Die here."

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