The director of the Measures Bureau...was it this bastard who gave the order?" "The delicate human actually tried to resist the great gods." The beautiful woman stuck out her scarlet tongue, and the dark red in her eyes became a little more intense. Just when she finally determined the position of the director, the back of her head was suddenly hit by a cold and hard object. "Don't move, you will die." A hoarse male voice came from behind, and the woman's eyes widened suddenly, and she kept her stiff movements in disbelief. "When did you come?" The great high-level blood has a very powerful power. Their sense of smell can sense the fluctuations of the surrounding creatures and monitor the creatures in a small range. She has been keeping alert...

There is a small blank area behind her, and there are food everywhere...

"Hold your head with both hands, don't try to resist, despicable blood eater... If you dare to play tricks, I will blow your head off."

The hoarse voice continued.

The woman swallowed her saliva in shock. The other party knew her weakness... "Blood eater" is the derogatory name of the great blood descendants in the Measures Bureau. This was revealed by a senior figure.

She was exposed... I don't know why... The plan was going well.

"Detonate the bomb immediately..."

The female blood eater activated her ability and planned to control several controlled people to detonate the bombs ambushed in the crowd.

"The link is broken..."

The signals of several servants disappeared...

The operators scattered at various locations simultaneously injected the universal "blue needle" into the victims the moment Ma Jun started to act. They quickly carried away the unconscious victims. Everything was going on quietly...

Until this time, the blood-eating demon realized that she had been exposed long ago...

"Hurry up, I'll give you three seconds, or I'll blow your head off, damn maggot."

The female blood-eating demon's pupils were stained with blood red.

"The weird abilities are terrible, and the most serious phenomenon is pollution."

"Humans and even creatures that come into contact with weirdness will be infected with the characteristics of the other party to a certain extent... In short, it's like radiation, but the working principle is completely different."

"The appearance of wings and other phenomena on some Jiu'an victims is a clear sign of pollution, and extraordinary operators can be exempt from weak pollution or resist strong pollution."

Director Hu coughed and continued.

"There is one more thing... about the Thorn Hand Group."

"You are just rats in the gutter, traitors to humanity, enjoy your last good time... the iron fist of the people will smash your heads."

The female blood eater gritted her teeth.

"No, I can't die yet..."

"The price doesn't matter..."

"For the great emperor..."

The female blood eater gritted her teeth, turned her head back suddenly, and her body began to swell in an instant.


However, a ruthless special bullet had already shot into her head, and blood splashed on the face of Ma Jun who was gradually appearing.

Ma Jun trembled with his hands and took two steps back.

The crowd around him noticed the man who suddenly appeared and the woman whose head was smashed...


"No, that's not right!"

"Look! That body!"

People instantly noticed the commotion here, and the densely packed extraordinary operators immediately surrounded them.

The female blood-eating demon's body began to twitch like a demon, and the bones also made the sound of breaking and reshaping...

A hoarse howl...

The rapidly expanding body and the rich blood-red steam began to brew.

"It's a monster!"

"Oh my God! There is a monster!"

"It's not a monster! It's a weirdness!!"

"Oh my God! It's so scary!!"

Without waiting for the extraordinary operators to make up for it, a deafening roar immediately resounded throughout the venue.

"Humble maggots! Fall down!!"

"Fall down!!"

The howling sound like a demon demanding life immediately filled the ears of every ordinary person, and everyone felt as if their brains were crushed by a heavy hammer. They all lost their minds and fell down like a large area of ​​wheat being cut.

The closest operators also fell into a brief state of unconsciousness under the invasion of sound waves.

Director Hu, as an ordinary person, survived the sound pollution. He supported himself and stood up with the help of the podium.

"Catch her! Don't let this beast hurt civilians!"

The female blood-eating demon had already shown its full form, ugly and pale.

The body, sharp and slender claws, and ears like a bat look like a hairless mouse.

Even Qin Yue, who has lost his normal aesthetic taste, can't stand such ugly things.

"What a shitty director, kill you."

The female blood eater suddenly overturned several enhancer operators and threw them dozens of meters away. The other operators chose to protect the fallen people at the first time and lost a good opportunity to attack.

The blood eater exerted force on his feet, jumped up suddenly, and flew towards the staggering Director Hu on the podium like a missile.

Jiuan's various live broadcast points broadcast this horrific attack throughout the whole process...

Director Hu looked at the horrible blood eater flying over, and just showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth. He touched the item on his chest and was about to use this item to subdue the monster that was desperate to counterattack.

The source appeared.


Yuan's metallic body trembled for a moment, and he clenched his fist to accumulate strength. With the help of the powerful power reaction system, he punched the high-level blood-eating demon and sent it flying.

The force was so great that the surrounding air was hit with an explosion, and the fragile base was shattered because it could not withstand Yuan's powerful force.

Half of the head of the high-level blood-eating demon was smashed to pieces, and even a big hole was cracked in the body. The huge body flew to the most suitable position for combat analyzed by Yuan like an arrow.

Intestines, flesh, organs, and brains splattered randomly...


The huge monster was deeply embedded in the wall, and a large amount of rubble mixed with broken pieces of meat splashed hundreds of meters away.

"The heavy blow was successful."

"Warning, the creature is still alive, and its vitality is very strong."

Yuan moved his wrist and picked up Director Hu.

"I will prioritize your safety, Director Hu, please evacuate this place with the people."

"No need..."

"Arrest this high-level blood-eating demon immediately."



Jiu'an's live broadcast witnessed a magical miracle.

It was a mechanical life with a stream of light all over its body, a tall and strong body, and a powerful and terrifying force... a reactor that hummed like a storm.

"What the hell is this..."


The blood-eating demon roared and suddenly pulled her body out of the wall. She covered her tattered waist, forcibly broke the twisted vertebrae, and let out a painful wail.

As a burst of dark red blood mist gushed out, her body visibly withered, but the wounds and fatal brain damage began to recover.

"Evacuate this place..."


"I don't want to die yet... I haven't dedicated my treasures to the great night yet."

A pair of small boots appeared in the eyes of the blood-eating demon.

She slowly raised her head, her red eyes fixed on the little thing under her.

It was a beautiful and quiet girl wearing a beige down jacket.

The girl's face was calm at the moment, and her dark pupils met the ping-pong-sized eyeballs of the blood-eating demon.

"It's so ugly."

The slightly exposed pink lips opened slightly, and the ethereal and crisp voice resounded.

The blood-eating demon instantly became violent.


No one could say she was ugly... The hateful bitch, she had a top-notch appearance, but her mouth was so vicious.

The blood-eating demon picked up his huge arm and smashed it hard at Qin Yue who was standing with his hands kicked.

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