The big monster stretched out its claws and slapped a girl fiercely.

Just when the people watching the live broadcast closed their eyes and couldn't bear to watch, violent wails and screams of monsters sounded.

The petite girl in front of the monster casually stretched out a hand, and an invisible airflow instantly cut off the weird arm.

A large amount of blood gushed out from the neatly cut surface, but the blood was suspended in the middle of Qin Yue's body.

"Don't get your clothes dirty."

Tang Shiya didn't know when she picked up a special pistol, fired three shots in a row, and blew up the eyes and head of the blood-eating demon.

Qin Yue waved her hand, and the blood-eating demon and the broken arm were knocked away together.

"Not dead yet?"

Qin Yue felt the breath of life still existing in this blood-eating demon and nodded with interest.

The damage repair achieved at the cost of sacrificing one's own nourishment, this kind of self-healing is also a very strong ability.

Qin Yue's characteristics and the strange "resurrection" directly under the "mother" have almost no cost...

Why do I say no cost... For stupid and crazy creatures, the loss of reason is equal to no cost. For Qin Yue's tenacious willpower, the cost of resurrection is not as good as the cost of using strange characteristics for a long time.

Of course, this body is not "invincible". If it is attacked too strongly, or some extraordinary blows that Qin Yue did not expect, it may die...

Several reporters staggered to their feet and immediately turned the camera to the direction of the blood-eating demon.

Qin Yue took off...

In the camera, she floated up like a god.

The agents of the Measures Bureau also took action immediately, and their strong execution ability was shameful.

Because they need to protect the public opinion, these operators can only passively defend, so no victim appears in the popularization speech on weirdness.

"I am a reporter of Jiuan New Network... Did you see it?"

"That monster, no, that weirdness... I saw her at first sight! I saw her mutated with my own eyes!"

"The Measures Bureau is here to rescue us... They are very powerful."

"Continue to report to you..."

The camera is aimed at the position of Qin Yue who is leading the way.


"Escape, escape..."

The blood-eating demon flattened a lot more. Her vitality is too tenacious. Although her strength is not great, this high-level blood-eating demon actually withstood two waves of fatal injuries.

The blood-eating demon endured the pain, dug out two scrapped eyeballs, and covered the cracked head to prevent the brain from losing too much.

"Hiss hiss hiss..."

The blood mist rose again...

Her vision gradually became clear, and she scratched her body randomly in the open field.

A sweet smile suddenly caught the blood-eating demon's eyes.

It was a girl with snow-white hair and a kind and beautiful smile. She squinted her beautiful but particularly frightening eyes, and her delicate white arms drooped slightly on her knees.

"How many people did you eat?"

The beautiful girl spoke slowly, and touched the red blood mist floating around the blood-eating demon with interest.

"Total, a total of 48 adults, 26 children--"

The blood-eating demon suddenly widened her eyes and covered her mouth in disbelief. Her ugly cheeks were finally stained with a trace of fear.

The sense of oppression... The sense of oppression came from the young and beautiful girl here. She was the predator who was hiding in the crowd and watching her all the time.

No wonder she was discovered. She had long been targeted by a humanoid monster that looked extremely safe.


The blood-eating demon was about to use the weird extraordinary power, but Qin Yue grabbed one of her legs.

"Shut up."

Qin Yue used a wind flow to cut off the opponent's neck, and the obscure words were interrupted.

Without waiting for the blood-eating demon to react, Qin Yue pulled it to the sky dozens of meters high.

The blood-eating demon felt dizzy and vomited a lot of rancid blood.

Jiuan's live broadcast also captured the violent scene of "humans" killing "weird".


Qin Yue flew at a high speed, and the blood-eating demon whose legs were grabbed was pressed hard against the concrete wall of a tall building.

Under the pressure of huge force and the friction of sharp objects, the head of the blood-eating demon was ground flat bit by bit, just like a chainsaw...

Brains and eyes, howling sounds resounding over Jiuan, and the buzzing sound of Qin Yue's wind flow.



"Is this a realm that humans can reach?"

"The power of ghosts and gods."

Jiu'an sighed like this, and they knew who was killing the strange man on the screen... It was the "God" seen by the witnesses in the Central District.

The operators of the Measures Bureau also looked at the cruel "execution" scene with some shock. Although it was not the poor monster, the horrifying way of fighting was really frightening.

Fortunately, the destructive operator "Liufeng" is a human operator.

Every time the blood-eating demon grows a bit of flesh on its head, Qin Yue will grind off the flesh she grows. This huge and terrifying monster always maintains the state of losing half of its head. Her jaw is wide open, and her sharp teeth and hideous mouthparts can only scream instinctively at this moment.

The flesh is getting drier and drier...

A dark red line of flesh and blood is pulled out of the towering floor.

"It's OK. "

Qin Yue looked at the blood-eating demon with a weak breath and showed a creepy smile.

The girl swung her body and stepped on the blood-eating demon's flat body, falling to the ground at a high speed like a missile.

The split flow passed through her flowing white hair and blew up her velvet skirt, revealing the beautiful curve of Qin Yue's legs.

"Boom boom boom!!! "

The blood-eating demon wailed and smashed the floor in the center of the venue. Its body was torn and its life was in the most critical moment.

Qin Yue just jumped lightly and landed smoothly on the body of the blood-eating demon.

Except for the large blood stains on the soles of her shoes, the girl's body was still meticulously clean.

The extraordinary operators immediately rushed up and controlled the blood-eating demon at the first time.

The operators looked at the torn blood-eating demon with some horror. The miserable appearance of this huge monster at this moment was no less weird than the one that was squeezed into a meat ball by Han Xue.

The faint sound of breathing and the extremely slow recovery, as well as the weird and extremely weak groaning: "Kill, kill me... Kill..."

The Jiuan operators swallowed their saliva and dared not to fight again. Measure this beautiful girl who easily makes people have thoughts.

And Shengping's veteran operators were full of admiration and awe.

Destructive superpowers...

This term is only deeply understood by veteran operators who have been in contact with weirdness for a long time. They may not have a strong body, but each operator is a bomb filled with gunpowder from the very beginning.

The extremely strong destructive power at a high price.

Qin Yue shook off the sticky blood under his feet, greeted several operators who met him, and then walked quickly in the direction of Shi Ya.

And the whole Jiu'an also witnessed the first scene of the super operator killing the terrifying monster.


"This is Li Shijie, we have found the large nest of the blood-eating demon... It's time for these rats to pay the price."

"This is the third team of intermediate operators. We have also determined the specific location and are ready to attack."

"Operator Li Shijie, you are short of manpower, don't act rashly. "

Li Shijie threw away the cigarette butt in his hand and looked at Han Xue who had already put on a helmet.

He replied coldly.

"We have more than enough strength to deal with these beasts."

"The team has a destructive special operator."

"Han Xue..."

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