The sun is shining brightly, and the sky is full of clouds.

Have you ever really seen the sun?

The clouds cleared after the rain, and the night and day alternated...

"The Jiu'an Central District has entered a full martial law. Residents please abide by the treaty voluntarily and try not to go out at night."

"The blood-eating demon is a monster transformed by humans. As of today, the Measures Bureau has arrested a total of 16 blood-eating demons and killed hundreds of blood-eating demons. The death penalty will be publicly executed in Jiu'an at 12:00 today's standard time."

"Congratulations to everyone for getting through the night again. We have ushered in another sunny day."

Qin Yue floated in the air, protecting Tang Shiya at any time.

Tang Shiya, wearing durable work clothes, climbed easily in the abandoned super-large building complex on the upper floor of Jiuan.

This place is about 100 meters above the ground, and Tang Shiya chose to climb to the highest floor with bare hands.

"Xinmao, probably the Xinmao Building."

Tang Shiya grabbed the abandoned iron frame left over from the previous era with one hand, and wiped the sweat from her forehead with the other hand. She was suspended in the sky, the sharp wind and coldness hit her face, her hair fluttered, and the tip of her nose was stained with a slight red.

Qin Yue reached out and helped Tang Shiya who was planning to climb to the top floor by her own strength.

After a short action, the two finally climbed to the tallest building in Jiuan.

Everything was clear.

"I remember that the Xinmao Building was destroyed first."

"The disaster six years ago, the location where the eye of the storm was born."

Tang Shiya pointed to the strange building in the distance.

Qin Yue took off her goggles and looked at the building.

Distorted and broken, the crystallization of human industry was broken in half like a ruin, and a large number of crisscrossing abandoned buildings were like a garbage dump.

The first ray of sunlight in the morning sprinkled on Qin Yue, and she watched the shining sun rise from the east little by little.

The depression of Jiuan was also illuminated little by little.

The huge pit struck by lightning, the traces of burning flames, the dead building, the depressed world. The vaguely visible outermost part was even more trapped in the eternal gray, which was a paradise for opportunity seekers and a forbidden zone for life.

The vehicles piled up alone on several broken viaducts had long been stained with damage and erosion due to time.

The river that originated from Xiaguo was also losing its color.

Qin Ming struggled here, and the people of Jiuan survived on this land.

No matter how broken it was, under the illumination of this ray of sunlight, people still had to face a new life.

Construction teams cleared the disaster area, planned new areas, and the commercial street expanded rapidly...

The sound of helicopter formations cruising, ground armed forces assembled...

Work, build, work, build, destroy... continue to build and continue to work.

As long as there is still a breath... people have to look forward to the good.

Under the sunlight, the residential area and the outer dangerous area formed a sharp contrast, and the architectural features and aesthetic culture full of the new era gradually broke away from the previous era.

"We are not the first?"

Tang Shiya clapped her hands and looked at some traces of activity on the top floor of this depressed high-rise building with some surprise.

There were some graffiti and paintings, and a stargazing device installed here that had long been destroyed by time.

Tang Shiya seemed to be ignited by the spirit of exploration, and immediately launched an investigation on this top floor, and Qin Yue followed her all the time.

"Observer report."

Shiya picked up an extremely old record book that seemed to have a history of more than three years, and opened it after carefully wiping the dust.

Qin Yue also curiously leaned over, and the two of them squeezed together, struggling to distinguish the blurred words due to long-term disrepair.


[My food is almost gone, and the whole Jiu'an is in fear and chaos. ]

[Monsters are rampant everywhere, and there are constant gunfire on the ground, but soon there is no movement. ]

[The radio is useless, and the power is also out of service. I still have a generator, but the fuel is running low. ]


[I have probably been alone here for almost a month. It's ridiculous to say that I just wanted to observe [blurry], and the disaster came. ]

[The phone at home can't be reached, but it's probably all over. ]

[I'm not afraid... I'm not too afraid of death. On the contrary, I have been observing something...]

[A very magical thing...]

[Aliens? Aliens invaded the earth? ]



[There is no water. ]

[20? ? ]

[There is an eye outside the Earth that is bigger than an onion. ]

[Onion, the onion has grown bigger, and the onion has left. ]

[Unknown days]

[It's amazing...]

[I'm dying, and I'm a little happy. ]

[The onion is calling me, and the onion is smiling at me. ]

[(Incomprehensible words and patterns.)]

Tang Shiya touched the booklet, scratched the back of her head, and muttered: "This is crazy, so pitiful, it looks like a refugee hiding here during the previous disaster."

"What is an onion eye? Can onions and eyes be connected together?"

"Mosquito-repellent eyes?"

Qin Yue felt a little cold, and she carefully recalled the last page full of incomprehensible messy drawings.

This is a god who had looked down at the eye of the storm at the beginning, and this guy seemed to have descended directly.

It was even observed by a human...

This observer had a serious perception bias when observing the gods, and compared the gods' "eyes" to "onions".

This unknown "god" did not seem to intend to stay on Earth, or rather, He was not interested in Earth.

It means that he finally took away the consciousness of a frantic person...

"It's amazing."

Qin Yue sighed, the more she knew, the more she felt the fragility and insignificance of life, and the unknown brought people only despair and madness.


"Take me with you when you go down."

Tang Shiya's voice sounded, she patted her pockets full of rare gadgets and shook some precious items in her backpack.

Qin Yue looked at Tang Shiya, who had stuffed her pockets with something she didn't know when, with some surprise, and looked around.

Are you a treasure hunter?

It's a bit funny to say, Qin Yue is also paying attention to what good things can be collected, but her luck is obviously in the normal range.

"Jump down by yourself."

Qin Yue showed a sinister smile, and stepped back slightly. The girl standing on the edge of the sunlight and the tall building was extremely beautiful at this moment.

Tang Shiya was mesmerized...

Sunshine, wasteland, tall buildings, steel, extinction, girl...these drawings combined together give people a strong sense of time division.

The girl fell slowly, her face up, falling freely in the sunlight that most people could not expect.

"Don't go."

Tang Shiya suddenly felt a little scared and took two steps forward.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

The huge wind flow field suddenly rushed into the sky, and Qin Yue climbed up suddenly under the embrace of the wind flow.


"Jiuan's airspace is my home court."

Tang Shiya was stunned for a second.


"A new era is coming."

Then she jumped up and was immediately captured by Qin Yue's wind flow field. The two of them flew over Jiuan's sky at a very fast speed.

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