The cat is still in good condition.

"Is the cat okay? We've been in the central area for two days."

"I still feel a little worried."

Operator Restaurant

Xiao Liu looks much better, at least his appetite has returned to normal, it seems that he has stabilized his strength.

Qin Yue sat at the same table with him, and the two chatted casually.

Tang Shiya was "deprived" of the qualification to enjoy the highest standard of food because of the extraordinary supply.

"No, it's a very self-reliant little guy."

Qin Yue slowly ate the fresh meat on the plate with excellent taste, and always waited until he finished swallowing before speaking.

"That's right. After all, that little guy is an unbeatable stray cat. It's really rare to find a creature that can survive in such an environment."

"Some wealthy families in Jiuan seem to keep pets in captivity..."

Liu Wentao watched Qin Yue stuff various fruits and vegetables into her mouth without changing her expression, including but not limited to "green peppers", "coriander", "chopped green onions" and "celery".

How to say it...

Qin Yue doesn't seem to care about the amount of food and weight.

After comparing Tang Shiya with various reference operators, Liu Wentao clearly found that many women have a good control of their food intake. Even Tang Shiya, who has always been carefree, has been troubled by weight.

I can understand eating... Why would you taste coriander...

"It's good not to be picky about food..."

"Before the disaster, I was always picky about food. I wouldn't eat this or that."

"My mother likes to cook."

"She can always come up with new ways to make food. Sometimes it makes people feel refreshed, and sometimes it makes people feel depressed."

Qin Yue was attracted by Liu Wentao's words. She still had a little bit of "gossip" in her heart. Knowing other people's past and being a tree hole were basically Qin Ming's early "part-time job".

Many explorers had chatted with Qin Ming about some family matters. Most of them died on the way to recover the city, but there was a person named Qin Ming who would always remember these seemingly trivial things.

"At that time, I didn't like eating green peppers and carrots, but my mother tried every means to make me eat them."

"It was like this in junior high school, high school, and when I went to college, I went to another place and it was still like this when I came back."

"She always said that eating carrots is good for eyes, and green peppers supplement vitamins."

"I used to wear glasses... Now that I have become a transcendent, my eye problems have been cured."

Qin Yue took a bite of the green pepper and carefully felt the taste. She was not eating... but trying to preserve as many human taste memories as possible within a limited time to prevent herself from getting lost one day.

"After the disaster, I couldn't eat even if I wanted to."

"I still can't accept these flavors, but sometimes I still try to eat them, after all, they are precious luxury resources."

"When the food was the worst, some people started to eat dead rats."

"When I read the records before, I always felt that eating rats and corpses was disgusting."

"People are really afraid of being hungry and can do anything."

About a pair of handsome men and beautiful women talking about food in the restaurant in full view of everyone...

Is this perhaps a kind of confidence?

There are many obscure eyes around. The group of extraordinary operators is mostly male. Coupled with the factors of the times, the few young female groups are almost rare.

It is a miracle that Qin Yue, a young, beautiful and important woman, appears here.

Her every move is indifferent and distant, her proud and pure skin seems to be out of touch with reality, her thick black hair like ink, and her dark and deep pupils that can't see the end.

"Indifferent", "battle maniac", "reticent", "bitter", after a period of contact, all the operators training at the training base had a vague understanding of this local girl.

I didn't expect that such a woman who doesn't care about anything would have someone to talk to happily.

The more harmonious the atmosphere on Liu Wentao's table, the weirder the expressions of the people around him.

"Do you have any information about the source?"

Qin Yue suddenly asked.

Liu Wentao suddenly choked and his hand holding the silver ornament on his chest loosened.

"Well, I guess I have... What's the matter?"

Qin Yue recalled the robot. Speaking of it, it helped Qin Yue survive a crisis. If it was worn as a human skewer, this identity would be declared "dead".

"It helped me before, and I am quite grateful to it."


I am also very curious about this kind of life. "

Before Liu Wentao could answer, the phone in his pocket rang.

"Hello, Ms. Qin Yue."

"I am sorry to interrupt your meal."

"This is the second time we have met..."

Liu Wentao hurriedly took out his phone and placed the device that had been carried by "Source" on the dining table.

Qin Yue did not seem to be angry because of Yuan's recklessness. On the contrary, she glanced at the phone several times, and her face was also a little interested.

Liu Wentao observed like this, maybe Qin Yue is interested in intelligent machines?

"Thank you, Source."

"You're welcome. Helping comrades is what Source should do. "


One person, one "weird" and one "machine" had an interesting exchange.

Qin Yue also felt the peculiarity of Yuan.

It was just like an all-round social friend. It could talk about any topic at any level. It was not a dead template in the database. This robot would even add its own views and understanding.

It was also very comfortable to communicate with it. Wentao was amused several times.

However, Qin Yue obviously felt that it was moving towards the area he was interested in. This was like a kind of "flattery", a "good impression" of the first meeting.

About the topic that Qin Yue was interested in...

After screening for a long time, this little guy actually began to popularize various types of weirdness and disasters that appeared in Shengping for Qin Yue.

It was Liu Wentao who stopped the topic. Who would talk about the battle process while eating?

By the way, this little robot seemed to have replaced Wentao's right to communicate... This was Wentao's leisure time when he finally took the opportunity to treat his friends to dinner.

"What do you think of Liu Wentao? "

Yuan suddenly asked a bombshell-level question.

If it were an ordinary woman or man, she would be very restrained when facing the question when the person being evaluated is still on the scene, and her words would be greatly biased.

Qin Yue just glanced at Liu Wentao and organized her words briefly.

"Very reliable, very strong, you can trust him with your back."

"Good comrade, good friend."

"A sincere person, a casual and gentle person, a serious person, a person worthy of praise."

Seeing Qin Yue say a long list of compliments without changing his expression, Liu Wentao felt blushing.

This feeling is no less than when relatives come, your parents praise how good your child is in front of them. Note that it is praise.

"It's not that exaggerated. "

Liu Wentao laughed dryly. To be honest, Qin Yue's praise still made him happy. Although everyone had praised him before... but Qin Yue's praise was still very valuable.

Qin Yue looked at the other person's clear pupils and suppressed the last words in his heart.

("I don't want to sacrifice anyone.")

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