The meal was over.

Qin Yue had left earlier because he needed to receive the extraordinary supplies in the afternoon.

Liu Wentao cleaned up the dishes and planned to leave the restaurant full of strange emotions.

He was dizzy today. Since Qin Yue answered the question that forced him to do something, the topic always felt a lot different.

Yuan, this guy, really needs to learn about the influence of the emotional level of "human beings". Some words are not suitable to be said in certain occasions.

However, Xiao Liu was naturally very happy when he learned that Qin Yue's views and his impression of him were not bad.

"Wentao, I have a certain understanding of this Qin Yue."

"According to analysis, her words and actions towards you do not seem to contain [admiration]."

"On the contrary, maybe it's wrong... Yuan feels that she is very [pampering] you, and your communication is full of one-sidedness."

"The other party may regard you as a [good friend]."

"Or... you are regarded as [property] by her, and she has a strong possessiveness. It seems that she also has the idea of ​​possessing Yuan."

"It's a bit dangerous."

Liu Wentao was stunned, tapped his phone, and said puzzledly: "What are you talking about? Are you sick again?"

Yuan was silent for a moment.

"Yuan feels that she is not like women of the same age, or in other words, her behavior and way of thinking are different from ordinary people."

"Her drawing in the [Human Nature Research Section] of the data stream has also appeared."

"What is it?"

Liu Wentao became more and more confused.

"[Extreme Survivor]"

"She is pursuing survival, and Yuan cannot simulate the other party's way of thinking. It seems that the [Simulation Qin Yue Plan] has failed."

"You bad robot, don't collect other people's information at will."

Liu Wentao pinched his eyebrows speechlessly.

"Okay, Wentao."

The voice of electronic Qin Yue.



Two more days passed.

During this period, Qin Yue received a total of 200 units of extraordinary supplies, and also conducted a series of operator safety tests during this period.

Basically, Qin Yue got good grades in most of the tests, but Qin Yue failed the emergency measures assessment when facing danger.

The logistics operators fell silent when checking the papers.

[Question: You encountered variables when dealing with a strange incident, and the team was lost. Now you have left the team. In the case of insufficient electricity and supplies, you are getting closer and closer to the source of the strangeness. What measures will you use to ensure the mission? ]

The answers of ordinary operators are generally: hide, try to keep yourself safe, evacuate this place carefully, determine the location of the other party, get the team contact in the less polluted area, and then deal with the strange incident.

And Qin Yue's answer...

The neat and clean font feels like it was burned, but it stands out from a bunch of big men's fonts, just like the answer sheet of an excellent student.

[Approach the source of the strangeness carefully and find the opponent's weaknesses, because the opponent's rapid expansion, the sooner the better. I will kill it as soon as possible, because the question does not tell what level the strangeness belongs to, I can't make the best judgment to choose whether to ask teammates for their opinions. ]

The whole test question is answered in this format, should I say it is novel... or weird.

Ordinary people have been scared in the strange area for a long time, and special operators generally do not act alone.

The pressure brought by darkness and the unknown will make people collapse, so don't think about dealing with the incident alone in this case.

Ma Jun's "fear of strangeness" is the consequence of acting alone.

Tang Shiya got the highest score in the written test, and her multiple choice question was the only one that got full marks.

Afterwards, this operator could still be heard complaining about the test questions: "Is this a test for a driver's license? Do operators need to learn theoretical knowledge?"

Liu Wentao?

Veteran operators don't need to take the test, and this guy happily works with his "machine friends" every day. (Just kidding)


"These blood eaters seem to have discovered something..."

"Sorry, Mr. Hu, Yuan can no longer get effective information. It seems that the high-level power exchange of blood eaters does not involve equipment."

"Currently, more than 300 blood eaters have been captured and killed. Operators Li Shijie and Han Xue have dealt with eight nests of different sizes, killing 40% of them."

"These blood eaters are extremely cruel. Recent statistics on missing people show that at least several

Thousands of people have disappeared in various districts of Jiu'an. It's ridiculous that no one cares about these things. "

"Conclusion, the blood-eating demon may have the ability to seduce the mind and deceive development."

The source's report came from Director Hu's communicator.

"They have restrained themselves a lot, and the number of killings has dropped sharply recently."

"But where is their lair?"

Director Hu touched his chin and thought carefully.

"Somewhere in the central area, Director."

"I know."

Director Hu said.

"The number of abandoned buildings in Jiu'an is too large, and there are places to hide everywhere. As long as these ghosts endure the desire to eat, we can't find these bastards for a while."

"There are many unknown things in this city, including the weird drivers. What exactly did the group of harmless citizens rely on to accurately find the location of the blood-eating demon's lair?"

The source was silent for a moment and replied: "Director, Source has a way."

"You say. ”

“The source can strengthen the detection of Wentao, just like the information-level lock, maybe we can cooperate and conduct a large-scale detection in various places in Jiuan.”

“Since Liu Wentao can carry the source, the source can also share his analytical detection ability.”

“Humans are still weak in this regard, and the source can process this information.”

“In short, the source can strengthen Liu Wentao’s [eye] to screen out the location where extraordinary life gathers.”

Director Hu smacked his lips and frowned, saying, “Will it hurt Liu Wentao’s body?”

“Yes, but using extraordinary power must have a price, right?”

The source answered honestly.

“Don’t worry, he is my partner and the bridge for Yuan to gain your trust. Yuan will do his best to protect Wentao.”

“Permit the operation to find all the rats hidden in Jiuan, not just the blood-eating demons…”

“What a bullshit emperor, heretic! "


Long-lasting night

Abandoned sewer

A black cat was wandering.

It walked slowly, closing its eyes from time to time to smell something.

Dari Zeng seemed to sense some sweet smell, and ran towards a fork where there were suspected signs of life.

There were large pieces of bone fragments piled here, and terrible blood clots were sticking to the surrounding walls.

Two dying blood-eating demons hid here licking their wounds, their human eyes full of fear and terror.

When foraging tonight, they encountered a blow from the extraordinary operator, and finally survived. They could only find a temporary base that had not been used for a long time to hide from the limelight.

Those hateful The guy was holding a sharp weapon and had corrosive gas. Without blood and flesh, the injured body could not recover...

The two blood eaters were about to die...

Suddenly, a cute cat appeared in front of the blood eaters with two pairs of shining eyes.

"Meat... so good... eat this cat, you can live..."

The cat was not afraid, but got closer to the two blood eaters who were thirsty for life.


One blood eater picked up Dali Zeng and opened his big mouth greedily. The other one also pulled Dali Zeng's tail, intending to share a piece of the pie.

Dali Zeng suddenly opened his "abyss giant mouth" and bit off the blood eater's head.

"Headshot for everyone, pay attention, pay attention."

The human language it simulated was extremely creepy...

The dense black flesh and blood expanded crazily, and the brutal tearing, chewing and screaming sounds came one after another...

"Headshot! ”

The voice of the female internet celebrity of the previous era just sounds horrible... Anyone can hear that it is a poor imitation.

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