The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Good evening."

Qin Ming said to the young man who was relaxing on the balcony, "Are you feeling better?"

Liu Wentao put out the cigarette in his hand, threw it into the trash can beside him, and showed a very contagious sunny smile to the girl who was also relaxing in front of him.

"Much better! Thank you for your concern, Miss Qin Yue."

Qin Ming retracted his gaze, touched the leaves of the evergreen plant, and said casually, "I heard that the government will organize a national test tomorrow. It is said that there is an alien virus or something, which is quite scary."

Liu Wentao touched his head, pondered for a moment, sighed secretly, and continued, "This is for the safety of the residents of Jiu'an City. We... cough. I believe the government will take good care of every resident."

Seeing that no useful information could be obtained, Qin Ming changed the subject, from the history of Jiu'an to food and life before the disaster.

The more he talked, the more he found that the young man in front of him was a pure idealist. He firmly believed that the country would lead the people through this devastating setback.

"After the country recovers all the lost land and re-establishes a perfect order, I want to go to the beach to take another look. When I was a child, my family often took me to Haidu to see the sea. At that time, I felt that the sea was too profound and great."

Liu Wentao talked incessantly, and his shining eyes were filled with a hint of memories.

"It is so profound, so deep. At that time, I always felt that there were countless unknown gods living in the deep sea..." Qin Ming thought about Liu Wentao's words and responded with a smile: "Maybe, this sky is really full of gods who are full of malice towards humans." "It can completely wipe out our civilization..." The girl thought so. Qin Ming lay on the soft and comfortable bed, moved her body, and felt some clear sounds in her mind. She knew that she had to "eat" something again. Gradually, she fell into a deep sleep. The twisted and terrifying mass of black flesh twitched slowly, accompanied by a burst of compression and dissolution, until a black-haired girl wrapped in black mist slowly emerged. Qin Ming moved his strong and enthusiastic body and felt the slightly unadapted body after the sudden increase. The comprehensive strength of his body is now about three times that of when he was born. Qin Ming has a confidence that if he encounters the flesh and blood monster that made him lose face at the beginning, he can blow its head with just one punch. And this body that can be manipulated at will like "plasticine" seems to be linked to his own reason.

After experiencing the mirror nightmare incident, Qin Ming found himself in a clever balance.

"Eating" will alleviate the death announcement brought by the sound, but it will pay a corresponding trend of declining reason.

After overeating, you will lose control and completely turn into an irrational twisted monster. The body will follow the instinct to obtain a strong desire to devour and reproduce... Let's give this weird characteristic the most appropriate name, the rebirth of destruction.

This power is inextricably linked to the so-called mother goddess of the Diwenka rat people, but due to their vague guidance, Qin Ming still intends to contact the indigenous humans of this dilapidated "abandoned world".

Qin Ming casually killed a few irrational low-level life forms in the rotten land full of murderous intentions, took out their origins and barely "ate" a meal. Then he moved further away from the gathering place of the Diwenka lunatics and moved aimlessly in the direction pointed out by Kela.

The powerful and terrifying life level can easily drive away most of the strange creatures, and the few blind guys will be crushed to death by Qin Ming without any pressure.

The extraordinary perception, the ghost power that Qin Ming has relied on for a long time, gave her an unimaginable sense of security. Combined with the terrifying and strange power that is almost immortal, Qin Ming believes that he has the confidence to walk in this forbidden land of life.


"How long can we hold on?"

A young team member took off the headscarf on his head and looked at the abandoned town in the distance occupied by dead silence and strange creatures with a lonely look.

William narrowed his shining eyes and looked around, his heroic face full of decadence.

"That depends on when those endless stinking rats will kill the last man in Leiden who can fight."

A young blond boy took off his scarf and asked with a smile: "I haven't killed ratmen yet, I don't know if their meat tastes good."

William patted the dust off his body, blew a loud whistle, calling a brown horse with carefully groomed hair to come slowly, and opened his mouth.

He ate the dried fruit in William's hand and chewed it with a grunt.

"Their meat is not tasty... They also dislike us for being not tasty. A few years ago, I heard from a god-favored person who escaped back that the rats cut off the heads of the captured people alive, put the heads and bodies in a pile, and performed a ritual to sacrifice to their mother goddess."

"What a beast... Wait!"

William suddenly stopped talking, and his pair of eyes with a light glow showed a surprised expression.

"What's wrong?"

A team member asked puzzledly.

William said in disbelief: "I saw a girl walking on filth...?"

In the area full of bloody flesh hyphae and terrifying creatures, a smiling figure slowly walked towards them.

The black-haired girl who had never been seen before walked slowly towards this side, and the terrifying and twisted creatures around her avoided her and opened a wide path for her.

The girl slowly raised her head, as if she felt something, and her dark and deep eyes met William's surprised eyes on the hillside a thousand meters away.

William swallowed his saliva and hurriedly retracted the power of his "Eagle Eye". After only looking straight for less than three seconds, he felt as if his spirit was pulled into an endless void and fell into the abyss of despair and extinction...

"Oh my God! It's really a person!"

The team members on the side talked about the figure in the distance that looked like a small black dot, and discussed it in disbelief.

""Leighton swear!" ", she's coming towards us!"

"So fast!"

Everyone looked at the extremely fast figure rushing towards them as if helped by the wind, and they all panicked.

""Leighton swear!" ", what are you doing, pick up your weapons! Cheer up!"

William cursed, quickly drew out the sharp and shining blade at his waist, stared closely at the figure that was getting closer and closer, and a trace of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Stop! Or I'll shoot!"

A team member pulled a huge hunting bow, aiming the huge arrow like a crossbow arrow at the uninvited guest who slowed down.

Qin Ming listened to the words, which were awkward but unusually understandable, and a kind smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The harmless and pure beautiful face of the girl stunned several young people who had not seen natural beauties for many years.

Her dark and thick black hair and misty clothes that exuded an ominous aura made her look mysterious and dangerous.

Qin Ming looked at the crowd in front of him who looked like Westerners, slowly raised his hands, and acted completely harmless.

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