The girl's completely harmless smile and raised arms reduced the tense hostility of the crowd. William slowly released the steel blade in his hand, and stared at the black-haired girl who was approaching slowly in front of him with a pair of sharp eyes. Her lips were tightly closed, and her soft cheeks smiled kindly. The team members around William looked at each other, and said a lot to the silent girl in front of them, but she didn't respond. The two groups of people just stared at each other with big eyes. During this period, Qin Ming quickly learned some of the language of these indigenous people. After he could basically form simple sentences, he slowly said: "Hello? I am friendly. Of course, I am not the legendary witch who can suck farmers dry."

""Leighton swear"! She understands it!"

A team member who said some vulgar remarks became embarrassed, attracting the contemptuous expressions of everyone.

"Can we communicate?" William touched his unkempt beard and looked up and down at the girl's body.

"You have now intruded into Loren Leighton's private land. I have the right to first understand your purpose..."

Qin Ming retracted his raised arm and answered in a clumsy sentence: "I'm here to ask some questions."

William's frown relaxed a little, retracted the sharp blade in his hand, and continued: "What's the question?"

"Tell me first, the origin of the Diwenka clan."


"Captain! Do you really want to take her back to the city?" A team member looked at the black-haired girl who was following the horse closely behind him without breathing, and whispered in William's ear: "This is too abnormal! Look at her words, what a bullshit "outside pedestrian". If I were to say, this woman is an evil spirit in human skin."

William glanced at the girl who was still able to keep moving forward while exploring everywhere.

"Everything will be decided by the Archon..." William said, "At least she is friendly. We can't miss any clues that are connected to the outside world."

Qin Ming once again rejected the invitation of the blond boy to ride on a horse. He ignored the other party's heartless and lonely expression and continued to recall some of the information given by their leader.

About the origin of the Diwenka clan...

The Diwenka clan seemed to have suddenly appeared, breaking the balance of the territory of Leiden Lorent. They believed in a cruel and bloody false god, burning, killing and looting everywhere, organized but undisciplined, and madly attacked the hometown on which humans depended for survival.

Qin Ming saw many abandoned and dilapidated residential ruins along the way. The dilapidated ruins were covered with bloody mycelium and strange creatures. Large piles of biological bones and simple and evil altars silently proclaimed the atrocities committed by the Diwenka clan against humans.

These rat-like creatures have strong reproductive capacity and short life span. All ratmen captured by humans will choose to commit suicide, and their bodies will rot severely in just three or four days as if they were cursed.

Every once in a while, they will launch a desperate charge towards human towns, just like moths to a flame to please their gods.

This is a war of racial civilization.

Qin Ming carefully recalled William's racist remarks, which was completely opposite to the words of the Diwenka clan.

"We are looking for a way home, but these cruel beasts don't."

This was William's last sentence.

"We have a way home... they don't."

This was Kela's last sentence.

Qin Ming stood on a high ground, overlooking the lonely and dusty world below him. The sky here was gray, and the ground was covered with large and small pollution areas. Even the air had a smell of decay and despair. A group of people who could not see hope lived here.

"Would you like some water?"

William walked slowly over, stood beside Qin Ming, and handed over a leather water bottle that was a bit old.

"Thank you, but I don't need it."

William took back the water bottle in his hand, looked at the girl's delicate and fair side face that looked like a doll, and asked the question he wanted to ask most: "How do you walk on that kind of filth, mycelium? Why do those evil spirits avoid you?"

Qin Ming smiled and said, "I'm sorry I can't answer this question now. I need to see your leader."

Because I am also a special one among them.

William sighed a little disappointedly.

"Can't you get out?"

The girl's slightly curious voice pulled William's melancholy eyes back, and he smiled helplessly.

"The last hope of every Luoya people is to return to their homeland, but we can only rot on this land with Diwenka's rats."

"Six years ago...

The unknown existence brought down His authority. That day, the whole sky was shrouded in darkness, and the world seemed to be shaking..."

"Most people howled and turned into the evil spirits you saw in pain. Even the miracles of the church could not save their polluted souls."

"Until we hurriedly dealt with everything, we suddenly found that the entire Leiden Loren was like the soil that had been dug away. Its road to other towns was shrouded in a chaotic darkness. Anyone who touched the black fog would be polluted. Even the gods were not spared."

"Our gods have lost contact with us. The adults in the church prayed day and night, begging the gods to lead us out of this sea of ​​suffering..."

William paused and continued, "Then, the Diwenka rat demon suddenly came out."

Qin Ming was silent for a moment and asked softly, "Did the Diwenka clan... exist in the early years?"

"They were originally lowly and rude bloodthirsty beasts, and an obstacle to human survival. It was also in that year that he suddenly gained extraordinary wisdom. "

"I understand..." Qin Ming looked at the bright ball with a different but similar appearance from Liu Wentao. He continued to ask: "What are the gods you are talking about?"

"The humans favored by the gods, a few humans with powerful powers, not limited to strength, magic, and mysticism. This power is innate... Don't you even know this?"

Qin Ming said with some emotion: "This is the first time I have heard such an explanation."

She looked at the middle-aged uncle in front of her with tired eyes. His sharp facial lines and thick eyebrows made him look much older.

A pair of eyes full of melancholy temperament exuded nameless sadness. After a conversation, even the team members who were resting and talking around fell silent.

"Leighton swear words!" Look what I found? ! "

An extremely abrupt voice came, accompanied by a burst of hurried running sounds. The blond boy who had harassed Qin Ming ran quickly with a creature that looked like a rabbit but was at least twice as big as the rabbit Qin Ming remembered.

"Oh my God! I thought it had been eaten by the hungry people a few years ago, but now I can still find it."

Qin Ming looked at the gray-haired rabbit with wide eyes and tightly bound hind legs that made it unable to kick and jump.

Its rapid breathing and trembling desperate expression were like a trapped beast in a desperate situation. It knew that it was dead, but it still struggled desperately.

Qin Ming looked at the laughing and happy crowd and said a vague and non-directional earth language.

"How pitiful."

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