After a long time, the weather was very bad.

Eight hours ago...

The girl opened her slightly tired eyes, took off her white pajamas, washed up, and put on a thick and long down jacket. She turned on the morning radio broadcast.

"The two-day test has begun. Residents need to go to the city hall or the public security bureau with their ID cards for testing. Nantang District and District C in the north of Jiu'an are unified and merged into the North District Public Security Bureau Branch..."

"This test is divided into two parts. The first is the screening and treatment of, uh, alienation viruses. In fact, it is mainly aimed at some people who often go in and out of Jiu'an City. Please don't panic. This virus is not contagious or lethal, but it may cause deformed limbs? And give birth to deformed offspring."

The voice paused, and Qin Ming clearly heard the announcer's quiet complaints. "It's outrageous, why don't you just turn into an alienated creature on the street?"

"Ahem, people who pass the test can undergo a second test organized by the official organization, mainly to screen some people who meet the conditions..."

The rest is some nonsense, nothing more than the fatal temptation of high salary, high insurance and high social status, Qin Ming doesn't care about these.

"The detection of the mutant virus by Shengping people may just be a supplementary rationalization. The main purpose this time is to screen out people with "bright balls", that is, people with extraordinary potential like Tang Shiya."

Qin Ming recalled the faint light balls sparsely distributed in the city and the light bright colors when facing Tang Shiya. It is hard not to connect these with the extraordinary attributes of Liu Wentao and others who have the same origin.

During the period when he fell out of control after swallowing "Ma Qiang", Qin Ming regained his sanity with the help of purification element and "the voice in the brain", and thus discovered a terrifying place.

Under her own dark and ominous origin, she was wrapped in a ball of light that was exactly the same as Liu Wentao and others, but extremely bright and hot.

Two strange and different forces entangled with each other, and the light ball and the "voice in the brain" had a great intuitive connection.

Or, this may be the power it exudes...

Qin Ming needs to investigate what this light ball that is like a time bomb that remains in the body is.


Qin Ming recalled his understanding of the Diwenka clan. Now the only thing he could be sure of was that he seemed to be involved in a game between two indescribable existences, a strange and twisted monster and a complete human being.

Liu Wentao knocked on the door.

"Miss Qin Yue? Are you there?"


The cold wind swept across their cheeks. Qin Ming's petite body was tightly wrapped in a black down jacket, and the thick cotton hat and scarf covered her head tightly.

Liu Wentao rode a motorcycle, feeling the slight touch on his waist, and his face flushed slightly.

He looked at the girl's slightly sleepy face in the rearview mirror. The only exposed nose twitched slightly, and a pair of beautiful eyes were gently closed. It seemed that she was sleepy because of lack of sleep.

"It's great." He sighed. Then he slowed down and drove towards the Jiuan City Government.

The dense crowd lined up in a long queue, entwined like a long snake.

This was the first large-scale gathering of residents in Jiu'an.

Qin Ming fell into a trance, looking at the noisy but orderly crowd, he felt like he was back in the past. Most Chinese people like to handle things early, and often arrive at the destination spontaneously before the stipulated time. So they will witness such a spectacular scene... The online literature of the previous era ridiculed this behavior as "going to court".

But now there are fewer and fewer people who can "go to court", and the residents have lost a kind of vitality from the heart, and everyone is full of the decadent atmosphere of living in a muddle.

"There are so many people..."

Liu Wentao smiled mysteriously and said to the girl next to him: "Isn't it a good thing to have many people? The more people, the greater the power."

Qin Ming still didn't understand why this young man would let go of his heart to him, but he was still infected by his sincere smile. He is like a white dye, showing his best side to outsiders. It is comfortable to communicate with him, and the topic will quietly develop in a positive direction.

"I am a staff member of this test. There are three priority places for family members to be tested."

"Because you are from Shengping, there are no family members here." He smiled and said, "So I thought of taking you along.

Let's go..."

Qin Ming expressed his sincere gratitude lightly, and asked with a little doubt: "Local staff?"

"Ah... Actually, this time the inspection was the task of our Shengping to send people to Jiu'an. Because we didn't have enough manpower, we called in some government staff to help. But they are mainly responsible for the first level of inspection."

Liu Wentao replied: "We will do the screening after the inspection."

"Is it the new job mentioned in the broadcast? It seems to be well paid."

Qin Ming said tentatively: "I am quite interested in that job."

Liu Wentao's eyes trembled imperceptibly, and after a moment of silence, he said: "...It's a good job. "

The two of them walked through an alley and approached the building of the Southern Jiuan Municipal Government. Qin Ming looked at the noisy crowd not far away.

The entrance of the municipal government, which was transformed from a large hotel before the disaster, was crowded with people of all kinds. Fully armed security guards were dispatched around to maintain order.

A small number of explorers with exit permits seemed to have the right to priority testing and entered the city hall before everyone else.

After Liu Wentao showed his certificate to the security guard, he led Qin Ming into the city hall. When passing by this familiar security guard colleague, Qin Ming sighed silently.

Qin Ming now has a new purpose.

Find a way to join this official organization led by Shengping people. This organization is a corresponding department for the strange phenomena that suddenly appeared in Jiuan. There must be research and experience in this area. Information that Qin Ming can use.

The Shengping people seem to have dealt with this kind of weird things a long time ago, and the information and intelligence they have may be far beyond Qin Ming's imagination. Perhaps there will be clues to the "voice in the brain".

The real purpose of the test is to screen out people with weird biological characteristics, and there is a high probability that they will find out the problem with themselves.

This is very dangerous, but at the same time, she must not miss this opportunity...

As for the danger of exposure, Qin Ming's body revealed a trace of weird black mist without noticing.

Even if her weird characteristics are exposed, she believes that she can easily escape from this place. What's more, the power of the black mist includes the ability of "camouflage" to distort reality. It only needs a rare concentration to interfere with everyone, and abilities like Liu Wentao's "supernatural perception" will become a dud.

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