The girl stood beside a group of people, looking extremely out of place.

After Liu Wentao sent himself in, he went to his work point, but before leaving, he also asked the sergeant in the front row to take care of this weak and lovely girl.

This group of people is divided into two parts. One part is the explorers who lick blood on the edge of the knife. Their smiling eyes are full of expectations for life. They are adventurers and gold diggers in the traditional sense, and are synonymous with slickness and ruthlessness. Those who can bring back supplies alive and make a fortune are not good people...

One part is the family members of the staff, mostly women, with fewer elderly and children. Most of the women are dressed gorgeously, with kind and kind smiles, just like the fashionable women of the previous era.

Qin Ming is closer to these vulnerable groups. Considering his current status, there is no need for him to cause trouble.

"Ah! Are you kidding me? This thing is a virus tester?"

The first person to be tested was a man. He was cursing and spitting at the medical staff, looking at the outrageous things in the hands of the two medical staff in disbelief.

The crowd around him echoed the discussion.

Qin Ming looked carefully at the items in their hands.

It was a gray needle that was polished into a sharp needle-like shape, connected to an object like a syringe. A medical staff member next to him carefully took out a container filled with blue liquid.

An old man with a foul mouth immediately cursed.

"This! Is this needle still shared? What kind of medical staff are you! I guess I will be killed by sexually transmitted diseases before I become an alien on the street!"

Medical staff took their positions one after another, and the same configuration was arranged for nearly 30 sites.

After being persuaded by the muzzle of the fully-armored sergeant, the troublemaker had to hold back his temper and wait for a middle-aged strong man who looked difficult to deal with to explain.

"Residents of Jiu'an, don't worry, this liquid can kill bacteria 100%. We are in a special period, and this kind of testing item is a rare strategic resource. Please be patient..."

The crowd burst into dissatisfied shouts, and some troublemakers even began to incite the crowd to cause chaos.

Indeed, it is normal that no one believes this kind of rhetoric without any safety measures, and there is no need for residents today to accommodate the authorities. If someone among them has a virus transmitted by body fluids such as AIDS, it will cause bad consequences in this era when medicine has just been restored.

The middle-aged man looked at the increasingly chaotic scene, his expression instantly became ferocious, his red neck was bulging with blue veins, and a full-bodied and deafening roar came out.

"Stop making so much noise! ​​If something happens to you, we'll have to clean up the mess! Just do it for me!"

A strong pressure enveloped everyone present. When they looked at the middle-aged man in front of them again, their eyes instinctively dodge with fear.

Just like a weak small herbivore seeing a powerful and dangerous predator, most people looked away.

The effect was very significant, and the crowd began to test...

Qin Ming looked at the middle-aged man who was rated "safe". He was also a superhuman with a Shengping accent.

All the superhumans he had seen so far seemed to be less powerful than anyone in William's team. Qin Ming had a wonderful sixth sense.

It must have taken a short time for Shengping people to gain this power...

A strange thing suddenly appeared, and Shengping people came to Jiu'an for help...

A strange thing appeared in Shengping, and Shengping people gained superhuman power.

Did the strange thing move or spread from Shengping to Jiu'an? !

Everything was explained, and this might be the reason why Shengping people came to Jiu'an.

Jiuan has been involved in a torrent of undercurrents. As the first possible victim, the Shengping people came to help their compatriots, so they sent Liu Wentao and other extraordinary humans to Jiuan to develop new extraordinary powers.

That is to say, there will be more and more human trees and mirror nightmares like before, combined with the information obtained when facing the human tree.

These strange creatures may use some humans as anchors and descend into the world...

Qin Ming is more determined to collect information about the Shengping people. This not only involves his own safety, but also involves the survival of Jiuan, the whole country, and all mankind.

The Shengping people launched their actions, not just for themselves...

The medical staff quickly inserted the needle into the arm of the person being tested, and the blood-stained needle emitted a faint light in Qin Ming's sight. This is an extraordinary special similar to a black box.

Sexual items.

"It is still the embodiment of some kind of power with strange characteristics in essence."

Qin Ming looked at the needle that was slightly bright and then quickly dimmed in the extraordinary vision, and then looked at the only man in the whole hall who was emitting an ominous dark light.

When the needle was inserted into the man's arm, the man's cheek suddenly twisted and he immediately cursed.

"It hurts! It hurts too much. You should be careful when you stab me."

A trace of black blood and the needle were inserted into the light blue liquid together, making a sizzling corrosion sound.

Two invisible uniformed sergeants came out from the dark, patted the man on the back, and forcibly took away the struggling man in the eyes of everyone's doubts and surprise.

"Oh my god! Did you see it? It was smoking just like boiling water!"

"Is what the government said true? Does the mutant virus really exist?"

"No wonder it has to be registered on the ID card. I guess I have to be more careful when I go out to do things in the future."

When the first symptom that looks very scary appears in the eyes of the public, the following work will proceed particularly smoothly.

Symptoms that can be treated and becoming hidden bombs are all normal people know how to choose.

Qin Ming saw it clearly.

When the needle touched the man's blood, it suddenly seemed to come alive, and thousands of tiny tentacles that were invisible to the naked eye were born, madly devouring the man's blood.

After being immersed in the blue liquid, it instantly killed the activity of this strange needle, just like alcohol disinfection.

"Purifying agent?"

Qin Ming looked at the blue liquid.

"You can't touch it..."

On the contrary, after a man with a bright ball on his body was sampled, the needle directly emitted a faint light. The man was still taken away by two uniformed soldiers, but compared to the last unlucky guy, they took him away very gently this time.

Qin Ming, the "resurrected" person, was suspected to be involved in the game between two unknown beings. Under the influence of the "motherhood" of one of the unknown beings, he turned into a strange creature in human skin. If you don't continue to swallow the energy with extraordinary characteristics, you will be gradually assimilated and replaced by another existence...

Accordingly, she seems to have two sets of entangled and balanced powers at the same time...

The girl took a deep breath and tried to suppress the crazy weird characteristics on her body. After a strong sense of resistance, she lost her feeling again.

"I know, balance is the right way..."

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